God is telling you clearly what’s coming up: You’ve probably known deep down that something is about to shift. Now is the time of change, a transition to something greater and new.
That you are about to go on an exceptional journey is indicated by the difficulties and assaults you have encountered. Right now is the perfect moment to get your mind and soul ready for the amazing changes that lie ahead.
You have arrived at this point by every route you have taken. Take advantage of this time for development and show your faith in God by like this video.
Type “yes” to indicate your readiness, then forward this video to five others, who believe in God.
The fights become more fierce as you get closer to your destiny, you may have noticed, courage and direction to complete it are both gifts from the same God.
You can trust His plan since He knows your journey. If you trust that God will lead you, type “Amen”.
It’s critical to acknowledge that you may not completely understand the course of events.
The cards may seem to be stacked against you at times. But God, being a creative genius, can convert mishaps in life into works of art, and troubles into opportunities for prosperity. See how He transforms your life with surprise.
An enjoyable surprise is in store. We may not always comprehend the dips and turns of our trip, but with faith, we can make it through.
Type “yes” if you’re prepared for this shift.

It may not always be easy for us to grasp God’s ways and tactics, but we must acknowledge that God sees the whole picture while we often only see a single thread.
Think about this: someone or something in your path may not be ready yet, but you could be ready for whatever God has in store for you. Your prayers may not be answered in line with God’s perfect plan until He has had time to work in their lives.
For it to coincide with God’s divine timing, every element has to come together perfectly. Understanding God’s time and letting Him work in His own manner are essential skills for living your greatest life.
It will be timely when the response comes through.
Type “Amen” to express your belief.

Keep in mind that God’s book already has a record of every day you have lived. It’s important to remember that your path does not end with failures or setbacks. Hold on to your beliefs about the greater picture and stay the course.
Don’t give up on your future even if it’s normal to feel tired, disheartened, and disappointed. God’s faithfulness never wavers.
Because the adversary has carefully planned a series of assaults, setbacks, suffering, and failures to encourage you to question yourself, you may find it difficult to trust in your own ability to be great.
You have an amazing purpose in life and are destined for greatness, Always keep in mind, that the power of Jesus Christ can help you conquer any challenge.
Throughout your season, You are living your life under the influence of fate, therefore stand ready. Your trip is a witness to your unshakeable confidence in God’s purpose.
Reaffirm your faith by typing “I Love You, Lord.”

