You’re Blessed If You Have Found This Video Today | God’s Message Today I

You’re Blessed If You Have Found This Video Today | God’s Message Today I Jesus Voice For Today 

I won’t be sending you any messages going forward, my kid, as you disregard them every day and don’t have time to listen to them. So why am I telling you this, especially when you are my child? My last message is here. Please listen if you can spare me 10 minutes of your time.
God Has A Message For You Today. I’m here at this hour to inform you about God and what He desires for you. I’ve come to share my personal religious beliefs with you and to let you know how much He loves each and every one of us.
Everything was made by me with an explanation and a cause, and I wish to assist. The purpose of the entire creation is to exalt and honor the Lord. Whatever occurs to you or the world around you serves a reason and aids in my mission here on earth, regardless of how it may appear to you.
I am your source of power. Never forget that God has vowed never to depart us or desert us, no matter how difficult life becomes or how much pressure seems to be placed on people’s lives. As long as we have believe in him, he remains at our sides.
If you believe in God, please like this video.
In spite of the fact that it may require leaving your comfort zone, don’t be scared to take a chance and shake things up. In order to develop, you must take chances. Perhaps you are contemplating how much God loves and cares for me, or how much he loves and cares for someone else.
Is there a method you can let God know that he important to you? perhaps you’re wondering. whether God doesn’t appear to care about what happens to you, you could be wondering whether there is something wrong with you.
God want for us to comprehend his care for us and the significance of our existence. However, accepting this reality is not enough; action is required. We must constantly ensure that his love enters our hearts through our deeds and speech.
Although the Holy Bible warns that following God can get us into all kinds of issues. it also teaches that we can put our entire confidence in him even when circumstances don’t seem promising. In the end, trusting God with everything we have means that we adore him.
Cherished children, As God’s children, we are capable of doing everything. I want you to understand this. I’m going to change your life for the better starting today. I’m going to fulfill your wishes today, so get ready. God want to achieve that for you, but He need your assistance.
He is unable to accomplish it alone. If He is to do anything for you today, it will require your assistance.

