God Says: My Dear Child It’s Hurt Me If You Skip This!! | God Says To…

God Says: My Dear Child It’s Hurt Me If You Skip This!! | God Says To…

GOD IS SAYING TO YOU TODAY, The most unexpected blessing of your life is going to come your way. You’re going to discover why your soul needed to develop all that endurance, humility and faith. The uncommon, unmatched enchantment of a miracle is going to be revealed to you.
Just watch.
Nothing will be the same again anytime soon. Your path is going to shift for the good of your journey. You’re going to experience the most significant and satisfying benefits of your recent improvement. Keep an eye on things.
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You are entering a season of joy, love, and harmony, so the next seven days will be extraordinary. You may expect advances in your professional, spiritual, and personal relationships.
You are attracting your soul family, true love, prosperity, true relationships, good health, and healing.
You are developing mental and spiritual strength. Discover your inner strength by understanding that everything that has happened has been done to help you grow. You’re tough and unstoppable.
“It’s my war, not yours. Keep in mind that your strength comes from Me, whenever you feel like giving up and you are unable to recover. Challenge yourself not give up. I have amazing plans for you.
For you, December will be a really special month. I am confident I will achieve my goals this month and make outstanding progress. Every day that goes by, a new obstacle will be removed, making your path clearer and clearer. You will experience something in December.
8 things that God wants you to understand this Month;
1. Today is going to be a great day for anything! There will be healing. Prayers will be heard and answered. Doors and possibilities will start to open up. We have a huge day today!
2. I declare that something for which you prayed is becoming closer to you. God is about to place keys in your hands, so be ready and start packing!
3. I declare today that you will not worry about issues that are over your control. Jobs will be jobs, people will be people, but one thing will never change: God will be God. He should handle it!
4. Today, expect to hear some positive news. God is at work in the background. He’s standing up for you!

5. You didn’t even knock on the door yet God is going to open it for you. Your mind will be shocked by the gifts you are about to experience!
6. Your outstanding Comeback has already been prepared by God. Get ready for the celebration. In Jesus’ name! 
7. Trust in God. You’ll survive this time with the help of God. Whatever is broken, he will fix it. Rest in him.
8. There will be no problems. God is aware of the scope of your goals. You can trust him.
Type Yes if you needed this.

Your path is about to change. The difficulties you are dealing with are about to end. You’re going to experience a sudden increase of blessings and opportunities that will clear the path for you. Be patient and have faith in the grace of God because it is about to happen.
Believe in the Univers The wait is over. You’re going to experience something great. Raise your vibration and allow it to flow. Your blessings are on their way. Are you ready?

Type “yes” If You Are Ready.
Wait, and you will understand why God made you wait. It is beyond your capacity to pray or even imagine what God is doing. You’re about to receive some really positive news. It’s all good: the news, the times, the connections, the health, the benefits. Claim it right away!
With the knowledge you have you are doing as best you can. Give yourself some patience, love, and compassion today. The determination to follow the road that leads to your desired level of success. The confidence in oneself to feel that they deserve what is right rather than what is left.
The ability to embrace a better you while having the self-compassion to let go of what does not serve you. You must have faith that you have the strength and confidence to change your life. You can handle this.
Type “222” if you needed this!


You attract better people when you love yourself. Treating yourself well communicate to the Universe that you deserve the best. How you feel about yourself is the first step in anything feel for worth, Sense of worth,Sense of honor. Feel worthy of getting the very best. You’ll get what you want.
Type “Yes” to claim it!

Your story is about to go through an amazing shift that will leave you speechless. You’re about to get a rewarding return on all the work and effort you spent into perfecting yourself.
This next discovery will prove that the way your journey has been planned is a true piece of art. You are about to see a threefold increase in your magic. Enjoy the moment for a minute because it won’t last for too long.
You are getting close to the exit but you are slowly realizing that the light you were seeking all along came from within you. Rest in peace. Your next chapter will fill your heart with a lifetime of happiness and leave you with a lifelong grin.
Type “666” If you trust God.

