God is saying, someone is going to give you and your family a new house… god message today 11

Motivation | God message | Bible • Lets Make Jesus World Together • Sharing Words Faith, Hope & Prayer Jesus Voice For Today, Quotes, Bible Quotes, God Message Tarot, God Angels message, Universe message, Life quotes, Money miracle, Financial abundance, God’s message for you today, Urgent message from God, Angels message, Jesus message, Godly quotes, Faith quotes, Universe message, Angel message

God has spoken! If you fail to read this message until the end, the pathway to your blessings will be sealed shut.

I implore you not to disregard it!

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God declares that your family is on the brink of a fresh start. The days of worry, disappointment, and financial struggles will soon be a thing of the past.

In their place, you will find joy, prosperity, and unexpected miracles. If you believe this, show your support by liking this video.

Exciting and remarkable news awaits you. Someone is about to gift you a new home. Your father desires to lead you to a peaceful and serene place. Watch this video until the end to witness these miracles.

God reveals that you are entering a season of abundant blessings and unconditional love. Everything will align in your favor at the perfect time.

You can expect good health, a positive mindset, abundant success, thriving relationships, meaningful connections, peace, spiritual and mental growth, and financial prosperity. You will experience blessings, breakthroughs, and God’s favor.

You will overcome every setback and emerge stronger, especially when you realize that it was a stepping stone for your comeback. All things are working together for your good (Romans 8:28).

If you are seeing this, it means you are about to be blessed with a second chance at life, an opportunity to live your dreams. 

Don’t miss out on this chance believe it and claim it by typing 1010.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

This week, Something remarkable will happen in your life. The entire Universe is working behind the scenes to surprise you in beautiful and unexpected ways.

When the clock strikes 11:11 tonight, something that has been draining you for years will vanish. Expect a significant turnaround.

Angele says you that your best days are yet to come. Stay steadfast in your faith and don’t be swayed by appearances. God has plans to prosper you.

Sometimes, God holds you back until the path is safe and clear to continue. Be grateful for this life! What is meant for you will not pass you by.

God is turning your situation around. He will bless you and your family, heal your wounds, and transform your setbacks into comebacks.

Don’t skip this video if you believe in God.

Here are four things God wants you to know today: 

1. God will restore everything you have lost. You will recover, bounce back, and witness better days. Blessings are coming your way.

2. The job you desire and the blessings you’ve prayed for are on their way. God is paving the way for you at this very moment.

3. God is granting you strength for your weaknesses, answers for your questions, peace for your confusion, and healing for your pain.

4. Don’t give up. You are on the verge of a major victory. God has a plan for you.

If you believe in the Lord Jesus, Type “Amen!”

God’s plan for your life surpasses your own expectations. What He has in store for your future will amaze you-the places you’ll go, the people you’ll meet, and the heights you’ll reach. Be still and acknowledge that He is God.

Before the end of this month, you will receive good news. It may be about getting the job, receiving a clean bill of health, or having your application approved. God will surprise you with His goodness and favor. Smile because a large sum of money is coming your way right now.

Within the next 48 hours, you will experience financial abundance. Affirm this by typing “yes.”

If you’re interested in attracting unlimited wealth, happiness, pleasure, freedom, and confidence into your life, check the link in the comments below to learn the secrets of abundance.

Dear child, your upgrade is imminent. Because you were faithful in small matters, you are about to be blessed abundantly. Your persistence and perseverance will soon pay off.

Remember, I am a rewarder of the faithful. Be strong and never give up, for your efforts will be rewarded. Prepare to receive this wonderful gift from heaven that will propel you toward your wildest dreams and aspirations.

Remember, I am a rewarder of the faithful. Be strong and never give up, for your efforts will be rewarded. Prepare to receive this wonderful gift from heaven that will propel you toward your wildest dreams and aspirations.

Angele says that you are the one who will bring unlimited health, wealth, and prosperity to your family. If you are seeing this message, you are about to receive a substantial amount of wealth within 3-5 days. 

Watch this video until the end to claim it.

Repeat after me: “My income is constantly increasing. Money flows easily into my life. There is always more than enough. I am receptive, generous, and grateful.”

Beautiful new beginnings are within reach. Energy is high, and inspiration is flowing. Make sure you are open to receiving it.

The Divine desires to see you genuinely happy and will go to great lengths to make it happen. Get ready, as you are on the fast track to receiving significant blessings. 

Type “888” if you’re prepared!

God assures you that you have much to be grateful for. Be thankful that you are not where you used to be in life. You have overcome the impossible. Hold your head high, for your best days are ahead of you. Don’t give up.

It’s okay to feel sadness and pain at times, but it’s not okay to claim defeat. You are not defeated; you are victorious. Relax, for everything is already yours, and everything is unfolding according to plan. All is well!

God will expose every harmful influence around you and your family. He will trouble those who trouble you. He will reverse every evil that has been done against you. He will wipe away your secret tears in Jesus’ name.

Type “yes” if you believe in Jesus!

The next three days will be filled with astonishing blessings, miracles, and breakthroughs.

Your next seven days will be extraordinary as you enter a season of happiness, love, and harmony. 

Type “555” if you are ready for the impossible to manifest in your life.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, for the Lord your God is with you and will never abandon you. (Deuteronomy 31:8).

Very soon, God will bless you with a life filled with happiness, laughter, and abundant wealth. He wants you to take rest as He is already working on your behalf. He will turn every negative situation around, bless you and your family, and heal your wounds.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, and His love for you endures forever. 

Comment “Thank You, Lord.”

Today, God wants you to know that you can be excited again. He will turn every challenging situation in your life around. He is working on your struggles, so let go of stress and trust God. He will bless you and your family, and He will bring healing where it is needed.

