God Says: You’ll Lose If You Skip This I God’s message today

God Says: You’ll Lose If You Skip This I God’s message today

God declares, I am aware that you are overworked and unable to spare even a minute for me, but I assure you that reading this message will make your day happier.
Today, God is speaking to you, Beloved child, Expect unlimited money, health, and success to enter your life over the following 12 hours. You’ll feel joy, love, and health in your heart. So, take advantage of the prosperity and financial freedom you have been given.
If you believe in God, please like this video. The abundance that is heading your way will astound you, so get ready! Prepare for a magnificent season full of wonders, achievements, and breakthroughs.
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God's message today

I am the Creator of miracles, and I excel at completing the seemingly impossible. Put your faith in me, and you’ll see a series of miracles happen in your life.
Type “1111” if you believe.

You are going to experience a transformation in the upcoming month. God’s hand will work in your life in a way you’ve never seen it before, bringing about miraculous healing and restoring your body to full health. Your life will be filled with wealth with ease.
If you simply watch this video all through to the end, it will open up unlimited chances. I’m here to break the barriers to growth put up by need, sickness, and poverty. Your sorrow will turn into joy, your suffering into healing, and your difficulties into blessings.
Your blessings will triple this week, proving that nothing is out of your reach when you have unwavering trust. God is battling for you in your fights. If you put your trust in Him, He will open the doors you have been praying for.
Say out loud:
“Today, I am open to receiving countless amounts of love, healing, and blessings that I so richly deserve. In the name of Jesus, my entire family will be healed, and huge financial miracles will occur precisely when they are needed. 
Type “Amen” To affirm.

God tells you to jump with joy next month because you will encounter favor and marvel every day. In ways you never could have imagined, God is enhancing your life. To the extent of your wildest aspirations, your bank account will increase exponentially.
All bills will be paid in whole and in advance of the due dates. You will recover completely from your disease by the end of this month, receive debt relief, and have a miraculous healing. God is removing you from pain, adversity, and poverty and bringing you into a time of restoration and comfort.
I want to let you know that this is your time for renewal as we begin the new month. It’s possible that you went through a time of difficulties, suffering, and adversity, but please know that I am here for you and ready to heal you.
I will provide you and your family a better life if you give yourself to me. Everywhere you are hurting, I will make you whole, and I will make all your failures into amazing victories. If you have faith in me, I won’t let you down.
Prepare for a season of unrivaled riches and success. You’ll see blessings pouring into your life in previously unthinkable ways.
Share this video with 7 individuals who trust God by typing “1010” if you’re ready to do so. My dear child Recognize that God is your fortress, source of courage, and ever-present support in times of need.
Prepare for a wonderful journey filled with blessings, miracles, and joy. As you put your trust in God’s plan, you’ll see how the universe works in your favor to grant all of your wishes. You are desired for excellence, adored, and supported!
I happily declare that the curse is broken! Your finances will increase, and your health will improve. Every difficult point in your life, I have been by your side. I have provided everything you require, and I will continue to watch over and favor you and your family.
You’ll soon meet the proper people, your health will get better, locked doors will open, you’ll accomplish your goals, and prayers will be granted, I will improve your well-being, relationships, and financial situation.
Please have faith in me, my loved ones, and know that I am a God of healing and redemption.I promise to bestow upon you an abundant life, excellent health, unending delight, and permanent joy. Children, these promises don’t just sit there empty. I am an active God, and I always honor my commitments.
All wrongs will be made right, all enemies will be vanquished, and all barriers will be removed. I’m here to assist you get well financially and to mend whatever scars you may have. Many of you have faced financial difficulties, and I want you to know that I am here for you.
If you adore God, type “God is with me” and join our Page. The Lord says: Get ready for prosperity beyond your wildest dreams to fill your bank account. A significant miracle should be anticipated in your life.
Know that I am constantly at your side and that I will never leave you, no matter what difficulties you encounter, whether they are physical, financial, or emotional. I deliver physical healing, debt relief, marital reconciliation, and freedom from addictions!
Let me lead you to the abundance I have in store for you. Have faith in me. You are on your way to getting the house you want, the career you need, the connection you want, and the financial success you want. Accept my abundant provision and perfect timing.
I patiently wait for you to open the door to your heart as I continue to knock on it. I am a kind and loving God, therefore don’t be afraid to open the door. I want to be an essential part of your life, assisting you at every turn. I’ll let you in and fill you with my power, joy, and calm.
Your problems will all be gone, and they’ll be replaced by a tranquility that is unfathomable.Prepare for an exceptional weekend loaded with ground-breaking discoveries, new opportunities, inspiring news, and enhanced well-prosperous achievements. I’ll take away your suffering during this moment,
Restore what you have lost and give you a wealth of financial resources. Every mistake is covered by God’s mercy; every failure is followed by restoration; every loss is followed by a fresh start; and every defeat is followed by an incredible return.
Get ready for a spectacular shower of God’s blessings that will astound you. This week will be filled to the brim with gifts like never before, so stay firmly rooted in His presence and faithfully follow His guidance!
God will give you a reason to be happy before this month ends! Your financial conditions will become better, you’ll be healed, and miracles will happen right when you need them. Blessings are on their way to you.
Type “1212” to Affirm.