This month, God is going to accomplish something very spectacular in your life. I have no idea what you have been praying for or what has left your pillows sopping wet, but I am here to tell you that God has heard your prayers today.
You’re about to see miracles because angels have been sent. I declared, You will surprise the doctors, your health will improve, and you will get a job. It’s your responsibility to speak and perform as though it will actually occur. Walk by faith, not by sight.
God is saying to you today, You are about to be moving into your destiny by a transformation that is coming. Your road will be filled with blessings! A double dose of good fortune and favor will be released into your life by me!
I have a blessing for you in spite of everything you may have gone through in terms of difficulties hardships, pain, and disappointments.
God will make you known to the right people. He will be able to open doors that you were unable to. You’re going to go higher achieve more than you ever imagined and fulfill your destiny to the fullest.

I declare that God will surprise us with great blessings, significant victories, and surprises in the months of November and December. The name of Jesus. Amen.

Like this video if you believe in God.


By the end of this year you’re going to be incredibly successful in every area of your life. Simply see how rapidly your situation changes. A lot of celebrations will take place.
Type “222” to Affirm!

I declare right now: God is now healing your body. The way you feel is being recovered, You’ll make more money! Your prayers are being answered. Your company/career will flourish. Your debts will be forgiven. No weapon created to harm you will succeed.
Your name is written on a miracle that is coming soon! “This is not possible for man, but everything is possible for God”. An wonderful thing is about to happen! Nobody will be able to challenge God’s influence on your life after you go through this.
Type “555” if you want!

Wait patiently for the things you want most. Don’t pursue it. Don’t chase it after you. If it is something that God wants you to have. You’ll receive it from him.
The shift is precisely what you need at this time on your road to the next level, therefore your guides are asking you to accept it and make the necessary adjustments.
Your prayers will be answered here, and you’ll also get benefits and develop stronger discernment. Embrace this moment completely.
May you have trust that you have a seat at the Table of Grace even when you feel like you don’t fit in. When you believe that you are just not enough.
And even when you don’t feel successful, keep in mind that Christ has won the battle on your behalf, therefore you are already seated with Him. Get some rest tonight.
Type “1212” to claim it!

God has not forgotten you Every failure and bad circumstance you are going through will be overcome by you. Your story has already been written. The footage for your last scene has been shot. You succeed in the end, not fail!
God is saying to you today, “Your growth and your ambition are being pushed forward by removing every obstacle and stronghold at this precise moment!
Your expectations will be fulfilled, your hope will be renewed, and you’ll experience blessings and miracles in your life.
Type “777” If you trust God!

Prepare yourself for breakthroughs. Get ready to advance. Get ready for recovery. Even though you may have had that issue for a very long time, today may be the day that it gets better.
Things may change quickly! God wants people to see His beauty in you. He wants you to be noticed among the others. He wants you to be so blessed that others may see His kindness in you. Therefore, continue to stand.
As you continue to pray, believe and declare His Word, blessings and favor will come your way.
The universe is saying to you today, Get up and start moving. Don’t just sit around letting the time pass. Your power is always there in the here and now. Believe that the effort you perform now will benefit your life in the long run. You can depend on me.
God is still working with you. Your later years will be superior than your earlier ones. The beginning is not where you are right now.
You are going to enter a new dimension thanks to God. Remember that where you start will not be where you finish, so don’t allow your current situation demotivate you!
The beauty you’ve already experienced on this level is just an example of what’s to come. Prepare for your latter years. Continue on; things will only get better! “And even though you started with little, you will end with much”
Type “666” if you needed this.

My beloved child, I’m writing to you with good news and encouragement. I want you to know that I’m with you at all time.
And I want to let you know that I’m here to provide you the direction and clarity you need.
I understand that you could be hoping for a divine sign, a certain prediction of what lies ahead. While I do offer direction and signs in a variety of ways.
It’s critical to keep in mind that trust and faith are important to your path. When you come to me with an open heart and mind, I will show you signs and messages that are meant just for you.
Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed,”. Have confidence in the unseen because it is through faith that miracles and door openings take place.
Trust my divine wisdom and timing, knowing that everything is transpiring in accordance with a bigger purpose.
Type “I’m taking my power back” to affirm.

