Jesus says I AM COMMANDING – YOU TO OPEN MY LAST MESSAGE I God’s message today

Jesus says I AM COMMANDING – YOU TO OPEN MY LAST MESSAGE I God’s message today

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Dearly loved child of God, you must realise that God has been trying to get your attention by sending you signals, and there is one indication of extreme importance that you must not miss.
This indication might be an intense emotion, a chance encounter, the appearance of an individual, or a difficult circumstance.
This omen will help you find your life’s true calling and achieve contentment. When you experience a heavenly sign, do what you’re supposed to do with it. Always keep in mind that God is there to back you up.
Maintaining vigil and directing your actions. Like this video to show your confidence in God if you do. God has always tried to communicate with humans, but his methods have been shrouded in mystery and profundity.
Whether via humans, animals, or the wondrous workings of nature, he sends his words across through signals. These omens provide an important word from God.
It is our responsibility to listen carefully and openly for these signals from on high. These omens include God’s instructions and counsel. If we don’t pay attention to or recognise them.
There are potentially life- changing lessons and divine favours we might be missing out on. Therefore, we should not underestimate the significance of recognising and comprehending the indicators that occur in our lives.
Keep in mind that God is preparing the way for a better tomorrow, one that is ripe with favour and divine direction. Do not ignore these warnings. Pay close attention to what they reveal, because they are signs pointing the way to a deeper union with God.
Meaning and contentment in one’s existence. Have faith that the universe will provide a way for you even if it seems like there is none. Consider the unknown a chance for personal development and exploration.
You will discover unfailing support, direction, and unforeseen gifts when you follow your heart and trust your intuition. If you feel a connection to these words and have faith in heavenly signs.
Type “Amen” if you agree that now is the day to listen to the angels’ words and follow the advice they provide for a better tomorrow. Rejoice in bthe many gifts that are coming your way.
Say yes to the tranquilly and prosperity that are becoming your way of life. Accept all the love that is coming your way. Accept the meaning that is gradually revealing itself to you. Yes, I’ll take the help and the expanding possibilities.
That you see right now. Allow the flowering of your own well-being and healing. Most importantly, confidently accept all the gifts that are coming your way. Today, you get a unique message from the angels.
You’re about to experience a time of tremendous growth and joy. At this moment, everything is falling into place just as you had hoped. It’s crucial to understand that this improvement is not due to random chance.
It’s the result of always doing your best and never giving up on your hopes and aspirations. As life’s tides change in your favour, prepare yourself for smoother and brighter days ahead. Put your feet up, make some plans, and be excited because there is wonderful news on the horizon.
Every day, a myriad of little mysteries unfolds around you, and if you have confidence in God and believe in the benefits that are coming your way, then type “yes.” Unless one takes a step back, it might be easy to miss these wonders.
Be mindful of the beauty all around you. Appreciating the present moment to its fullest requires cultivating attitudes of thankfulness and awareness. You may not be exactly where you planned to be.
But if you travel back in time only two years, this place might have been on your bucket list. You’re almost there, and now is the time to enjoy the positive aspects of your hard work and determination.
Although you may need to be patient and take some deliberate steps, the results will be well worth it. Your last objective is within striking distance. Your spirit guides want you to always believe in the power of miracles.
Divine enchantment. Use your creative powers to imagine the realisation of your goals. Gratitude and pleasure will flood your heart as you do this, speeding up the process by which your dreams come true. Early on, Observe real-world outcomes that reflect your ideal state. Press the “yes” button to verify that you are ready to accept the good fortune that is yours. Reflect on how many times God patiently waited for us.
He patiently waited for us to get back on track if we were sidetracked, had a pessimistic outlook, made mistakes, fell down, or struggled with substances or compromises. He did not give up on us but instead gave us His kindness and compassion.
His endurance with us displays His infinite care for us and dedication to our happiness. It’s important to pause now and then to reflect on the ways in which God’s patience has moulded and directed our lives.
Now is the time to tell God, “Lord, I want to express my deep thanks for your patience with me. Thank you for granting me another opportunity. I’m grateful for your steadfast love and for cleaning up the mistakes I’ve caused.