Something beautiful is on its way to you. Expect bigger and better things. You will celebrate miracles in your health, love life, and finances. Everything is aligning in your favor right now! Claim it!

Healing, blessings, miracles, and favor are on their way to your home. Claim and receive them by faith. 

Pray with me:
Dear Father God, I thank you for waking me up today, for another day of life. Thank you for the sunrise, the beauty of nature, and the melody of birds singing. You are a great Father, always full of grace and mercy.

I praise you for allowing me to live another day in Your Kingdom. Thank you for the gift of family and friends, holding them close to my heart. Bless everyone, for they deserve all the goodness you have given me.

If I have done wrong today, Please forgive me. Thank you for guiding me in decision making. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God has spoken! If you fail to read this message until the end, the pathway to your blessings will be sealed shut.
I implore you not to disregard it!

Please show your support by Follow this video.

The Almighty will orchestrate His divine plans for my life, as stated in Psalm 138:8.

Prepare yourself for action! Keep your bags packed and your running shoes on, because when God declares that it’s your time, it matters not how far behind you may feel. He will propel you to the forefront, and His name shall be glorified.

“I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out blessings so abundant that you will struggle to contain them all!” (Malachi 3:10)

Everything you have fervently prayed for is on the verge of manifestation.

God is ready to shower you with overwhelming blessings. He has heard your prayers and witnessed your tears; He will bring healing to you, as mentioned in 2 Kings 20:5.

Today’s Message:
You have sought confirmation through prayer, and here it is. God has heard your supplications, and He is working on something extraordinarily good.

The grand revelation is on its way! Do not give up!

My sole focus lies in one thing: leaving the past behind and eagerly anticipating the future that lies ahead (Philippians 3:13).

Today’s Message:
Somebody needs to start packing their belongings into boxes because your address is about to change! Better days are swiftly approaching!

“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can shut.”
(Revelation 3:8)

The forthcoming doors that will swing open shall position you in a place where you won’t need to borrow, beg, or struggle for anything! Even before they call upon Him, God will answer their prayers.

While they are still discussing their needs, He will respond! (Isaiah 65:24)

Something you have fervently prayed for is on the verge of arriving! It will not take years, months, or even weeks. Expect a sudden shift! Remember, disappointment does not signify the end.

The losses, the divorces, and the heartbreak caused by your children are not the final chapters of your story. Something may have faltered-a dream, a goal, a friendship but the good news is that it will give birth to a new thing that God intends to do.

Sometimes, one must lose something to gain something better. Scripture affirms, “What God has purposed, who can annul?”

This means that once God sets something in motion, no one can stop it.

Cease worrying about who dislikes you, how immense your obstacles appear, or whether you can achieve your dreams. It is already set in motion; you are precisely on schedule. That which God has ordained cannot be obstructed by any person, setback, or addiction.

If you continue to honor God and strive to be your best, what God has arranged will find its way to you. There will be no need for you to pursue it; it will come after you.

“I will be your God throughout your lifetime, even until your hair turns white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.”
(Isaiah 46:4)

God is speaking to you today, acknowledging your physical and emotional exhaustion. However, you must persevere and keep moving forward. He will grant you His strength and favor.

God is declaring to you today that He will send people, resources, and finances your way that you never thought possible. Your circumstances are about to change. For every night you spent wide awake, there is a blessing waiting for you. The pain you are experiencing will soon come to an end.

“I will heal your pain, restore what you have lost, and provide all the financial resources you require. Blessings are in your future. I am transforming your pain into power, your fears into focus, and your difficulties into determination.

What the enemy intended for evil, I will use for good!” Cease your worrying; everything has already been worked out. I will visit your home today with breakthroughs, healing, miracles, and answers.

Friendly reminder that God will accompany you through whatever challenges today brings.

And when GOD opens the next door for you, you will comprehend why the enemy fought you so fiercely. Remember to step back and allow God to take control.

Stay calm;
I will guide you through this trial. -God

God will provide you with the strength to overcome this. “Cease your worrying; I will support you through this.” -God

Heavenly Father, I surrender to You all my hurt, pain, worry, doubt, fear, and anxiety, and I ask You to cleanse me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

If it is meant to be, God will make it happen in His perfect timing.

You will never have to force something that comes from God.

So, be at peace knowing that either this will be yours or something even better. 

Please type “Amen” if you believe in God.

Say “Thanks” to God For Everything He Gives You.

Type “Ameen” if you believe in God And Follow for Our page To Connect Your soul with God.

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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4 thoughts on “God is saying, someone is going to give you and your family a new house… god message today 11”

  1. 888 claim. I trust Jesus Christ my Lord. Thank you God yes I believe in Jesus 555 I am ready. I trust Jesus Christ thank you God for your blessings. Thank you God for your blessings claim and receive it

  2. I believe in God , Thank you God , for everything you have given me and my family. My
    Heavenly Father orchestra his divine plans for my life as stated in Psalm 138.8
    I always trust and know he is a Mighty God , who take cares of the of children who he loves.
    Thank you Lord Jesus, for being with in my lowest point in my life . Hallelujah,Hallelujah 🙏

  3. I believe in God , Thank you God , for everything you have given me and my family. My
    Heavenly Father, I will help people who is in need of help and my family. Also, spread the gospel of God’s word and the Lord Jesus, my savior . I love my lord Jesus Christ and my God in heaven.
    I always trust and know he is a Mighty God , who takes care of the of children who he loves.
    Thank you Lord Jesus, for being with in my lowest point in my life . Hallelujah,Hallelujah 🙏

  4. 888, Yes i affirm ,555 i believe God , 11:11,12:12 miracles will happen , open heaven’s sake for me & my family, favor, blessings will overtake me , prosperity & abundance i receive them all receive in Jesus mighty name Amen & amen!


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