Congratulations! Your Hand Will Receive Big Amount of Money If You Open This God blessing part 2

God says, Pay attention to the next 8 minutes, as they have the power to transform your life. Watch this video until the end and don’t skip it, or you may miss important blessings from me.

God says, You are my child, and I have brought you into existence within myself. I am free from disease and sorrow, and you are in me. Death has no power over you.

god blessing message

There is no scarcity in my promises, only a perfect supply for everything I have pledged to you.

I will come to the temple that you are, in this moment, and cast out all those who have turned your love, hopes and pleasures into commodities.

I am restoring you to the full richness of everything that Calvary has to offer right now.

God says, My child! I am returning to you what the passing years have taken away.

Life has taught you valuable lessons while also putting you on the defensive.

I want you to know that I am your defender, so stand up and continue to be proactive until you witness heaven manifesting in your circumstances.

I understand the pain in your heart, the distress, and the burdens. Take a deep breath and find comfort in me.

I am here to console you and guide you to new realms in me that are untouched by the darkness of the adversary, who has been completely defeated in your life.

I am not just a God who strives to be good; I am intrinsically good. My nature develops within you, making you a partaker of my goodness.

Drink in my kindness and rise into profound favor. Today, I am granting you favor with those whom you need favor from.

The scales of heavenly justice are tilting in your favor.


All that remains for you is to enjoy and rejoice when the transition occurs, leading you out of hardship and disappointment and into promotion and blessings in my kingdom.

God says, My child! It is time for you to know deep within you that you are righteous in my sight. You are not at fault.

Your heart may condemn you, but I am greater than your heart and I know all things.

Your heart only remembers your history of failure and disobedience. But I have separated those things from you as far as the east is from the west, declares God.

If I were to search for your disobediences, I would not find them because I have erased them from my book. Have you also erased your failures and immoralities from your record?

It doesn’t matter if some people refuse to forgive. It doesn’t matter if those around you choose to remember what I have forgotten because it doesn’t change anything for you.

Their refusal only limits their own ability to receive love and compassion that could pour out to them.

Inhale the immortality of the resurrection. Resurrection power is flowing through you now.

TYPE You are my Lord. IF YOU love god by heart.

A transformation is happening within you at this very moment, changing you and your circumstances. The transition has occurred.

Promotion is unfolding, and healing is on its way. You are God’s healer. This is the life-giving water that I have given you.

This is your personal outpouring, whether others choose to participate or not.

Type Amen. IF you believe in God.

That’s how much I adore you! My Spirit is removing all the garbage and filth from the past, purifying you completely. You are clean because of the words I have spoken to you today.

God says, My child! Do not be deceived in a time when even the most faithful may be led astray.

My sheep hear my voice and they will not follow the voice of a stranger.

Follow me, and I will guide you across the tumultuous seas until the waves subside and you are enveloped in my peace.

Through Christ Jesus, my peace that surpasses all understanding will guard and protect your heart and mind.

Do not let your heart be troubled, for the peace I offer is not the peace of the world.

I am creating a space for you here and now, not just in the future.

Your life is meant to be lived and enjoyed with my presence and goodness filling every moment.

Don’t settle for a mere survival mentality, wondering how you will get through each day. Elevate your thoughts and realize that it all starts there. What you consistently think about will create a stronghold of either hope or fear.

Instead, embrace my fullness, which encompasses everything I am and everything I express in your life.

When you love me and keep my words, I reciprocate that love and come to dwell within you, manifesting myself through you.

You can partake in the divine nature that is being formed within you by the Holy Spirit alone. My way of life is filled with joy and tranquility, and I have great expectations for your future.

I am not concerned with what the adversary is doing; he is concerned with what I am doing.

Ensure that any external signs of movement and unrest are a response to my actions. I am launching an attack and the enemy is retreating.

Rise up and recognize your identity and the gifts I bestowed upon you 2000 years ago. Embrace the blessings, reach out and seize them with confidence and courage, for they belong to you.

Even if you were the last person on Earth, I would have sent my Son to die for you because you are precious.

You are my treasured possession, my child! and I desire to see you walking in the fullness of all that is already yours.

“I am not a God of barely getting by; I am a God of more than enough!” Today, I will let you taste the richness of my abundance.

Type God is King if You Love god.

Today, I will take you away from many distractions and anchor your feet on the solid rock of who I am. You will be established in your comings and thrive in your goings.

Take hold of the abundance I have made available to you today.

God says, “Show me your ways, so that I may rely on your faithfulness. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” (Psalm 86:11)

God is speaking to you, “I know this past year has been difficult. You may question your strength and worthiness to pursue what I have placed in your heart. This message is here to remind you that through Christ, you can accomplish all things.

