Who Will Ignore? Only Devil Child’s Will Ignore This God Message! | +God says 11:11

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This God Message! | +God says 11:11

My Dear Child You stayed in bad time for soo long now it’s your turn to be happy to get Love in your life. A door is going to open for you that will lead you towards wealth in abundance, true love will find you.

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The next doors opening up will put you in a position where you will never have to borrow, beg or struggle for anything.

You are on the verge of your breakthrough and your greatest comeback. Every voice that speaks against you and your destiny will be silenced.

God Says, You will receive a huge sum of money before this month ends. All the money you spend will come back to you multiplied by 10 times. Like this Video to Claim it.


Very Soon! you will get everything you want, your dream life with your Love will be your reality as you read this.

Type “11:11” to Receive.


Your Name has called you are next line to be Super Rich, By grace of God.

Type “888” to Affirm.

If you’re looking for reassurance today, this video is Sign. You’re going to be okay. Blessings are coming your way. God is so proud of you for staying strong!!! Everything will be alright!


God is turning your situation around. He will bless you and your family. He will heal every place you’re hurting.

Something very good is coming your way. Good news, good times, good relationships, good health, and many blessings.

This Month you’ll receive a miracle big enough to shift your whole life for the better. Your whole life will transform. You’ll accomplish your dreams & soul purpose. The money & your true love is already entering your life.

Jesus said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.

God Says, You are blessed and highly favored. No weapon formed against you will prosper. That difficulty didn’t come to stay; it came to pass. Be strong and of good courage for the Lord your God is with you.


Everything you’ve experienced in life up until now has been preparing you for the next level. Trust in the process Trust in what is about to unfold.

This will be the most magical year of your life. Unheard of experiences. Sudden turn of events. Breakthroughs that are out of the blue. Blessings on top on blessings. There’s still a great possibility to believe that every single thing is already working in your favor.

God is saying, “Trust Me. What’s about to happen won’t have anything to do with your power, your works, or your effort. It will be My power, My favor, and My purpose. You’re about to receive an out of this world blessing!”

Some changes come into your life not because you want it, but because that is what your soul needs. There is always a path that is for your higher good even if it’s hard to see it.

God wants to tell you something Hey my child, I know what are you facing right now But don’t worry because. my blessings are with you I never leave those who surrender their worries to my feet.

This Month maybe you will face some problems but you just trust your intuition because I will guide you I will shower love, joy & peace over you and your family.

Type “Amen” if you believe in God’s blessings.

Be thankful that you are not where you used to be in life. You’ve grown so much and you’re still learning. You’ve survived the impossible and it made you a better person. I am so proud of you. Your best days are ahead of you. Keep going, and don’t give up. I love you!

God Says, Don’t believe what the world has to say about you, instead believe what I have to say about you. You are beautiful and wonderfully made. You are my child. I Love You.

You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose and to do it fearlessly. Don’t give up one bad chapter in -life. because of your Keep going. Your story doesn’t end here. You will win. Not immediately, but definitely.

Type “1509” to affirm this!


If you read this, you entered a phase where your best days are manifesting! Before the end of this year, you will be 5 years ahead in life! You life is turning a lot better than you could imagine.

Type “4444” to Affirm.


God Says, 2023 will be a big year for you. You will receive Unexpected blessings good news, and miracles All year long.

You will be happy again. You will heal. You will grow. You will flourish in the person you are destined to be. You will finally be at peace. You deserve it.

Abundance, money, success, love, wisdom and joy are manifesting into your life right now. Prosperity is your normal state of being and you are living it right now!

Father, thank you for working in my life. I thank You that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I declare that today is a new day, and You are going to do something special in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

God Says, I can change your life. Pray to me, ask me for help, ask me for guidance, and you I will receive it. I am for you, not against you. Believe in me. I love you!

God did not bring you this far to leave you or forsake you. Things might be hard for you to handle, but God will still make a way for you.

You’re going to be celebrating something very special soon. You’ll be so full of joy and so much happiness sharing your good news It will almost seem out of this world how suddenly it all happened for you. Be ready for it. Expect it. It’s happening.

Change Is Coming In 2023, Your life will take a massive positive turn. It will change your financial situation and a true love will find you.

Very soon you will be promoted to a massively good place for you. You will experience so much happiness, that everyone around you will be filled with joy and faith. Be receptive. Be ready.

A BLESSING in disguise is coming your way this weekend. Something unexpected is going to manifest to reassure you that you’re on the right track. This is going to be an important weekend for you. 

Type “7777” to affirm this!

Angel’s are Saying Your life can be everything you dream of and more! There are no limits if you refuse to believe limits exist. Start by transitioning your thoughts from wishful thinking into small, actionable steps. No need to leap ahead. Everything will eventually unfold.

Your best is not yet written. Keep your head up, focus on the positive. Don’t let voices from the past, tough chapter or two hold you back. Eyes on the prize, believe in your greatness.

This is your COMEBACK season! The Lord is saying, “You shall recover all!” He’s putting the enemy to shame and suddenly giving you back everything that belongs to you! And you will receive double for the trouble.

You’re about to turn the chapter. The hardest part is almost over, beautiful soul. It won’t be like this much longer. His glory will shine through this darkness.

I declare your financial and professional drought is over. God is going to shower you with blessings, new opportunities, and new ideas this month.

GOD Says, I just wanted to remind you, how wonderful and amazing you really are. I have created you, in my image which makes you perfect in every way.

You are capable of anything, you put your mind to and, you have the strength to accomplish all you set out to do. I’m always here for you to lean on, and guide you. I love you.

“Dear Lord, today, no matter what happens in my life, remind me that You have the final say. Today, I’m getting my hopes up and choosing not to focus on yesterday’s defeats. I pray that you wake up the promises in me and breathe new life into my dreams. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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