God Will Surprise You Tonight if you skip this Message || Jesus Voice For Today Part 1

God is saying to you today, “I will never send you into a situation alone. I go before you. I stand beside you. I walk behind you. Whatever situation you are facing right now, be confident that I am with you!”


“Never give up on your dreams. I am faithful. I am going to restore you. I am going to heal you. I am going to make a way for you. I did it before and I will do it again. Stay in prayer and remain faithful. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever I will never change!”

There is a shift coming that is going to push you into your destiny! Blessings are coming your way!

I am going to unleash a double portion of blessings and favor in your life! For all of the trials, tribulations, heartaches and setbacks you may have endured, I have a blessing for you!

Jesus Voice For Today

“I know your heart is broken. I know it’s hard to move on, but know I am close to the broken hearted. I will bind and protect your Wounds so you can heal.”

The healing process will take time, but as you Come into my presence daily, you will have the strength to get up and walk into the love, blessings, and destiny. I have in store for you.

“You have to trust me even when you do not understand what I am doing. My ways are higher than your ways. Just believe that all things are working together for your good. Your faithfulness to me and the way I choose to get it done will be rewarded. Live a life of faith. Trust Me. I got you.”

God says, Trust Me. I’ve stayed with you through every storm in your life. I’ve given you all that you need. I have and always will protect you, your family, and your loved ones.

Things might be difficult for you now; just trust in my timing. A change in your circumstances is coming. Trust me and enjoy this new day. In Jesus name, Amen.

God has said your storm is over. So why are you still holding the umbrella of fear and worry?

Do not allow what you’ve been through to shield the beauty of the victory that God has given you. Your past will not direct your future. It is done, in the name of Jesus! Begin to walk in your victory, because God said it’s over!

Waiting time is never wasted time when God is involved. When your breakthrough does not come immediately, it is not because God has forgotten you or left you on the shelf.

He is developing, building, and polishing you so that when the time is right, as with an arrow, He’ll unleash you. And like a skillfully crafted and honed arrow, you will hit the mark. God knows what you’re owed.

He knows. Every person that’s done you wrong, every injustice, every bad break He’s not just going to bring you out. He’s going to pay you back.

When He settles the case, you’re going to come out fully compensated, blessed, prosperous, vindicated, and honored. People will know that God has ruled in your favor. God says, Don’t let your emotions be your decision-maker.

Stop and pray. Let God lead you. He sees what you do not see and knows what you do not know. He can change everything within a split second. Have faith in him.”

Dear God, I pray for the person reading who’s been going through a stressful season of testing. They’ve been dealing with major issues and complicated problems.

But I thank You for confirming that major blessings are being released, and a breakthrough is coming. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

God is going to SURPRISE YOU. Over and over again.

Don’t stress in the middle of your TEST. You will BOUNCE-BACK and receive everything you’ve been waiting and praying for!

God will come through for you! #claim it.

God is going to show out, not only to take you into your destiny, But to prove to the people around you that the Lord is on your side. He’s about to do something so big, so unusual, so out of the ordinary.
That there won’t be any doubt that His favor is on your life. #claim it.

When you feel like you have no one to talk to or you have no one to listen. Look up, Because you have a God who loves you more than anything.

Say “Thanks” to God For Everything He Gives You.

Type “Ameen” if you believe in God And Subscribe for Our channel To Connect Your soul with God.

Praise the God in the comments. God bless You.

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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