Jesus Died For You, Give Him Your 1 Minute Today | | God’s Message Today I Jesus Voice For Today

Jesus Died For You, Give Him Your 1 Minute Today | Jesus Voicefor today | God’s Message Today I #jesus #god #godmessage

Angels are saying, “When it comes to bittersweet changes, imagine a situation in which someone you love leaves you and takes a different route.
They’ve come to the sincere decision that you, in all your magnificent glory, are deserving of nothing less than someone who epitomises steadfast financial stability, deep caring, and infinite love.”
“Let these three profound concepts etch themselves upon your soul: The eternal presence of God envelops you, an unwavering companion and a solace in the stormy seas of life,”
Says God, speaking to you in the depths of sadness, when your soul is brimming with grief and tears stream down your cheeks.
His faithfulness guarantees that He will always be at your side, a rock-solid source of courage and consolation.
And see, give your fears into the skilled hands of God, because He is able to turn your hardships into successes.
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Dear children of God, I implore you to give me your undivided love and gentle compassion as I reach out to each of your minds on this holy day.
More over two millennia have passed since I first lived on Earth, yet my message –which is one of love and hope-remains ever-present and burning brightly, lighting the pathways of the modern world.
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10 10 God message 
In the vast fabric of life, I arrived on this earthly plane as a heavenly messenger, a messenger of God, endowed with a holy mission.
My holy duty, given to me by the Almighty, is to reveal the secret path that leads to eternal life by illuminating the infinite depths of your emotions with the ethereal fires of compassion and mercy.
I strolled about in the middle of your busy life, talking to you, healing your wounds, and giving you unending love.
I came into this world with humble beginnings, yet my thoughts had an impact that went much beyond time and location.
God speaks, saying, “Embrace the exquisite tapestry of love. My profound message resonates in a world where hearts yearn for connectivity and where bridges are built upon the foundation of compassion.” Let your inner light shine through and illuminate the spirits around you.
Allow the strands of love to connect your spirit to the very fabric of life. Love your neighbour as yourself in this human dance , because in their happiness and sadness you discover a reflection of your own soul.
But see, love’s genuine strength is found in its daring to embrace the unfamiliar as well as the familiar.
Love those who are your adversaries and whose hearts wander since they are also pieces of the cosmic puzzle.
And love has no bounds; it pours forth without fear and gives sympathy to those who wrongfully hurt you.
Your love will not falter in the face of persecution; instead, it will shine brightly as an unwavering sign of hope, demonstrating the resiliency of the human spirit.
Thus, my dear companions in spirit, may this be the hymn that endures forever: “Love one another, in all shapes and sizes, for it is within this infinite web of love that we find the real meaning of our humanity.”
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Accept the exquisite variety as a tapestry and value the individuals who are unique. Open your heart to the weak, because there is a great chance to love them there.
love without conditions or expectations, and watch as its transformational power occurs. You will discover the way to the holy presence of God through unending affection.
If you believe in Jesus, type “Amen”!

I testify to the unquestionable fact that, despite the world’s amazing beauty, there is a darker side to it. This is the wide tapestry of human existence.
It’s a place where suffering, agony, and injustice converge, and where the way forward might seem hazardous and confusing.
Inside its borders, we find violent conflicts, soul-crushing hunger, and poverty that throws a gloomy shadow over a great number of people.
Unfortunately, illness and disease are cunning enemies that entangle themselve in complex webs, causing pain and anguish in their wake.
If you believe in Jesus, type “Amen”!

I want you to see something that really speaks to you in the fabric of life, where all the strands of existence are interwoven: you are never alone.
For I, your everlasting friend, will walk with you at every turn, a constant in the maze of time.
And the kindness and generosity of God will always shine on your path like a heavenly aurora in this symphony of creation.
When chaos dances and shadows loom during the storm’s violent dance, look up at the holy heavenly rod. Take comfort in the presence of God.
During times of uncertainty and blackness let religion serve as a steadfast light. Seek the source of power with respect; knowledge dwells there in divine light.
Day or night, whisper your worries, let go of your situation, and give up your responsibilities. Your heart will sing with sincere requests, putting your faith in God to repair every broken wing.
Ask the gods for a calm release so that harmony may prevail and chaos end. For your own soul and the souls of others entwined, pray for gentle and sympathetic repair.
Rest and solace may be found in God’s arms, where divine serenity and soothing whispers. As God’s affection ignites the decree of your soul, let your spirit soar, refreshed and free.
If you believe in Jesus, type “Amen”!