It’s also important to keep in mind that divine signs can show themselves in unexpected ways. The meanings or great gestures may not always be obvious.
You may use affirmations as a potent tool to deepen your relationship with me and to match your ideas and beliefs with the future you want. With conviction, say the following carefully and allow it to resonate throughout you.
“I believe that my life is being planned by God. I’m ready to take direction and signs from heaven. I believe that possibilities and benefits are waiting for me in the future. I let go of my anxieties and anxiety because I know that divine love is guiding and guarding me.
Keep repeating these affirmations to yourself to serve as a constant reminder of your trust in God’s plan.
Be open to receiving new signs while placing your trust in the ones that are currently present in your life.
My child, Always keep in mind that I am there for you at all times, leading and encouraging you. I will make clear the signs and messages that are destined for you if you seek me out in prayer, meditation, and peaceful meditation.
Have trust in my guidance and the future I have planned for you.
Type “20:20” if you have faith in Lord.

Continue to believe that everything happens for a purpose and that, in the long run, what is concealed will always be exposed for the ultimate good of everyone.
You have an opportunity to pause, unite, and revive yourself during this time. Your wonderful new phase will soon begin and you’ll need to be your finest self yet.
Type “222” if you trust God.

Prepare yourself for a significant financial miracle this month that will bring you wealth, health, pleasure, and happiness. If you see the entire video.
Your struggle matters. If you’re struggling with your dream, or your vision, good for you. The struggle means it’s still alive. But even if you’ve given up, there’s still hope.
Connect with the God who called you, created you, and saved you. Accept the challenge. Transform your inner struggle into inner achievement by asking your Creator for assistance.
If you are agree comment AMEN!

God is saying to you today, It’s time to stand up! It’s time to stop living life on the ground. It’s time to clean the dirt from your face and follow your goals.
You already know that life is difficult. You already know that life will break you down, But I promise you that the God you serve is greater than any difficulties you will face. You serve a God who will give you the courage you need to face life’s challenges.
You won’t need to beg, borrow, or struggle, because God will place you in a situation where you don’t need to.
My beloved child, Today, I want to deliver a powerful word from God to your own heart. Are you prepared to receive His countless blessings? Your prayers for good health, abundant money, romantic love, and inner peace are about to be answered by the infinite wisdom and love of God.
Yes, you read that right! I promise you! God is getting ready to put on an outstanding performance of grace and goodness in your life. If you are prepared to accept God’s promises, please take a moment to Type “Yes” to show your faith in Him.
Acknowledge and appreciate each step you’ve taken, no matter how small, because they have all helped you get to this point. Say, “Thank you, God,” and allow your heart to overflow with thanks.
Let’s think for a moment on the meaning of angel numbers. Angel Number 242 serves as an easy reminder to keep our confidence and trust in the angels and the Divine unbroken.
They stand at your side at all times, providing guidance and support. Maintain your connection to the heavenly flow of knowledge and gifted with psychic abilities insights that permeate the world of angels. God also wants to highlight that you are at an important point in your life.
Your ability to avoid distractions and temptations is a gift from God. You must maintain your discipline and attention, my love. Just beyond the horizon is the glory that is yours. Believe in yourself and the wonderful future God has planned for you.
Let me explain the meaning of the angel number 333. You are being given an important message from the angels that encourages you to express your feelings honestly.
Do not hide or suppress your true self. Instead, concentrate on achieving complete growth for your body, mind, and soul. Let the world see your shining light.
Dear Friend,
These messages are really powerful and true. There will be change, and God is planning a lovely change in your life.
I’m here to provide you with more encouraging messages from God and Universe that will raise your spirits and direct you along the way. Allow a profound truths to enter your heart, and they will fill you with pleasure, abundance, and clarity.
Firstly, Let me to remind you that change is on the way. Amazing possibilities and rewards are about to come into your life through the power of God. The answer to the fervent prayers is on its way. Put your faith in God’s plan and practice patience and focus.
You are getting ready for greatness, and these benefits will go above and beyond what you could have imagined. Maintaining a spiritual connection is essential since God is constantly present. Keep in mind that you are never completely alone, even when you feel lonely.
The One who painted the sunset and carved the mountains, the One who created the entire world, wants to get to know you personally. You can discover relaxed, comfort, and unflagging support if you seek His presence.
You should be aware that the universe is on your side as you set out on your trip. Your path is being cleared of toxicity to make a place for love, success, and happiness. Love will enter your life in all of its glorious forms.
Get ready for true interactions, genuine connections, and a strong sense of belonging. The ability to help your loved ones and realize your ambitions will be made possible by financial benefits that are also on the way.
With the fullest confidence and faith, accept these teachings. They are heavenly instructions, not just empty words. Recognize the influence of heavenly numbers.
It serves as a reminder that you are on the correct road and in alignment with your ultimate purpose when you see numbers Like 222, 555, 888.

