Today, God is talking to you…..

Kid of God, you’re going to come out of this. This is only a brief portion of your illustrious trip; it’s not your permanent home. Beyond the current section, there is so much love, life, and happiness!

You have yet to write your greatest sections! Raise your head and exalt the Lord, because this uncertain moment is going to bring forth something magnificent!

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God's blessings

Your metamorphosis is having limitless good repercussions, and your soul is blossoming. You are clinging to treasures with bthe divinely delicious consistency like honey.

Every day, your spirit shines more brightly, reflecting the lovely deeds of tonight’s full moon. Maintain a healthy balance of energy by following daily routines that uplift your spirits and feed your intellect.

Recall your early years and the progress you’ve made since then. This full moon serves as a reminder that every stage of life is transitory. Regardless of how long they last, they all teach you something worthwhile to apply to the next chapter.

You will be astounded by the quantity of rewards you are about to receive, so keep looking up.

Press “Amen” to assert it.

God is rewriting your narrative. We are going to change the story. What seems to be loss and defeat is going to give way to recovery and triumph.

Aim for marvels. Instead of waiting for positive things to happen to you, take action and become the person you have always wanted to be!

Indicate to the universe the frequency you want to live in by your words, acts, and positive thoughts. If you send positive energy into the globe, miracles will undoubtedly occur.

To confirm this to yourself, type “Amen”.

“I know you have been suffering for a long time. In terms of finances, spiritually, even emotionally, sometimes even emotionally,” God is speaking to you today. “You have a good heart, and people have abused you in many ways,” he says.

Even though the adversary has attempted to drive you insane and you have been cheated on several occasions, you continue to stand in the middle of your hurricanes because I am by your side.

Fear not, because I will turn the tables and bless you in the sight of your adversaries. I will not let any weapon made against you to flourish.

Fear is a spirit that seeks to keep you from pursuing the plans the Lord has for you. Fear is the defender of wonderful things, and in order to attain them, you must overcome it.

According to the Bible, God gave us a spirit of strength, love, and self-control rather than one of fear. When you take a risk and are about to make a significant breakthrough, it seems like everything will come crashing down. Never give up.

Refrain from panicking. Just have faith. God is still urging you to come forward; His purpose for you has not altered. God always calls us into the future.

and we wouldn’t need Him if we could do it on our own. “Because He is my strength, I can accomplish anything through Him.” That covers everything you are dealing with right now.

To assert, type “I’m abundant.”

I am God; be still and realise this. It’s worth noting that the original Hebrew source of the word “Be” implies “let go” rather than “be quiet.” Give up and accept that I am God!

Give up attempting to manipulate your partner! Give up worrying about your money! Give up holding grudges! Give up on the past! Give up the things you cannot control and take comfort in the fact that God is in charge!

To confirm this, type “Amen”!

Even if the storm is terrible, stay on board. Despite the seas smashing all around you, don’t doubt the work God has given you to undertake. Reject the enemy’s falsehoods.

The adversary want for you to give up and give in. It’s hard, I swear to God. He is not blind to your tears or deaf to your screams. You’re going to reap the rewards. A crop of blessings and tranquilly.

An abundance of health and much to harvest. Everything for which you have been yearning, grieving, looking, and praying is about to arrive in your life.

You simply need to persevere and not give up. Hold on to the towel. Hold on and consider it everything as joy. If you don’t give up, you will get back what you have planted in faith.

Today, God is saying to you, “You are not travelling alone; I am with you no matter what you are going through.

I am the same God that brought you out of depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, insecurities, loneliness, financial hardships, and heartbreak. I did it before, and I will do it again. Trust Me. Cling to My unchanging hand.

Whereas others may have given up, especially when things got tough, I will never. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever more.

You will make it through this. Look for Me, and you will find Me. Focus on Me as the storm rages around you. I will keep you afloat.”

If you agree, type “Yes”.

You never would have imagined how well protected you are. You may freely give your heart. Now more than ever, be receptive to accepting assistance from your cosmic family, angelic beings of light, and your soul family.

Give them permission to help you now on your trip. Give them your pain and your concerns. They are no longer necessary for you to carry. You are getting help that is above your wildest expectations.

By actively recognising the indicators and doing the necessary physical effort to get the assistance and support you need right now, you may increase your chances of getting additional support.

You have to put in the work and take the first move to be blessed; your heavenly allies will arrange things and bring in angelic connections.

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Your prayer is heard by God. He is aware of your suffering, perplexity, annoyance, anxiety, dread, melancholy, and brokenness. He’s seen the tears you’ve wept over your present situation.

And He wants you to know right now that He has blessings for you for every tear that falls and every restless night. You opted to persevere when others in your situation would have given up long ago.

Even if it hurts, He can see your loyalty. He will honour you because you are honouring Him by going through the suffering. In the name of Jesus, blessings, healing, miracles, answers, and divine favour are on their way.

To confirm, type “I am ready to shine.”

God is saying to you today, “I understand that you are thinking about a lot of things right now, like your family, your career, your finances, and the health of a loved one. It seems like the entire world is resting on your shoulders.”

You feel alone, but you are never alone, my child. Bring all of your worries to Me in prayer, and I will care for you, heal you, and offer resources.

I have all of Heaven’s resources behind you, so don’t worry.