If you agree with this prayer, please respond with a “yes.” God has a message for you today: He is keeping a detailed account of everything that should have properly been yours.
He is aware of everything you have been through in order to bring up your children, all the sacrifices you have made, and all the difficulties you have suffered in your faith. He saw your unwavering optimism and praise for Him.
Even if things seemed hopeless at the time. The prayers you’ve prayed will soon be answered, so take heart. If you feel that time has been squandered, God says he will give it back to you.
He is about to give you a gift that beyond description. He is now making up for the enemy’s theft of your property by restoring all of it to you.
He will never stop loving you. If you have faith in God’s unfailing love and His capacity to open doors of blessing in your life, write “Amen.” However,
When one door shuts, know that God has opened another, greater one, just for you. Those difficulties are only bumps in the road on the way to a better tomorrow.
Get some solace today from the fact that everything that happens to you is part of God’s plan for your ultimate benefit. He wants to lead you to the successful future He has planned for you.
Have you ever found yourself in a position where you just couldn’t see a way out? Many of us know what it’s like to feel helpless in the face of our problems. But keep in mind, as Isaiah reminds us.
When you call out to God for aid, as soon as he hears, He replies. When you feel weak and exhausted, he will give you the strength you need. Despite the difficulties you’re encountering.
Realise that nothing can stand in the way of God’s magnificence. Press “yes” to remind yourself that this is correct. You are on the edge of an astounding discovery, so be ready for what’s to come.
There’s potential for a profound epiphany today. At this juncture, your life might change from one of constant stress and worry about money to one in which prosperity flows to you like a magnet.
The genetic wealth code is the catalyst for these seismic changes. Once engaged, it may completely change the trajectory of your life in ways you couldn’t have foreseen. Do not be hesitant,  It seemed like nothing will ever improve. It’s hard to keep your cool when your faith in promises seems to be dwindling. When things don’t go as you’d hoped, it might be difficult to keep the faith.
But take heart, since our Heavenly Father has a great plan that will never change, and His promises to you will never be broken. Even if things don’t go the way you planned, His promises have not been broken, and their realisation is imminent. To show your agreement, just hit the “amen” button. My little child, do you know that success is always possible when God is on your side? Even if things seem hopeless.
The Lord will ultimately work things out in your favour. When you walk in accordance with God, you are promised success, regardless of the problems you confront. He not only helps you get through these hard times, but However, it also takes on your conflicts for you. God is the best friend someone could ever have. Keep praying, keep trusting Him, and keep declaring victory over whatever that stands in your way.
Focus on the breadth of God’s might. Whenever you feel like giving up, just remember that you are a child of the Most High, and that with God on your side, victory is certain. Accept the change and applaud your development.
We are on track to see positive shifts in the near future. Whether or not your present circumstance was something you anticipated, it is still a gift in disguise. They show up at the exact moment you need them to serve as a lesson.
You deserve these improvements, so welcome the new opportunities with open arms and have faith that you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now. Experiencing synchronicities and signals, from the cosmos or God as you go, so why do you persist in having doubts about your destination? These occurrences are not random, but rather they are meant to reassure you that you are making progress in the correct direction. Despite the universe’s constant nagging, Insecurities might arise. Now is the moment to develop an unshakable belief in the direction the universe (or God) is pointing you in. You are intended to prosper, so let go of uncertainty and accept the road you are on.
Divine, the breadcrumbs you’ve found along the way aren’t just pointing you to any old spot; they’re taking you to somewhere much more wonderful and fascinating. Trust in the esoteric is crucial.
must put faith in the sequences of occurrences and omens that present themselves as you go. Make the inner proclamation, “I embrace my power to affirm,” and expect a positive shift to occur that will bring in brighter times for you.
You are on the cusp of experiencing the breakthrough for which you have worked so hard. If you’re feeling like giving up, just remember how far you’ve gone and that now isn’t the time to give up.
You are in a position to develop personally right now. Changing your thoughts about yourself and the difficulties you’re encountering is the first step towards achieving your goals.
Relax, get your bearings, and attempt to see these obstacles from a more transcendental perspective. Keep in mind that you have more power inside you than you give yourself credit for.
God wants to speak to you today. To everyone who has ever doubted their own value or worth or whether they have what it takes to follow the hopes and desires God has put in their hearts, take heart.