12 12 God message 
Accept the conviction that the heavens are aware of your innermost thoughts and feelings, and that they will, in their divine guidance, listen to your requests and answer them with divine grace at the exact moment and in the manner that the heavens see fit.
Imagination, my sweetheart, that there is a heavenly light deep inside you. It serves as a gentle reminder, a whisper from above, that each and every one of you is a beloved child of God, created with unmatched creativity.
You are a mirror of the heavenly grandeur, an imprint of the Supreme Being in the holy fabric of life.
Thus, remember always that you are all beautiful creatures made in the image of God, even in the middle of Life’s complicated dance.
If you have faith in Jesus, type “12 12”!

Know this: You are all incredibly loved, beloved, and prized in the enormous fabric of mankind, where variety weaves its complex strands.
Accepting the exquisite tapestry of life, it makes no difference what colour your skin is, what your religion says is holy, what colour your gender is, or what socioeconomic class you are in.
Greetings, wanderers, from the vast tapestry of life, in which all of you, bound by the unbreakable ties of humankind, dance as heavenly brothers.
We implore you to cultivate goodness in this phantom world by incorporating generosity, decency, and empathy into the very fabric of your dealings.
Let the music of your souls play in unison, because in this cosmic family, the tones of your combined love will light up the deepest recesses of the universe.
If you trust Jesus, type “Amen”!

“My dear child, from the bottomless depths of my heart, an inexplicable love blossoms only for you,” declares Jesus.
There is no language on earth that can really express its scope. I pray that the bright wings of my love would rise beyond words and spread throughout the fabric of your life.
I pray to the gods to convey my message a beautiful symphony of eternal affection and steadfast hope-with every breath I take.
May the ethereal notes pierce your hearts and ignite a heavenly light that will brighten your way forever as you walk through life’s vast tapestry.”
Incorporate this truth into your heart’s fabric: Never lose sight of the fact that my eternal existence is inextricably linked with yours, just as the divine love and limitless grace that envelop us serve as a symbol of God’s everlasting embrace.
If you agree with Jesus, type “Amen”!

Look, for in the sphere of celestial wonder, nothing less than the divine can work out an amazing metamorphosis: where disorder breaks down, art blossoms; where misfortune lurks, a motivational story is told; where trials test a person’s resolve, unwavering resolve wins.
and where a broken heart finds comfort, a powerful victor emerges, crowned with victory’s laurels.
Because it is only in the hands of the heavenly architect that the commonplace is transformed into the exceptional, that the commonplace whispers enchanted secrets, and that the oppressed are raised to the pinnacle of victory.
When everything seems lost and we are at our lowest point in hopelessness, we come upon a remarkable realisation.
At these desolate times, when we encounter the divine directly, the fabric of our life begins to miraculously come together.
Unexpected miracles that vibrate through the passageways of our being and permanently change the trajectory of our lives are bestowed upon us inside the embrace of God’s presence.
If you adhere to Jesus, type “Amen”!