You are a part of a big design. You have a unique mission, and you have the ability to do incredible feats. The challenges of life might be immense. Gathering the broken parts and starting again is difficult when big adjustments need to be made.
Rebuilding your life after a altenating event is a difficult undertaking. Being the person’s main carer, receiving an unexpected diagnosis, and having to start over after a significant loss may be very stressful.
It is tough to move to a new area, feel lonely, and want for company while navigating life’s challenges. But never forget that these trials are nothing to overcome if God is on your side.
The storm is not beyond you. Through Christ, you are able to do everything, thus you will overcome this. God recognises that you’ve been enduring hardships for a long time, including emotional, spiritual, and financial difficulties.
Though you’ve been abused in a number of ways, he understands you have a kind heart. Your sanity has been put to the test by the devil on several occasions. You’ve experienced several storms and betrayals.
You have endured because God is with you, that much is true. Anything made against you will not be allowed to flourish by him. Don’t be afraid; He is going to make everything right.
Forgive anyone who may have questioned you and bless you in their presence. Keep your trust strong. Nervousness and uncertainty are normal emotions to have sometimes. Still, ruminating on misgivings erodes confidence. God recognises the frailties and vulnerabilities in us.
It is His desire for us to have faith that He will finally be exalted. Consider all of the blessings and difficulties He has already brought into your life. Believe that God is still God.
Please tell God how you really feel, even if you’re feeling scared and overwhelmed. The mask you wear for the outside world might come off in His presence.
He understands that you are having difficulties, that you are not perfect, that you ache when your prayers go unanswered, and that you may even feel rejected. Turn to Him, He beckons you.
Worry about God instead of letting your displeasure and anxieties fester. For help and rescue, cry out to Him. Your voice is much-needed to him.
If this message speaks to you, enter “Amen”.
Remember that God’s benefits may not always manifest as material rewards, if these words have brought you comfort. When we pray to God for more, He sometimes answers with blessings that sometimes cost us something.
God may seem to be asking you to wait and take His time because He is getting ready to give you something really unusual, uncommon, remarkable, and spectacular. We’ve taken note of your loyalty and compliance.
Numerous individuals would have suggested that you surrender or take charge of your life, but you choose to put your faith in God and exercise patience. Move forth and maintain your faith in spite of the obstacles. It will be more sweeter in the future than it was in the past.
The individuals that turned away from you or rejected you will make sense when you look back on your life. Even if the closures weren’t pleasant at the time, they served to keep you safe nonetheless.
Have faith that the intentions God has for you will be fulfilled. Postponements will become wonders. God’s kindness and favour will astound you throughout this season that you are about to enter. We’ll hear from you in prayer.
Therefore, never give up. Keep the assurances in place. Even in the face of difficult circumstances, be open to breakthroughs. It’s possible that some of you are being diverted from your intended route by the adversary, so spend time with God.
Be resilient and unwavering. It is natural for some of you to feel disoriented, perplexed, irritable, and easily agitated. But if you’re ready for these gifts, write “I am strong.”
Your life is being called upon, and the adversary knows it. For this reason, he is attempting to divert you from following through on your commitments. Seek the Lord and beg for discernment throughout these circumstances.
That he will kindly provide. Spending quality time with God is necessary if He is to raise you up to a higher level in your path. God’s ability to fully transform your life is yet unrealized for you.
Say this out loud:Dear God, I am grateful that You are the source of all contentment in my life.” My existence has no gaps or voids because of you. I know that there is no one else except You who can bring me genuine contentment.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that an increasing number of Your children will find this out. Indeed. You may have faced several obstacles that have worn you out and made you think about giving up on life.
In this amazing month of December, God will surpass all of your expectations. You will see God’s favour and blessings descend upon you as you cling to Jesus and cleanse your mind with the Word. Your prestige will rise and your season will change thanks to him.
Jot down the following prayer: “Father God, despite the difficult circumstances I’m facing, I firmly believe that nothing can defeat You. No obstacle, setback, injustice, person, hatred, jealousy, illness, or disappointment can withstand Your presence.”
Turn my sorrow into joy, my weakness into power, and even in my blackness moments, You pledge to be by my side forever. I pray for the mending of old wounds, the reunion of my family, and the return of joy to my soul.
Realising what obstacles you are up against. Your heart is kind and giving, and He hears your prayers. You never seem to get the support you need, even when you provide a helping hand to others.
And yet, because God has given you a large and loving heart, He wants you to continue being good. Keep going-you’re closer than you think to making the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.
You are giving in to the importance of your religion above your feelings. It proclaims that the power of your God outweighs any circumstance that you face. The purposes of God are far more expansive than our own imaginations.
Hope and tranquilly are yours if you put your confidence in His promises.
God knows that you want better things, and he has heard your petitions. You may have encountered individuals passing judgement on you or giving up on you, among other problems. But in the end, what counts is God’s verdict.
Remember that God appreciates your faithfulness more than perfection, so keep going on your road. God recognises the possibility that a large number of His followers are experiencing depression.
Their common concern is that by sharing their troubles, they would seem to be disobeying God. Nonetheless, hiding behind a facade prevents healing. Shouting out to God and taking off the masks is crucial. He is able to pick you up out of your mess.
It will accomplish its goal because God’s Word is infallible. Even when life’s storms are extreme, put your confidence in the Lord. Trust in Him at all times.
It is important for you to keep in mind that God has a wonderful plan for you. He wants the best for you, that is, prosperity and health. We might be part of our own oppression, tyranny, misery, and unhappiness at times.
Having complete faith in God will give you strength and serenity no matter what the storms of change bring. The promises made by God are always fulfilled and without error.
Type “I’m optimistic” to show that you’re prepared to accept this fact.