Another thing is to make sure you ask God for what you desire and to keep asking until He grants your request. Don’t just count on Him to provide it to you or sit around and wait for something to happen without doing anything yourself.
God declares: I wish to give you the capability to accomplish something truly remarkable in this world. In all aspects of your life, I want you to lead. No one expects you to be flawless. That you trust in me and do as I command is all that matters.
If you’re unsure of what God is trying to tell you today, consider where your attention is now directed. Things may be a distraction if you are concentrating on them.
If nothing in particular is keeping you from praying or from meditating, it might be time to change up your prayer routine or increase the frequency of your meditations. You’ll be able to hear God more clearly and your connection with Him will grow as a result.
You shall be freed from captivity because I am the Lord. Both you and I will be each other’s people and God. You will receive a blessing and a light that will last forever as part of my covenant with the people of Israel. The earth and the sky were made by me, the Lord, who also gave life to man.
I am the one who sends the stars to earth so that they can demonstrate the world’s power by falling from the sky. All living things, including fish, birds, animals, and plants, receive their breath of life from me.
As part of my plan for them, I also give them control over all land and marine creatures so that they can serve people righteously.
Except for what I built with my own hands, which I have made beautiful for your enjoyment, everything else is yours. The world needs your light. No one can hide a city built on a hill.
Except for what I built with my own hands, which I have made beautiful for your enjoyment, everything else is yours. The world needs your light. No one can hide a city built on a hill.
A lamp that has been lit is never placed under a bushel basket; instead, it is placed on a lampstand, where it illuminates the entire home. Let your good deeds be evident in front of people so that they may honor your heavenly Father by seeing them.
You are the light of the world, Jesus declared. He didn’t intend for you to be garish or ostentatious. He intended you to serve as a guiding light and source of hope for those who are hurting and confused.
God has given you certain talents, and he desires that you utilize them to comfort and restore the brokenhearted.
“My son, you are my favorite. I want you to know how much I cherish your life because I adore you. I hope it will be a lovely life full of laughter and affection. You can do all the tasks that enable this, but not without me.
Avoid feeling afraid of the times when everything seems hopeless, when the world seems against you, when the devil is leading you astray, and where no one else can guide you out of your problems.
But yourself through your own intelligence and power alone which are insufficient to overcome all obstacles in this life and which frequently lead to self-destruction rather than success in this world.
Fear may be debilitating because we believe we are the only ones who have ever experienced it. However, a lot of individuals have gone through similar things and emerged victorious after facing their fears. If you’re anxious, you don’t have to feel isolated.
And many people have defeated their anxieties and are now leading fruitful lives as a result of tackling them head-on.
We adore and respect you. In this universe, you are not alone. You were made for big things because you are a child of God. A gift from God is your life. It’s excellent news that Christ, who gives you power, enables you to accomplish everything.
Great blessings from God have been provided to you, but they are not just for your enjoyment; others can also take pleasure in them. Everyone’s welfare is what he seeks.
Because we were made to share this life with Him eternally, He wants each and every one of us to be content and joyful in it. To do that, though, we’ll need each other’s assistance.
Today, you have the power to make a difference in the lives of others and make it more joyful more satisfying, or both.
Because of what He accomplished on the cross and the reason He entered the world as your Savior, we can be rescued from death and given access to an eternal life in heaven with Jesus, regardless of what happens to us during our time on earth.
For being open to hearing what I have to say, I will shower blessings on you. I’ll bless you for having the faith to think that I’m real and that I’m interested in what occurs in your life. I’ll bless you for your willingness to uphold my ideals of love and honesty.
I will reward you for your willingness to make sacrifices so that others can also experience blessings.
I just have life to offer you, and that’s the truth. I’m at my wits’ end after that. And it is what I hope to impart to you. God desires for your life to be blessed and for you to be happy. Everybody should have success in their lives, according to God.
God claims that it’s acceptable to occasionally be frustrated or angry with Him since He knows what it’s like to be irritated or upset with someone else. He knows how it feels, yet He still cares about us and wants what’s best for us.
Therefore, we must keep in mind that God still has affection and concern for us whether we are sad or furious with Him. If we also beg God for forgiveness, we will be able to let go of our resentment and forgive Him.
Save yourself, my kid. Through your difficulties, I am here by your side. Regardless of what occurs in your daily activities, I will continuously be there for you. The things that happen around us should not make us afraid, according to God.
Even when things don’t go well, He wants us to believe in His love for us and His goodness. Even when we don’t understand why something has happened or hasn’t yet happened, trusting God implies that we think He is good.
God is not requesting anything from you. You already exhibit virtue. But He desires to make you better than ever. God desires our I happiness and just the best for us. As Christians, we are aware that God is in charge of our life. He is our sole source of dependence and total confidence.
No matter what occurs or how tough tasks may seem, we have faith that God can bring about a positive outcome in our lives.
Because of this, it’s crucial that we pray every day and seek God for wisdom and direction as we navigate each scenario and each day. And when we pray, we must never forget to say: “Father, I know that You cherish me; please help me be the kind of person You want me to be.”
