God Says: “My Dear Child It’s Hurt Me If You Skip This!!” God’s message today

God Says: “My Dear Child It’s Hurt Me If You Skip This!!” + God’s message today

Welcome back to God’s Message 11:11, your spiritual sanctuary A. Today, we bring you a divine message that God doesn’t want you to skip. It’s a heartfelt plea from the heavens, a call to every child of God.

This Blog is a part of our ongoing series on ‘God’s Messages’ and ‘Jesus Messages’, aimed at providing you with spiritual guidance and divine inspiration. If you’re seeking answers or need a spiritual uplift, this message is for you.

Remember, every message from God is a step towards spiritual growth and understanding. So, don’t skip, Read it till the end, and let God’s words resonate within you.

If you find comfort and guidance in our messages, consider  Bookmark and joining our community of believers. We’re all here to support and uplift each other in our spiritual journeys.

God’s message today 11 11

Feel the universe’s embrace right now, for it’s whispering a powerful message just for you. 
Brace yourself, my friend, because a radiant wave of joy is ready to crash into your life.
It’s like a breath of fresh air filled with hope and happiness, sweeping away the heavy clouds of depression and discouragement. Get ready for a brighter, lighter journey ahead!
Watch this video till end if you believe in Lord Jesus!

The Lord Says, Are you prepared to embrace the dawn of a brand- new chapter in your life, the one you’ve yearned for so long? Well, my friend, the moment has arrived.
As it sweeps in, it brings with it a turbulent mix of emotions – anxiety and confusion that have kept you tossing and turning through countless sleepless nights.
But fear not, for these turbulent storms will soon give way to tranquil waters. In their place, you’ll find the gift of clarity, a soothing balm for your troubled mind.
Peace will settle into your heart, like a warm, comforting embrace, and you’ll discover a sense of fulfillment that flows from the very depths of the universe itself. So, are you ready? The journey of transformation begins now.
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Tonight marks the beginning of a beautiful new chapter in your life, filled with joy and positive changes.
Your mental, emotional, physical, and financial well-being are about to see incredible improvements, like a magical tenfold boost every month. Get ready to craft one of the most remarkable stories of your life.
It’s as if the universe itself wants you to experience happiness and love. A special door is opening for you, leading to a life of prosperity and abundance.
Your prayers have been heard, and you’re on the path to finding true love. Keep this message close and share it with others to let them feel the strength of your emotions.
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God's message today

God says, As you take the next steps in your journey, there’s no need to fret. Work hard and place your trust in God.
He’ll guide you and bring the right people into your life to support you along the way. Remember, He has been watching over you, and His watchful gaze will always be there.
Tomorrow could bring one of the most extraordinary days of your life. The things you’ve been eagerly awaiting will unfold, and a wave of goodness is set to sweep into your life.
Don’t forget to check in at 7 pm for some great news – your interaction with this video might just make it all happen.

Type “Amen” if you Believe in Lord Jesus!

God says, Feel this moment in your life, it’s like a big turning point. Your guardian angels, they’re always watching over you.
Something important is about to happen in your career, money, relationships, and health. Embrace and welcome this change.
Your thoughts, your money situation, and your spiritual side, they will all transform in just three months.
You’ve been getting ready for this your whole life. So, be patient while you wait for the good things that are coming your way.
Type “You are my Lord” if you Love Jesus!

111 God Message 
All those blessings headed your way, they’re like gifts you’ve earned. Believe in yourself and trust that there’s a bigger plan from the universe.
Your job and your love life, they’ re on the upswing. Good things are lining up for you.
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Get ready for an incredible journey filled with unstoppable growth and boundless success. Picture this: a financial miracle is just around the corner, and it’s going to sweep away all your problems.
It’s your time to shine brightly, especially considering all the challenges you’ve overcome. Believe with all your heart that nothing can stand in the way of the miracles that are about to shower upon you.
In fact, these blessings have already been set in motion and are racing towards you. Get ready to embrace the magic!
Type “I love you God” if you Believe in Lord Jesus!

In the face of all the challenges you’ve faced, it’s time for a transformation. God is here, ready to shower you with an abundance of blessings, twice as much as you could ever imagine.
He’s going to pave the way for you, making sure you have all the money you need and removing any obstacles in your path. Success beyond your wildest dreams awaits you.
Type “You are My King” if you Love Jesus!

777 God message 
This isn’t just any ordinary blessing; it’s a remarkable project that God is crafting just for you. Get ready to be overwhelmed by blessings that will leave you in awe.
God is also working behind the scenes to make positive changes for your family, so you can put your worries to rest. Don’t lose sleep over the details anymore; have faith that God is tirelessly working on your behalf.
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This week, get ready for a major transformation in your life. It’s as if God and His angels are working tirelessly on your behalf, and you’re in for some remarkable changes.
Your life is going to blossom and move forward in every way possible. Don’t lose hope; your breakthrough is just around the corner.
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11 11 God Message
God is taking special care of you. He’s gathering all the pieces of your life that have been scattered and bringing them back together.
Remember to keep your faith strong, especially when things seem tough, because God hasn’t forgotten about you. You’re on the verge of receiving blessings and making great strides.
Type 11:11 if you want to Claim this Reward!