With Christ as your strength, you can overcome any challenge. Fear should not prevent you from pursuing your goals. If you accept the promise that God is on your side, you will win. You have all the skills necessary to succeed.
You may trust that God is working all things together for your benefit, even while you face the difficulties and unknowns of life. What matters most is that your inner perception is unclouded by external disturbances.
When you make up your mind to change your circumstances, it’s as if the whole world aligns to help you succeed. What you say, do, think, and say in prayer may and will manifest into the physical world.
Make up your mind now and go on without looking back. Think positively; the stars are aligning to provide you what you want. You were patiently waiting because the world was setting you up to receive and accomplish more than you could have imagined.
There was always something bigger at stake on your trip. The hardships you endured ultimately helped you develop and learn more about who you are. Realising what you didn’t want in life acted as a springboard to discovering who you really are.
A wonderful change is about to occur for you. You can do everything you set your mind to, since the stars are aligned in support of your efforts. Your guardian angels are full of positive reinforcement, Inspiring you by showing you that nothing is out of your grasp. Now is the moment to deal with and overcome past hurts or cycles of self-doubt and incompetence. Having confidence in one’s own value was considered.
You may have had a hard time believing in your own worth, yet angelic and ancient knowledge both confirm that you are a unique and limitless glimmer of the cosmos. You are the centre of the universe, and it loves you very much.
You have been endowed with the skills, fortitude, and power to make your wildest goals a reality. If you agree with this statement, please respond with a “yes” below.
The angels want you to know that the time ahead is meant for you to get to know yourself better and reconnect with your real nature. Trust that the foundation has been carefully built, and start implementing your well thought-out ideas.
You are undergoing a period of transition, change, and development as a spiritual being. Exciting times lay ahead, and there is no cause for dread. You may trust that the angels are with you at all times. If you want to bring untold riches into your life.
Consider subscribing to our Page. if you have a profound connection with your belief in God. You may have felt like your feelings were being agitated in a washing machine during the previous several weeks.
You are not going crazy; rather, you are experiencing a deep cleaning. The internal conflict you’re feeling is the result of outdated ideas and programmes being erased.
Creating space for deeper insight and comprehension. As this happens, you may feel a heaviness leave your physical body. You’ve ascended to a new level of awareness.
Keeping up the inner effort of letting go of what no longer serves you will help you ascend. It’s time for a major shift, so if you’re ready for it and you confidence in this process, say “yes.”
Your guardian angels and guides of spirit are hard at work lifting your spirit and keeping your energy steady while you go through this change. They just want you to put your faith in them. Trust that the heavens will provide the ideal landing spot for you.
If something doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, it’s because the universe has something even greater planned for you. You should hope for marvels that will make this change cheap. Keep your chin up and don’t let yourself be sucked into false hopes or feelings of lack.
Spirits will show you the route and connect you with people who will shed light on your journey. Just think of the astounding miracles that may happen in your life if you committed yourself fully to the concept that Exciting times are ahead. 
Have faith that good things are happening, that you’ll soon make progress, and that your hopes and goals will come true. Realise that the core issue at the heart of every challenge you’ve faced has already been addressed.
Take these ideas as your own and see how your life changes as a result. If you’re ready to start believing in yourself and making positive changes in your life, type the affirmation “I’m gentle with myself.”
Prepare to journey into a completely new realm where your best self flourishes. This is the home of the you who can make your wildest desires come true. Get ready for a change that is both inevitable and profound.
Give in and let your soul lean into it. As you accept these seismic shifts, your destiny will gradually reveal itself. Your life is changing, and that’s a good thing because it means something amazing is about to happen. Concentrate on expanding the scope of your inner glow.
You’ll soon see the way forward. You should give it your all in this spotlight. Your heavenly father has been waiting patiently for your repentance and return.
He longs for a party where everyone may share in the happiness, love, and pleasure that come from a close connection with Him. Stop making justifications for your resentment and let it go. Be respectful and obedient while you pray to God.
A prayer for forgiveness and the removal of resentment. Ask Him to take charge of your whole life, from your painful recollections of previous abandonment, abuse, or betrayal to your current experiences of pain and injustice.