God is addressing you right now. I promise never to let anything happen to you without a strategy. David could not have become a shepherd kid if I had wanted to.

But that’s not what I did. Because I had already declared David to be king long before Samuel ever met him. His main duty as a shepherd was to ensure the wellbeing and safety of the flock.

He had grazed the animals, leading them to favourable foraging places and keeping wild creatures and hazardous plants at bay. As a matter of fact, I was moulding him into the king.

A king’s first duty is to ensure the security and well-being of his subjects. That being said, David’s earlier experiences were not in vain. Rather, I had readyed him for the future I had planned for him in the past.

In a similar vein, stop worrying over what transpired or why in your life. Rather, proceed by placing your trust in Me.

When you’re ready, type “Yes”.

This year has been full of hardships, so I wasn’t prepared for today. I was at a loss for words, but this one just sprang out at me!

God wants you to know that this year marks the start of something brand-new, with a lot of amazing things to come! The adversary is vanquished this year!

The Lord is going before you this year! You will see it in the natural world this year! This year is it!

Your life has entered a new chapter. The secret you’ve been searching for all along is that your soul has now discovered how to take charge. You’ve changed in ways that are only known to you and the universe.

You have much more faith than ever before, more than any fear ever could have held you back. All the magic you haven’t yet encountered will come as a complete surprise to you.

This chapter is far better than the others; it is nothing like the others. Take everything in. You are standing squarely in the path of breakthroughs, not just approaching it.

Fill in “YES” to confirm this.

I have a strong impulse to tell someone that you should step through the door as God is the one who opened it for you. You should seize the chance since God is the one who brought it about.

Put an end to overanalyzing your motivations and move on to the next stage of Jesus’ work in your life. You’ve been questioning if you really heard from God or whether it was all in your head.

If you don’t go outside, you’ll never know,. It doesn’t matter whether you’re holy enough, talented enough, intelligent enough, or resourceful enough.

In actuality, it has nothing to do with your skills and everything to do with what God desires to do for His glory in and through your life.

The enemy has been paralysing you by constantly reminding you of all your shortcomings, faults, and limits. It’s time to listen to God and quiet the accuser. You didn’t call yourself; he did.

You didn’t pick yourself; he did. You did not appoint yourself; He did. It is time to follow God’s guidance.

God’s child, that vision was right. The assurance held true. You are not insane. Are you aware of the conflict around you? It demonstrates the potential. It’s a sign that you’re moving on the correct route.

Baby, never stop believing. Loved one, never give up hope. Very soon, supernatural doors will be open for you! from surprising sources and surprising individuals!

ever before you were ever conceived, every aspect of your existence was predetermined by God. The plan is already set out by God. This was expected to occur. That was anticipated to occur.

Everything is unfolding in accordance with God’s Will. Not based on your financial account balance, who loves you, or how talented you are.

Simply have faith that everything is happening for your benefit and that you will be rewarded for your loyalty to Me and the method I decide to accomplish this. Live a life of faith and trust that I have you covered.

Click “I am sovereign” to make a claim.

God gave me such a great desire to uplift someone this evening. For you, it’s not over. It’s not truly over yet. You are going through a brief trial, and the day will arrive sooner than you anticipate.

when you consider how far God has taken you in the past. You’ll appreciate Jesus for his far greater intentions for you and comprehend why certain things didn’t work out. Permit me to foretell you. You’re recovering.

Good things will happen. Great success and breakthroughs are on the horizon. Just see how God will raise you to a higher level! Jesus’ name, amen!

Remember that God is greater and more powerful than everything you may encounter this week. Depend less on your own strength and more on His.

Give it all to God if you’re feeling overwhelmed; His hands are large enough to accommodate your anxieties, vuncertainties, and concerns.

Input “YES” to accept.

For you, everything changes this week. Right now, God and His Angels are at work on your behalf. You’ll see and feel progress and development in every aspect of your life.

Continue on. Never give up. Your big break is almost here.

“If you weren’t a danger, the adversary wouldn’t be fighting you, and if you weren’t about to do something incredible, he wouldn’t be attempting to stop you.

He is aware that you are going to enter a new phase of your life, establish new boundaries for your family, enter your promised land, and experience something you have never experienced before.”

Mark “Amen” if you agree.

The Lord can see where you’re going even if you may not be able to. He’s also had your hand in his. Everything in your past, present, and future is being revitalised by him.

He is illuminating even the deepest recesses of your consciousness. So cling firmly to Him. Cling to His love, knowing that you are in His hands forever because of Jesus and that He will never abandon you.

You can’t stay away from Him because of any doubt, dashed hopes, or dread of the future. He is constantly at your side in everything. Rely on Him. Accept. And allow Him to gently guide you to your destination.

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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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  1. You lord see everything brfore it happens God I need you to put me in your sling shot i.have gone through
    Many trials and .many failours set backs please Im tired and broken no more trials I am depressed and I feel that you.
    I’m going lose everything I had worked for I Don’t have nothing no one support
    Me I am broke I have nothing to help my
    Needs I don’t know what to do have no
    Funds at all don’t have have bank account how is it going happen all get is
    Lies never reaching it I am tired and letting everything go I tried you tell me I almost there I get excited than nothing happens it’s braking my belif in this matter never Reaching my goal not a dam penny in my pocket so is it vain for your trading I need truth is it a lie


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