Last night, God heard your prayers loud and clear. All the worries, pain, confusion, and suffering you’ve been going through were noticed by Him.
Whether you were shedding tears for your loved ones or your own circumstances, He was there, watching over you.
Today, God is promising to bless you, bring healing, work miracles, provide answers, and shower you with His favor. Your future is bright, and you are not alone in this journey.
In the upcoming week, keep your heart open to the signs of blessings showering down upon you. Treat every penny that finds its way into your life as a joyful game, a wink from the universe, a sign that God’s love and care are with you.
Whether it arrives in the form of cold, hard cash or through unexpected avenues, know that it’s all part of God’s master plan to provide for you.
Type “I am God Child” if you Believe in Lord Jesus!

God has got your back, like a night-shift superhero. He’s working tirelessly, weaving miracles just for you.
He’s dispatched angels, dedicated to your case, ready to step in when you need them. So, rest easy, my friend.
Your breakthrough is on its way, and soon, you’ll stand strong, independent, and free from the worries of relying on others. Believe in this divine journey, for your time to shine is drawing near.
Type “You are my World” if you Believe in Lord Jesus!

Get ready for something truly incredible to happen in your life. It’s like a wave of blessings you’ve never imagined before is about to wash over you. 
666 God Message

You see, there’s a force, call it God, that’s taking charge of your life and your loved ones. It’s orchestrating the details, the little things that make a big difference.
All you need to do is trust in this divine plan, find solace in knowing that there’s a greater plan at work, even if you can’t see it. 
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This week, everything is set to transform for you. It’s like God and His angels are working overtime to make your life better in every way possible.
You’re on the brink of growth and progress, so don’t give up now. Your breakthrough is just around the corner, waiting for you to reach it.
Type “you are my Saviour” if you Believe in Lord Jesus!
Dear Lord, I want to thank you for the blessings you’ve already bestowed upon me. 
Today, I’m coming to you with a special request, something I wouldn’t normally ask for.
I’m open to receiving this blessing in any form it may come. Whether it pours in as cash or as opportunities promising future wealth, I’ve got solid plans for this fortune.
I’ll put it to work for my family, myself, and the fulfillment of the life’s purpose you’ve helped me discover.
Please, send me a sign of this blessing within the next seven days. Every penny spent will be a step closer to my dreams.
I’m wide open to the unexpected surprises the universe may throw my way in various forms of this blessing.
Type “I LOVE YOU JESUS” if you Love Jesus!

222 God message
I promise that any money I receive will be used for the greater good of all. As I offer this prayer, envision a future where you no longer have to struggle or plead for your needs. Trust that God will provide and have faith in Him. 
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Remember, Jesus is our guiding light. God is ready to shower you with blessings and elevate you to new heights. Stay receptive to the miracles and breakthroughs that await you, and place your unwavering trust in His divine plan.  
Ven though the path you’ve walked might have felt tough, remember that God’s timing is absolutely perfect.
He’s been quietly working behind the scenes to ensure that all the  opportunities and situations in your life are meant for your good.
Keep moving forward with unwavering faith, knowing that He is guaranteeing your success and taking care of every aspect of your life.
Find comfort in the certainty of God’s constant presence. Turn to Him in prayer, and let His words guide and uplift you when times get tough.
Type “I AM YOUR CHILD” if you Believe in Lord Jesus!

You never have to face life’s challenges alone because He is always right there by your side, ready to lead, comfort, and protect you. Gratitude is a powerful tool that opens the door to even more blessings.
Think about the blessings you’ve already experienced and thank God for them. Your life will become even more blessed as you recognize God’s involvement in it.
God’s love for you knows no bounds, and He sees you as someone truly special. He will never abandon you.
Allow Him to lead you towards a life filled with satisfaction and purpose, while you place your anxieties and fears in His loving hands. Believe in the promises He has made to you.
Any scarcity in your life can be transformed into abundance beyond your wildest dreams by His grace. Get ready for the incredible gifts He’s about to shower upon you.
Type “Amen” if you Love Jesus!

Get ready to welcome a weekend that’s not just ordinary, but full of wonderful surprises! Imagine feeling like you’re floating on clouds of joy, success, and fulfillment. That’ s what’s in store for you.
Believe in the divine plan, have faith, and rest assured that you are cherished and protected. Miracles will light up your path as long as you trust the journey.
Always remember, God has magnificent plans for you, even if the road ahead seems a bit bumpy.
These plans will bring you wealth and shield you from harm. Abundance is knocking on your door, and your financial situation is about to make a positive turn.
Type “Amen” if you Believe in Lord Jesus!

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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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