And it includes your hopes and fears for the future. If you’re willing to undergo this change, you may show it by entering “Amen.” Stay connected via prayer at all times, but particularly when things are tough.
Having a strong relationship with God is especially important during times of difficulty. Your focus may suffer from exhaustion and anxiety; in such a case, draw strength from the Holy Spirit, who dwells within you.
Even if your prayers aren’t very eloquent or traditional, you may still ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. Let them emerge organically from the context in which you find yourself. If you keep talking to God, He’ll give you the strength to bear up with adversity.
Those who identify with this message are encouraged to declare their preparedness by typing “I am evolving.” and to keep in mind that they serve a God who is greater than any obstacle they may face. If you really believe in Him, you will be able to do the impossible.
Hold on to your faith in His omnipotence and love as you navigate these uncertain times. Have faith that things will work out despite how they seem right now. Affirm your firm belief by typing, “I know that I serve a God who is stronger than anything I am facing.”
God is in charge and has a plan for my life, and today I can take comfort in that fact, no matter what happens.
A mission that lights the way to a better future and brings prosperity rather than damage. I’m not sure how this strategy works exactly, but I’m not sure if it involves relationships being repaired or healed.
Whether it’s prosperity in money or marriage or having children, I find solace in the knowledge that He will always provide for me and I won’t go without. I can hear His comforting voice talking to me when I’m feeling uneasy.
“I am your strength and anthem, so trust me and don’t be afraid. Instead of letting fear consume your life force, direct it towards trust and the tunes of my song.” The struggle to gain mental control can be unrelenting.
especially after worrying for years, which has made me vulnerable to the enemy’s influence. But I know that this weakness is a chance for me to get closer to God since my constant dependence on Him for support creates a deep bond.
I’m not struggling through this mental battle alone since the Spirit that lives within of me is always willing to help. I am given the priceless blessings of life and peace when I ask for His direction and submit my thoughts to Him.
If these feelings speak to you, kindly confirm by typing “Yes.” I decide to stay put and concentrate on the things that make up my everyday existence when there is no clear direction or specific instruction.
while never losing consciousness of God’s presence by my side. I ask to be illuminated by His light as I joyfully go about my mundane tasks. Through including Him in every aspect of my life.
The key to not just living a happy life but also succeeding in it is letting my existence blend in perfectly with His. I also acknowledge my sovereignty over the decisions and deeds I take. Should you be prepared to declare this sovereignty.
Please input the words “I am Sovereign.” You don’t have to cry over these worries, fears, and anxieties that hover over you like clouds trying to block your brilliant light, my dear heart. Oh my sweetie.
Recognise that similar issues, despite their seemingly insurmountable nature, have already been resolved throughout history. Eventually, I will reveal how things are going and show you how beautiful they are.
That is what’s beyond the storms you can see. Think of life as a stormy adventure where you can walk on water and move mountains because I will always be by your side.
My strength will be your strength, and my direction will be your lighthouse. I swear that I will always be there for you, holding you up with my powerful right hand. You are and always will be my heart’s sunlight.
To validate this statement and keep it near and dear to your mind, please type “I claim it.” And always remember to take care of oneself and feed the inner light as you travel forward. If this message strikes a chord with you,
Please press “Yes” to indicate that you’re prepared. Also, think about showing this video to five others who believe in God and providing support by leaving a comment that reads “Jesus is Lord.” To be current with our content.
Please turn on the alert bell and Follow to our Page. It seems like there are difficulties everywhere we look in this life. But even if we are a part of the world, we are not of it as Christians.
We don’t have to act in accordance with global norms or follow their system. Jesus left us with His serenity, which is different from the world’s, whereas the world reacts to hardships with annoyance and sadness.
This passage emphasises our ability to adopt alternative viewpoints. We can be quite different in our approach and attitude. We make room for God to act miraculously in our lives when we face obstacles head-on without fear or negativity.
A situation can be completely changed by selecting the appropriate viewpoint. We set ourselves up for suffering when we approach something with fear. Refusing to fear or keep a pessimistic mindset makes room for God to miraculously step in.
Indicate your agreement by typing “yes” Send this video to five believers and ask them to watch it with you.
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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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