4 4 4 God message 
Look out, because the Master Creator is going to fan the fires of change, consuming every avenue in your life that might lead to disaster.
Every bridge that may lead you to the abyss will be destroyed by the Almighty with an unwavering purpose, making space for a glorious path of atonement and regeneration.
Set off on a remarkable adventure where every step you take reveals a route that is so clear and pure that it seems to have been cut from the very substance of crystals.
Your vision will rise beyond doubt on this enchanted journey, and a deep clarity will lead the way.
Look, for the life you want, the money you seek, and the loving relationship you long for are coming your way quickly, almost as if destiny is arranging their arrival.
“Pay close attention, for those who believe in me will see an amazing sight,.” declares God.
As the old texts have predicted, a magnificent waterfall of Living Water will emerge from inside them, tumbling with limitless energy and deep insight.
This life-giving stream will nourish, uplift, and alter everything in its course, enhancing the planet with its majestic flow, like powerful rivers flowing through their hearts.”
If you believe in Jesus, type “Amen”!
Prepare yourself for the unfolding of destiny’s exquisite tapestry in the heavenly dawn of tomorrow
And the heavens hum with expectation, for God, the greatest magician, is getting ready to enter your life.
A sublime gift will be showered upon you with heavenly precision and unshakable love, untangling the web of stress that entangles your essence.
Get ready to see the incredible happen as the miracle unfolds and turns your environment into a peaceful haven.
The storm of fears will disperse like leaves in the fall before a mild wind, leaving a beautiful tapestry of calm and harmony in their wake.
Accept the heavenly hug of optimism, because the dawn of tomorrow will permanently alter your life’s narrative.
“As I am going to open doors that you never even had a chance to knock on, get ready for an incredible revelation,” declares God.
Let go of your worries about the unknowns of the future, as the universe’s divine energies are already working on a beautiful symphony that will bring your greatest dreams to pass and provide you with all you need.”
When life is difficult and the way ahead seems steep and unknown, find comfort in the steadfast presence of God.
Remember that God’s light will always brighten your path, just as the stars decorate the night sky.
Give yourself the wonderful release of surrender rather than bearing the weight of the world on your tired shoulders.
Let go of your fears, give up your authority, and let the artist create the work of art that has been so carefully woven into your life.
Press “Amen” if you follow Jesus!

According to God, “With the capability to sculpt Heaven and Earth in just six days, imagine the astounding potential I possess to metamorphose your very being in the blink of an eye!”
God responds, “Do not be alarmed; I will never allow your soul to waver. In fact, I implore you to soar beyond all previous limits.”
I send joy into your heart because you, my beloved children, are under my unshakeable protection.”
Put an end to whatever fears you may have because I will always be by your side, an unyielding force. I am your heavenly protector, so don’t let fear overcome you.
I am going to strengthen you from the inside out. In your hour of need, I will always be here to help.
And see, I will raise you up, giving you support with my victorious right hand-a symbol of both victory and unyielding resolution.
Please throw aside all fear because I am an unfailing source of comfort in your presence.
I, your heavenly divinity, am at your side, so do not be afraid of the hardships ahead. I will strengthen your soul and give it a resolute strength.
I’ll offer you my support, an all-powerful force that will get you through even the most trying times.
And see, as a sign of conquest and unwavering support, I will lift you up and hold you in the palm of my victorious right hand.
11 11 God Message
The period of weeping and patient suffering is coming to an end, because see! A symphony of change is waiting to be discovered in the complex fabric of life.
I am sending out a convoy of help, radiant solutions, rejuvenating balms, and enchanting wonders across the infinite expanse, all bound to land on your path.
Prepare yourself for a celestial dance of redemption, where blessings and miracles collide, creating a tapestry of radiant hope. A illuminated torrent of solace surges forth from my very core.”
To confirm this, type “11 11”!

Watch the magnificent orchestration of the cosmos! The whole cosmos, in all its heavenly splendour, is synchronising the strands of destiny in such a way as to create a tapestry of immeasurable riches just for you.
Prepare yourself, because the universe is about to pour forth a generous pouring of everything that your heart has long desired, your dreams have spoken, and your soul has prayed to heaven for.
As the universe unveils its spectacular present, made just for you, get ready to watch the entrancing dance of desires fulfilled, dreams realised, and prayers answered.
The cosmos crafts its magnificent tapestry of wonder in the heavenly dance of destiny. It creates an alignment symphony that harmonises the celestial energies to reveal an endless wealth of riches before you.
If you pay careful enough, you will hear the whispers of the stars telling you that your greatest dreams-the ones you have been steadfastly pursuing with faith-are about to come true in a glorious world.
Your hopes soar, your prayers ascend to the heavenly domains, and your aspirations gather velocity with every breath.
As the universe bestows upon you a multitude of benefits and reveals a world where your dreams come true and your goals soar, get ready to behold the cosmic floodgates opening.
As the universe reveals its well thought -out plan to satisfy all of your desires and lead you into a world of unbelievable amazement and fulfilment, embrace the magic that lies ahead.
Enter “Amen” if you have faith in God!