Having the right to make our own decisions about how to spend our lives is what it means to be free. The amount of money or possessions we have has no bearing on it. Our degree of love in our hearts and brains determines how free we are.
We all need to feel loved and accepted from the moment we are born. For us to unwind and appreciate life, we need to feel safe and secure. 
You should type 11:11 If You Receive Your Blessings.
However, life might seem unfair at times when you’re young. When you and your family are arguing, your parents, siblings, or other famil
y members may advise you to “go outside and play,” but nobody there is concerned about you or aware of how you are truly feeling.
Even though no one else is aware of anything about your heart right now but the things that are flowing out of it, you feel alone and terrified.
Even as you mature into adulthood, life might still seem unfair since some people don’t understand why you behave a particular way or why certain events in your life occur, despite the fact that at this point, everyone is aware of your troubles because they have been publicized.
While God desires for all of us to be cheerful, some of us are more fortunate than others. God wants us to everyone have enough income so that we may take care of our family and ourselves without having to work too hard.
However, God also wants us to understand how important and valuable each of us is to him personally. Let me explain what it’s all about if you want to have fun. I can return them to you clean and in good shape even if your house is messy and your clothing are out of style.
I can restore serenity and tranquility to your heart and mind if they are unsettled. Allow me to show you how to live a peaceful life. Enjoy what I have provided for you. Take life’s blessings as they come and be grateful for them.
Future worries are unnecessary because God will assist you if you ask for His assistance. Enjoy what I have provided for you. Your loved ones, friends, and even complete strangers care about you and want to assist you in any way they can.
You have a roof over your head and food on the table. You reside in a friendly neighborhood where everyone looks out for one another.
Be appreciative of the things that make life worthwhile. Be grateful for all God has given you, including your health, your family, your friends, your house, and your things. You should also be especially grateful for any benefits that are hidden from sight, such as a parent’s love.
You and your family are beloved by God. You were made by him, and he wants you to be content. He is concerned about your wellbeing and way of life. To establish a connection with you and to be able to pardon your sins, God sent His Son to die on the cross.
I value your life very much. This universe does not contain just you. This world does not need you to tackle it alone and without assistance from others. You don’t have to manage your issues by yourself. If you require assistance, you may rely on me to provide it.
I will be at your side the entire time, directing you along the path that is right for your life.
True, happiness doesn’t endure a lifetime. Life wasn’t designed to be a perpetual picnic. God, however, does not desire for us to suffer throughout our lives. He wants us to enjoy every minute of our lives while knowing that he loves and cares for us. He wants us to live them with joy and enthusiasm.
Even when things are difficult, God still cares deeply about you and wants you
to know it. He wants you to know that regardless of what occurs in your life or how many errors you commit, God is always willing to pardon and support you through it all.
Oh my God, I am not a saint. I don’t always choose or say the best course of action. But you have selected me to be your kid and a disciple who will follow you. I want to learn from the Bible because I want to obey you as much as I can.
Keep my orders if you love me. Because we want God to be pleased with us, we must abide by his commands. In the event that we disobey him, he will punish us with hardships, illness, or poor health. Because of our disobedience, we can even pass away young.
1. Be dependable when it comes to the important things. 
2. Persist until you achieve success. 
3. Praise, worship, and appreciation to God for all he has done for you throughout your life, not just today, are the most essential things in life. I’m present. I exist. It’s not a nightmare.
Only those who believe in me at the very end of their life and then pass beyond death may see me or know about me, but even then, I am with you. I have a scheme in mind for your life. When will I have another opportunity if you don’t use this one to execute my plan?
Your life is being planned by God, and it may not always be in the way we expect. God desires that we are content. He desires our satisfaction. He desires our accomplishment. In order for us to spend eternity with him in paradise, he loved us so much that he sent his Son into the earth.

If You Get This Message, Type Amen.

He made you and gave your body its amazing traits when He created you. You are able to think, feel, and act because He has given you these faculties. Your heart’s desire is known to him.
He created the universe in such a manner that there are numerous things for us to take pleasure in and find fulfillment in, but there are also numerous threats to our safety. We need to figure out how to defend ourselves from them as a result.
Because of how much he cares for you, he wants to make sure that once you pass away, your soul will go directly to paradise and never again experience the effects of sin. The biggest race of your life is under starting. You are engaged in a battle for your life and the lives of those you love.
God granted you free will for this reason. Because He is aware that, whatever how difficult a situation may appear to be, a different path is always possible. And if we don’t seize those chances, they’ll pass us by like a train that keeps moving even when we halt in front of it!
In other words, God wants us to have the courage and bravery to turn around when we recognize we’ve chosen the wrong route or made the incorrect choice.
But He also desires for us to have the humility to not just acknowledge our errors but also to come to Him in times of need. So keep in mind that everything is possible today!
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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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