They encourage you to come into your genuine self, accept your power, and let go of limiting ideas. Let’s now concentrate on the rewards that each individual month will provide. The months of November and December will change you.
Get ready for the rain of blessings, miracles, possibilities, better health, and greater wealth. Embrace these affirmations, make them your own, and see how they come to pass in your life.
Remember, dear one, that God’s purposes are wonderful and comprehension to us. We may have difficulties and not instantly receive the answers we need.
God is there, nevertheless, working behind the scenes for your ultimate welfare. This is true even in the stillness. When things look difficult, have faith that He is in control. He shows up in perfect timing and is aware of what He is doing.
Spend a little minute expressing your thankfulness for the advancement you have achieved thus far. Think back on your progress, your inner strength, and the lessons you have learnt.
A life that is meaningful is facilitated by gratitude, which also provides a pathway for further benefits. For all the adjustments and development you have gone through, let your heart overflow with thankfulness.
Finally, let me reassure you that God’s love never changes. He is aware of your hardships, suffering, and aspirations. On your trip, you are never alone yourself. He defends you, keeps you safe, and directs you toward your goal.
Give your anxieties to Him and believe that everything is working out according to His perfect plan. Accept these messages, dear one, and allow them to inspire in you a fresh feeling of hope, meaning, and joy.
Your path is one of divine harmony, and the powers of nature are working in your favor. Continue on your path, keep on course with who you really are, and let your light shine brightly for all to see.
I’m back to offer inspirational and uplifting thoughts from the depths of God’s love for you. Allow these messages to hug you in a warm embrace of hope, power, and divine direction as you allow them to enter your heart.
God wants you to know today that you are about to get all you have fervently asked for. You are receiving blessings like as good health, abundance, love, and inner tranquility.
Believe this to be true, and allow it to ignite a fire of faith within of you. Say “yes” confidently and with assurance that God’s promises are being carried out in your life. The universe is talking to you about the great joy that is in store for you.
Accept this gift with wide arms; it is bigger than you can imagine. You’ve arrived here thanks to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering faith. As long as you remain in God’s presence, His time will be perfect.
He is preparing your soul to receive the incredible benefits that are happening right in front of your eyes. Can you see the evidence of His majesty? the heavenly experiences, the synchronicities, and the tiny changes in your circumstances?
They all serve as signs of the extraordinary events that are going to occur in your life.
Keep in mind also that God’s love and presence never change. You are never completely alone, not even at solitary moments or when everything appears against you. The All-Powerful, who built the world and the sky.
Keep your resolve and attention sharp in the face of obstacles, diversion, and temptation. God has already revealed you the way to go, and the journey is significant.
Keep in mind that significant signals from the heavens are sent by angelic numbers Like 333, 242, and 919 as you go on your transforming journey. They are useful reminders to be honest with yourself and to share your opinions and feelings.
In addition to putting a focus on your total development-body, mind, and soul. These figures look like markers that let you know you’re on the correct path and that the universe is encouraging your development.
Get ready for an abundance of blessings in the upcoming months. Miracles, success, financial development, fresh chances, and genuine happiness are all started in the months of November and December.
These months are a turning point in your life, so embrace them with an open heart and gratefulness. Say “Amen,” accept these benefits as your own, and trust in the divine timing.
Keep in mind that you are God’s beloved child. Your path is special and you are worth more than you can imagine. Keep the flame of hope burning within you even when things are difficult.
Trust the process, have faith in your own power, and know that the universe is working behind the scenes to help you achieve your goals. May you start each day with a grateful heart and a determination to not let your circumstances define who you are.
Dear one, embrace your power and let it shine brightly for all to see. You are supported, loved, and cherished by the divine. Believe in yourself, have trust in the process, and know that miracles are taking place in your life.
Type “Amen” If you believe in God.

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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