Do not give up or let fear deter you from your dreams. Remember, I am with you and you will succeed. You can do this.”

All the challenges and pain you have endured recently will be rewarded because you refused to give up and chose to see the positive. What lies ahead will be worth it all.

The first rule of 2023 is not to dwell on the past year’s failures. Trust in God’s plan.

The seven things I learned in 2023:
1. God is still in control.
2. Christ is still the King.
3. The Spirit is still within me.
4. The church is still essential.
5. Satan is still deceiving.
6. The gospel is still saving.
7. Glory is on its way.

God’s blessings:
“Nothing is impossible for God.” Comment “Amen” if you believe.

I pray that God never removes His hands from me or my family in 2024.

Dear God, thank you for your blessings. Forgive our sins and clear our confusion. Be with us, guide us, and protect us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. (Psalm 119:9)

“She will give birth to a son and you are to give Him the name Jesus because He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) Comment “Amen” if you agree.

Life will throw different challenges your way. They may hurt, but they won’t destroy you. I am with you, and I will never let anything destroy you. You are my child, and I love you!

God says, Change is coming in 2024. Your life will take a significantly positive turn. Your financial situation will improve and true love will find you.

God can restore brokenness and turn it into something beautiful. All you need is faith, even if it’s as small as a mustard seed.

Don’t waste another moment worrying. God has already taken care of it for you.

The devil wants you to worry about the future so you can’t enjoy the present. The devil is a liar. Stop worrying and focus on God, enjoying every day He has given you.

No one can break someone who finds their happiness in God.

I thank God for all the times He said “No” because He had a better “Yes.” Comment “Amen” if you agree.

GOD Saying to You: Your next year will be amazing. I am changing your story to one of happiness, healing, and success. I love you.

God is telling you to give Him all your fear, anxiety, and stress. He will shower you with His perfect peace and turn every negative situation into a positive one. He loves you.

God says, Life will throw different challenges your way. They may hurt, but they won’t destroy you. I am with you, and I will never let anything destroy you. You are my child, and I love you. Comment “Amen” if you believe it.

Be courageous enough to always do the right thing, even when others don’t. What is coming is better than what is gone.

Train your mind to remain calm in every situation. Don’t stop until you are proud. All you need is less. It’s okay to take a break until you feel like yourself again.

Never lose hope, even when you think it’s over. God sends miracles when you least expect them. Like this video if you believe in God.

Doors of opportunity will open. Debts I will be cleared. Bills will be paid in full. Your financial situation will change. Claim it and receive it by faith. 

Type “444” if you believe.

God says, You need to know that my love is not limited. Even if you make mistakes, I still love you. I will correct you and heal you.

Nothing can stop the miracles that are coming your way. They are already done.

God is turning your situation around. He will bless you and your family. He will heal every place where you’re hurting. Like this video if you agree!

Be grateful that what you thought you wanted never materialized. Trust that you were being protected and redirected to something better.

When you try to create from impatience and chaos, foundations crumble. What is truly meant for you can never be taken away. Build from a better place by believing that your miracles are already accomplished.

Sometimes what you wanted was too small for what you truly deserve. Trust in the abundance of what you are worthy of. 

Type “yes” if you needed this!

A Prayer for Peace and Rest: God, it’s easy for me to worry about the circumstances in my life. Each day, help me remember that you are always in control. Today, I am trusting in your provision, protection, and plans for me.

Knowing that you care about every need and desire I have, I can find rest. Give me peace as I surrender control of my life to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Stop rushing. God knows the best timing to answer your prayers. If you’re in a season of waiting, keep seeking Him.

Delight yourself in the Lord and watch how you’ll not only be waiting but also moving by faith, fulfilled in His presence, surrendered to His perfect will.

God says, You are going to experience financial abundance within the next 24 hours. Affirm by sharing this video.

In case you forgot, I am your biggest fan. I am proud of you, I am rooting for you, and I love you. Keep going! You’ve got this, and I’ve got you.

GOD SAYS, Your name is being mentioned in rooms you haven’t entered yet. I am doing something amazing in your life! The next blessing will be proof that God was with you all along Your NEXT YEAR will be amazing.

I am changing your story to one of happiness, healing, and success. I love you.

This NEXT blessing will be PROOF that God was with you the whole entire time. All things will work together for your good.

Believe that things can suddenly change for you. Don’t worry about how and when, Just deeply believe in the possibility of a new outcome.

It can all be so different than what you are currently experiencing. Nothing is ever final. Allow that to bring you peace and give you hope.

Say “Thanks” to God For Everything He Gives You.

Type “Ameen” if you believe in God And Follow for Our Page To Connect Your soul with God.

Praise the God in the comments. God bless You.

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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