Confirm this.
Enter 2023, where a horde of evil creatures has assembled, driven by a dark desire to bring suffering and damage to your life.
Fear not, though, because I reject their evil intents in the powerful name of Jesus. God will take up arms on your side and defend you from every evil that dares to come your way because of the power I have invoked.
Declare with boldness that Jesus is the Lord and that He is the ruler of heaven and earth. Then, with steadfast confidence, know that once the kingdom of death accepted Jesus, God breathed life into Him again. This will open the heavenly gates of redemption.
Accept this holy agreement, and your life will be intertwined with the redemption’s tapestry, guaranteeing your everlasting salvation.
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Let go of your fears and doubts because there is a deep truth that may change your destiny when you are surrounded by faith.
Accept the invitation to join you in the symphony of redemption, in which the announcement that Jesus, the Messiah, is Lord supreme, is heard at the crescendo.
Let your mouth part to proclaim His heavenly authority, and let the sound of those words ricochet across the universe, sparking a celestial dance that echoes through all of eternity.
However, the secret to redemption is given in many ways than only uttering His hallowed name. No, it’s a holy witchcraft that has to happen deep within of you.
Allow your heart to serve as a furnace where the incomprehensible force of resurrection and the pure, unwavering essence of belief combine.
With all your heart, really believe that the Creator of the universe infused life into the dead body of the Saviour, removing all shadows and revealing the way to salvation.
A profound alteration takes place in this heavenly union of confession and conviction. The very threads of your life are rewoven, with the golden strands of forgiveness and grace woven in exquisite ways.
Once weighed down by sin, your soul is now carried aloft on heavenly wings and ascends to the heavenly summits of everlasting pleasure.
The hug of salvation is waiting for those who dare to accept this magnificent truth. Through the years, there has been a beckoning cry that calls everyone who longs for deliverance to enter the magnificent light.
Thus, shout from the rooftops, let your heart sing, and know that you will be rescued forever by this holy covenant.
To confirm this, type “7 7 7”!

God said, “Life is a chaotic and erratic dance made up of a symphony of unexpected encounters that often take us unaware guard.
Like a mysterious clown, it enjoys throwing a variety of unexpected twists and turns at us, sometimes leaving us speechless and our hearts stinging with agony.
Fear not, however, because the harsh blows of life are just passing breezes that cannot break your strong spirit.”
Know this: I am your faithful ally, always at your side, an everlasting shield against the forces that dare challenge your essence in the vast fabric of existence, where stars ignite and galaxies clash.
I remain by your side no matter what, a constant presence by your side through the highs and lows of your trip, from the first golden rays of sunrise to the mesmerising silence of dusk.
When your heart aches and you are alone and need comfort, the heavenly hug may provide some much-needed relief.
So when you’re feeling very lost and confused, lift your eyes to the dream world, where God’s steadfast presence shines on your journey and says, “You are never alone.”
Enter “Amen” if you have faith in God!

In the reverberating passageways of your heart, where the sounds of longing resound and the eerie shadows of loneliness move to a melancholic beat, discover the light of heavenly company.
Look up into the sky when life seems too much for you and your tired shoulders begin to ache, since God is waiting for you there, unwavering throughout the heavenly symphonies.
Let your faith be a vivid thread that interweaves with the divine fabric in the tapestry of life’s trials and tribulations.
Seek sanctuary in the loving arms of God, where comfort and wisdom are found. Because even when the storms of uncertainty and despair rage, God is like a steadfast lighthouse, illuminating the choppy waters of life and reassuring you that you are never alone with each glimmer of divinity.
The heavenly presence murmurs to your spirit, providing refuge and consolation, like a reassuring whisper borne by soft winds.
When you are at your lowest point and everything seems to be falling apart around you, that is when the divine essence envelops you in its tender arms in that sacred communion.
There, in that hallowed place, you will experience an enduring bond and an unwavering divine presence.
For God is your everlasting friend, sustaining you and hushedly saying, “You are never alone.”

If you think there is a God, type “Yes”!

In your holy name, Lord Jesus, I pray for all of these things. Indeed.

Click “Yes” to indicate your belief in the Lord Jesus.

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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