God promises to turn your sadness into gladness. He is currently responding to the prayers you have expressed to Him. Remarkable changes, breakthroughs, and miracles will occur throughout 2023. I declare that now is the perfect time for you to make new starts and grab new chances.
In the name of Jesus, I decide to get up today and believe that I am receiving blessings in accordance with Your overflowing riches in glory. Please, God, let there be no more anxiety or fear. Encourage people who are worn out. Show them that You are still with them by sending a sign.
Always keep in mind that God is greater than whatever difficulties you may face this weekend. Trust in His power more than your own. If you ever feel overburdened, give God your anxieties, uncertainties, and fears for He is more than able to handle them in His hands.
Type “1515” if you believe.

Lord Jesus declares: It will make you shine like a light and offer you hope for a bright future, benefitting people around you. This path will lead you closer to me and bring honor to my name as you walk it.
I have the ability to significantly change your situation such that you no longer struggle with money and instead experience wealth and plenty. Leave your worries and troubles behind, for I will exchange them for joy and riches.
Type “2121” if you believe.

The Lord declares You may have experienced financial difficulties or even lost money, but I can tell you that every money you spent will be returned to you doubled. You will enjoy a considerable improvement in your financial situation as well as the success of your business, career, or employment.
I’ll open up opportunities for you that can’t be taken away. Your heart’s desires will be granted. You, my dear ones, are in for some exciting plans. It might be your ideal employment, a happy marriage, or a ground-breaking innovation. Prepare for the upcoming three days, because there will be a period of great change. You will be in awe at the tremendous power and love that come from the divine as a result of miracles, blessings, and breakthroughs. Do not forget that the most crucial relationship you can have is with my Son.
Jesus. He serves as your Savior, Redeemer, and friend. He will restore your brokenness and bring comfort during difficult times. He will be your light, even in the depths of the night. He will never fail you if you put your trust in Him.
God promises to bestow success, wealth, and good health on you and your family today. All you have to do is have faith in my plan for you and trust that I won’t leave you. Amazing news, big developments, and much more benefits will be revealed in the approaching week.
To bless your land and the job you perform, I’ll command the sky to open and send rain. Your happiness will increase, and you’ll experience renewed success in your relationships and work. I will be by your side at every turn, so embrace the trip ahead with hope and anticipation.
Nothing can stop God’s incredible plans for your life, no matter how hard the enemy tries to hurt you. He’s going to accomplish things for you that you can’t do on your own, like bring healing, freedom, and breakthroughs into your life.
God will make your life better than you could have ever imagined while also restoring your relationships, body, and mind. You’re going to have an absolutely fantastic rest of this week, listen! God is sending you blessings, prosperity, health, and healing.
Type “333” to claim it.

