God Is Saying Something Unbelievable Is Going To Happen Soon If You Skip…!! || 11:11 God Miracles

God Is Saying Something Unbelievable Is Going To Happen Soon If You Skip…!! 11:11

Motivation | God message | Bible • Lets Make Jesus World Together • Sharing Words Faith, Hope & Prayer Jesus Voice For Today, Quotes, Bible Quotes, God Message Tarot, God Angels message, Universe message, Life quotes, Money miracle, Financial abundance, God’s message for you today, Urgent message from God, Angels message, Jesus message, Godly quotes, Faith quotes, Universe message, Angel message

God is saying to you today. “Never forget: I am always with you. In good times and in bad times. On mountain tops and in valleys. In joy and in tears. In blessings and in trials. Whatever you are going through, I am right there beside you.”
God Says, I know you can’t tell what I’m doing, but keep praying and one day it will all make sense. I promise.
God says, I provide everlasting happiness. If you are tired of feeling hopeless, lost, and down come to me. I will bless your life. I am here for you. I love you.
God is bigger than your anxiety and fears. Pray, trust and keep moving. God’s got you.
You are different. I did not create you to fit in. I created you to stand out.
But not only you endure the storm, you Grew in the storm.
I gave you strength to endure that at times you didn’t even know it was me.
Don’t stop now. God has something amazing for you. The best is yet to come.
Nothing can stop God’s plan for your life.
11:11 God Miracles

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Your bank balance is about to explode with more wealth than you could ever imagine. Like this video to Claim it.

GOD SAYS, I helped you before.” Rest assures that I am helping you right now! I will always be here with you in the future i love you!
God says, the sign is clear. some kind of miracle will happen to you this week. you will manifest something you have been waiting on. be ready to recieve.
Trust the timing of God. It may not be the timing we want, but it’s the timing we need…
Friendly reminder that God’s timing is better than what we have defined as “GOOD TIMING”.
Don’t worry about what “they” say. Your blessings don’t need outside affirmation.
If God said it’s your, it’s yours.
If God said it’s coming, it’s coming.
God’s timing, not yours. ALWAYS.
Comment “Amen” if you believe.


The Universe wants you to live your dreams, so it’s going to make them come true because you deserve it. Claim it.
Type 11:11 to claim it!

Stop getting sad over small things. Stop getting emotional over things you can’t control. It’s time for you to be happy again. You deserve happiness.
Make a wish and it will come true for you. luck and Love both are yours.
God says, you are entering a powerful new chapter of your life. don’t be scared about anything your dreams will come true your blessings will multiply. i will always be their guiding you by giving signs… from now onwards think only positive thoughts i will manifest them into your reality….
God says, a very powerful blessing will be entering in your life soon and it’s indication will be 4444. when this number comes in front of your eyes, from that point onwards a there will be a big boosto in finance.
You deserve a slow love. Uncomplicated. No rush. Sure. Stable. Consistent. You deserve that love. You deserve someone that’s sure of you, that you’re sure of.
Type “YES” to Affirm.

God Says: I want you to stop being negative. Stop bringing yourself down. Stop devaluing yourself. You are a champion. I love you!
God said, “When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.” The beauty is: we don’t have to make it happen. You don’t have to manipulate things, force a door to open, or make yourself get well. God is going to make it happen.
You may have obstacles that are too big for you, you don’t see how you can get out of debt, or how you can accomplish a dream.
The good news is: you’re not on your own. At the right time God will open the doors.
God does not want you to try harder, He wants you to trust Him deeper. Stop trying. Start trusting. This will change everything, in you.
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The Universe is sending signs that this is your season. Finances are about to blossom. And good times are on the way.
Type 222 if you believe!


God says: you cried so many” times in private. But now I am about to bless you in public. Receive it.
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You’re entering a powerful new chapter of your life. Don’t be scared. Your dreams will come true. Your blessings will multiply Save this post if your trust that.
God says: you cried so many times in private. But now I am about to.. bless you in public. Like this video to receive it.
God is saying to you today, “you’re going to laugh again, you’re going to ‘trust again, and you’re going to love again. I am going to restore everything you’ve lost.”
Unexperted surprises Will be entering your life. The entire Universe supports you. More energy will given to you to live out your dreams. Be ready for an increase in all areas your life.
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Some kind of miracle will happen to you this week. You’ll manifest something you have been waiting on. Be ready to receive and start counting your blessings for it right now.
Type 555 if you believe.

222 sign Good things come to those who strive for good things. In this sense, the number 222 is a sign of good things to come. Again, the number 222 can be seen as a reminder that you are on the right path and doing the right things in life. This number is also a sign of positivity, good luck, and joy.
Type “Yes” if you are agree.

Relationships are never easy all the time, but if you care about the person enough, you are willing to do whatevert, work it takes to make it last.
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You’re going to be celebrating something very special soon. You’ll be so full of joy and so much happiness sharing your good news. It will almost seem out of this world how suddenly it all happened for you. Be ready for it. Expect it. It’s happening.
God says, I understand what’s happening. I am in control. Let go. I love you.
Suddenly you will meet the right people; your health will improve, doors that were closed will now open, goals will be reached, and prayers will be answered.
You’re entering a new powerful new chapter of your life. Don’t be scared. Your dreams will come true. Your blessings will multiply.

This is sign that you don’t need to force anything to happen. Just surrender, have faith, and watch everything unfold perfectly for you.
Type “Yes” if you are ready.

“But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” Luke 6:27-28 NKJV
You are going to be promoted to the next level of your life. The next level in love, the next level in faith, the next level in health, the next level in abundance.
Everything God is doing in you and through you right now is in perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.
PRAY, Until your situation changes. Miracles happen everyday, so don’t stop believing in God’s grace.
Don’t worry about it. Pray through it.

Comment “Amen” if you agree.

God Says..
I will replace your fear with faith. I will be your guide when trouble comes your way. I will always be there for you.

I am close to the broken hearted. I will provide you peace and comfort! Put your full trust in Me!
Your blessing is coming.

When we think, “It’s too late…” God whispers, “I still have a plan.”
GOD I have no idea where you are taking me but i trust you.
Happy are those who trust in the Lord. Who rely on the Lord.
Comment “AMEN” if you agree…

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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