God Is saying, Congratulations !!! You will be Happiest person on… God message 11 11

God Is saying, Congratulations !!! You will be Happiest person on… God message 11:11 

God Message jeremiah 29 11 msg, God Message ecclesiastes 3 11 msg

God is saying to you today….

At some point you have to let go of what you think should happen and live in what is truly happening.
No one wants to face reality,  especially when it’s not what you want. But in accepting the real you find the way to move toward better. use what you have and create the life you want. 
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Today’s God message for you..

Go gently through this day keeping your eyes on me. I will open up the way before you. As you take steps of trust along your path. 
Sometimes the way before you appears to be blocked. If you focus on the obstacle or search for a way around it. You will probably go off course instead focus on me.
The Shepherd who is leading you along your life journey, before you know it. The obstacle will be behind you. And you will hardly know how you passed through it.
That is the secret of success in my kingdom. Although you remain aware of the visible world around you. Your primary awareness is of me. When the road before you looks rocky. 
You can trust me to get you through that rough patch.  My presence enables you to face each day with confidence.
Type amen if you believe this.

God message for you today…

Living in close communication with me can be a fore taste of heaven. It is wonderful but it requires a level of spiritual. And mental concentration that is extremely challenging.
In the Psalms…

David wrote about this wonderful way of living declaring that he had set me always before him. As a Shepherd he had plenty of time to seek my face. And enjoy my presence. 
He discovered the beauty of days. Lived with me always before him and beside him. I am training you to live this way too. It is an endeavor that requires persistent effort. And determination.
Yet rather than detracting from what you are doing. Your closeness to me. Will fill your activities with vibrant life. 
whatever you do. Do it for me with me. Through me in me. Even menial tasks glow with the joy of my presence. When you do them for me.
Ultimately nothing in all creation, will ever be able to separate you from me. so this delightful you and I together. Adventure can continue throughout eternity. 
Type yes to affirm this.

God is saying to you today…

You have to trust that, when you get a no a yes is waiting. Don’t lose faith. because you didn’t get. what you want.
When you wanted it, Pay attention. the tougher the day. the greater the strength you develop. 
The longer, the weight, the deeper your commitment through patience.
The harder, the test, the smarter, the student, know that, the more trials.
The bigger, the triumph, more of this means, more of that. You won’t find better, if you keep reliving. 
The bitter, move past replaying the negative feelings of the past. 
They are not helping you thrive in the now. The future you want is created.
The moment, you choose to focus on the positive.  Start with counting your blessings. And being obsessively grateful.
Type 33 33 if you agree.

This today’s God message for you…

Right now you are aligning with the support. people and resources, you need to achieve your desires. 
Instead of focusing. On the when witness the miracle of everything falling into place, at the right time.
Enjoying the process can bring you the patience. And peace you need to push through to the end.
Whatever you tolerate, normalize or accept will continue. 
Stop tolerating disrespect, 
and start enforcing your boundaries.
Stop normalizing walking on eggshells, And start walking away.
Stop accepting the bare minimum,
And start raising the bar, on who has access to your energy. 
Type I’m God’s child to claim it.

Today’s God message for you…

Blocks are blessings in disguise, any door that used on you was never yours to enter. 

You were being redirected to better opportunities. Obstacles turn you in the direction, of where you are supposed to go. 
Look beyond, where you think you are, and acknowledge. The other possibilities being made available.
What is yours cannot be denied or delayed. Remember there is always more.
Type 11 11 if you believe in God

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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