God tells you: People may have claimed that you wouldn’t succeed or that you don’t deserve good things, but I can assure you that God alone is the source of advancements and benefits. No one has the power to take away what He promises. So have confidence because God won’t let you down.
Remember that no matter what you’re facing this weekend, God is greater and stronger. Lean on His fortitude and surrender all your concerns, uncertainties, and fears to Him. He is protecting you.
You can anticipate wonderful things, favor from God, development, fresh beginnings, productivity, and positivity this weekend. Restoration, fresh starts, and breakthroughs will be plentiful. Although the difficult times will pass, happiness will stay forever.
More good news: God will take care of your money needs while also taking care of your physical needs by restoring what you’ve lost and healing your pain. The horizon you can see is full of favor and blessings. Simply enter “Jesus is Savior.”
Jesus Says, Always keep in mind what the Bible says: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” You’re going to have a week filled with significant developments, news, better health, monetary growth, and success.
Now is the time for your turnaround! Therefore, put your worries aside and communicate your concerns to God. Do not forget to express your needs to Him and express your gratitude for everything that He has done for you. He is ready to cure you, and He is listening.
Believe that your prayers are heard, exactly as the Bible says, “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” So what do you know? God promises to cure you because “I have heard your cry and seen your tears.”
That’s right, God will transform your suffering into joy. For you specifically, he’ll throw open the doors and make opportunities. You and your family will experience great things that you haven’t even begun to fathom, I assure you.
You’re going to obtain that job, receive that acceptance letter to your dream school, get that promotion, get that amazing chance, pay off your debt, and get out of toxic relationships. God will create a path for you even when it appears impossible.
In order to prepare for the gifts that are about to abound in your life, keep your faith strong. All that God has begun in your life, He will finish. God is with you. Delays will become wonderful moments for you despite their existence. You’ll feel a new, uplifting song in your heart from God!
His love and favor throughout this season will astound you! Your prayers will be heard, and you’ll experience joy instead of tears. Expect plenty of change, innovations, and marvels in 2023! Get ready for new beginnings and opportunities.
Type “555” If You Are Ready.

“Lord says,” There’s going to be an improvement in your circumstances soon! You’ll get better health, and you’ll get richer. Your doorstep will soon be visited by blessings and wonders!
Those trying times, heartaches, and restless nights will pass. Love, prosperity, and all the other things you have prayed and waited for will come to you when God opens the windows of Heaven.
You’ll have an occasion to rejoice before this month is out! Blessings, financial growth, healing, and miracles are on their way to you. Your suffering will be changed into strength, your worries into clarity, and your challenges into tenacity. God will use even the evil done by the enemy for good.
This weekend will change everything. It will be full of successes, opportunities, good news, health improvements, and money gains. Now is the time for your turnaround! We are blessed with a day full of positive developments, expansion, and production.
A unique blessing made particularly for you is on the way. It’s on its way to your door; all you have to do is accept it in faith! In the name of Jesus, I declare that you are strong and powerful, and that you are leading a long, active, and productive life.
Type “777” to receive it.

You will complete all that God has called you to do, the Lord promises. The best is yet to come, so hold onto your optimism! Believe that you are receiving great cash rewards. Money will inevitably make its way into your life because of your amazing destiny. Even working for it won’t be necessary.
God promises, that He would protect me with divine protection, and provide for me in amazing ways today, He has limitless power and is able to accomplish anything, Never forget that God is a God of love, grace, and kindness, He will always be by your side, and loves you without condition.
Keep praying, speaking His words with assurance, and maintaining a firm faith. You will experience unanticipated miracles in your life as His cherished children. God will provide for your financial requirements, mend your broken heart, protect your family, and provide for all of your other needs.
Accept the season of achievement and financial independence that has been handed to you. You’re going to have a great month in the following weeks. I’ll make your tale one of success, happiness, and healing. I’ll assist in repairing your finances and relationships in the coming days.
I will restore your energy, serenity, and enthusiasm so you can lead a full and fulfilling life. I am a God who provides for all of your needs, and I am going to throw open the heavens so that you can receive blessings.
Type “999” If You Believe.

May the Lord hear your prayer and protect you from harm in difficult times. God’s wrath should fall on your enemies, but let the blood of Jesus cover all that concerns you. I ask this in the name of Jesus.
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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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