God is aware of the difficult time you’re going through right now. An emotional storm has gathered around you due to a number of events. Even when you solve one problem, it seems like there are always others to solve.
There are moments when God stills the storms within of you more than the ones outside of you. Even in ways you may not see right now, He is fortifying you in your trials. Remind yourself that just as you always have, you and God will triumph over this.
God is working to prepare something greater for His glory, so don’t be scared when the old things depart.
If you trust in divine guidance and benefits, then subscribe to our channel. It’s time to start living again, and I have a particular message for you. You have been through enough pain and have mastered the art of maintaining a brave front while hiding inside pain.
When you felt like giving up, you showed up. It’s your time to really live now, according to God. Your tenacity in the face of adversity has not gone forgotten, God promises.
Indicate “Amen” if you follow Jesus.

You will always get what is intended for you, keep that in mind. Have faith that God provides for your every need and that His perfect plan will come to pass in your life. You will not get anything done or have energy when you worry yourself to sleep.
It’s crucial to recognise that everything has already been predetermined by God, and He will make sure that you get what and who are intended for you when the appropriate moment comes. Enjoy this season that you are in.
It’s not necessary to move quickly or firmly. We should not let the difficult situations we undoubtedly face in life drag us down. The problems we face now and in the future are a reminder of how God’s grace has sustained us through hardships in the past.
The good times should not be taken for granted; difficult times serve as a reminder of this. Even while people may only be aware of a portion of your life story, God is aware of all you have gone through. Your support for others has been constant.
In exchange for their honesty and commitment, you should provide them love and support throughout their worst moments. At times, you have been hurt by this kind and understanding attitude. You keep praising and worshipping God in spite of everything.
It’s time now, believing in His presence, to go through the specifics that are bothering you. You’ll discover the happiness you’ve been looking for if you accept God’s presence in all of your everyday activities, even the little ones.
Continue to worship, Because even in the face of excruciating anguish, God is by your side. He will always be there for you, supporting you through all of life’s troubles. His tears are collected, and he is aware of your pain. He’ll make something beautiful out of your suffering.
Recall that God makes everything beautiful in His time, therefore this is not the end but rather the beginning of something amazing. A profound change that will astound you and whirl your heart and mind is about to occur in your narrative.
The most fulfilling return on investment for self-improvement is about to occur. The next big development will increase the magic inside you threefold since your path has been painstakingly designed, much like a masterpiece.
Because the current moment won’t last forever, take a time to enjoy it. When you get to the end of this lengthy tunnel, you’re starting to understand that the light at the end of the tunnel has always come from within of you.
Let this realisation bring you calm, for the next chapter of your life will leave you smiling forever and full of happiness.
Type the phrase “I embrace my power” to declare that you are ready.

You are stronger than you often realise, therefore have trust in yourself. It may be dragging you down, but it’s time to take stock of your situation and let go of any unneeded burdens. You may be carrying a heavy load right now.
Anyone who has faced difficulties in the past, is experiencing them now, or has conquered them is intended to hear this message. Stay blessed, have a good attitude, and keep your head held high.
In order to get this message, type “yes”.
Prepare yourself to receive a beautiful package of blessings. Your spiritual layers that needed fortification have been strengthened by every obstacle you have overcome. You are too advanced to go back to your previous habits.
Fear has to stay behind you; a lovely route is being made only for you; walk on it with confidence. “I’m abundant” is how you declare and claim your abundance. Follow your knowledge without letting anything stop you.
You know deep down that you were intended for this. The edge of your development is where fear serves as a guide. Type “I believe in myself” to validate your self-belief after overcoming your anxieties. It’s almost time for your breakthrough.
Type “I Love You Lord” to express your love and support for the Lord.

You are under God’s protection, therefore you should be praying and worshipping from a distance. You have unexpected benefits coming your way, God is telling you today. It will go from just barely making ends meet to more than enough.
God will make the appropriate contacts on your behalf, and supernatural doors will open wide. A really bountiful, above and above favour and increase are going to come into your life.
If you find this message relatable, please type “yes”.

You are important and on a path to recovery. God is about to work a magnificent miracle in your life this month.
Believe that God has heard your prayers even if you may have been crying on your pillow as you prayed. You’re going to see your miracles shortly; his angels are already working. You’ll amaze the physicians with your improved health.
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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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