Listen, Young One you blatantly reject me every day, yet I always look out for you. I cannot assist you with your problem if you forget me now. Life may be difficult, full of uncertainties and difficulties.
I am here for you, but amid all of this. I have been aware of you since the first moment of your life. I may seem far away and unapproachable to you, yet that couldn’t be farther from the truth. everytime i am sure to listen, guide, and comfort.
I am alive in the small marvels that occur every day, in the laughter of adored ones, and in the gentle breeze that brushes against your face.
Thus, heart open to me, My Child welcome my affection and embrace my presence. in the midst of chaos, together we can overcome any obstacle and find solace.
Remember that i am always here to you, waiting to assist you in finding your path and achieving your goals on this trip we call life. therefore, do not skip this messages and leave it uncompleted.
I am aware of your overwhelming, worried, and nervous emotions you do not know what to do or where to go for support. you are quizzing why things are going in this way. instead of feeling secured, safe, and at ease, you’re afraid and concerned.
Hearten with me! i am with you and I am here for you. I will guide you through this valley of tears and into a place of safety and security if you would just trust me. I extend my arms wide to embrace you; all you need to do is enter my embrace and take a seat inside my embrace.
In your struggles, you are not alone. it’s not only you that has experienced this emotion. you have not been the only person to experience this?
God promises to walk with you throughout this trial and to assure you that he is with you. Avoid letting this test depress you and eliminate your faith in god. Rather, seek his guidance and strength while navigating it.
Focus on how god has been faithful to you in the past and how he will continue to be faithful in the future rather than what you have lost or what is going to happen in the future.
You are in the plan of the lord. It’s a good plan, the best one he could have thought of, and it will bring you happiness. All you have to do is give it some time, pay attention, and do what he says.
It is not necessary for you to search for your destiny. it is already in your heart, thank god. all you need to do is learn how to identify it and then give it all you have.
Even if we can’t always understand God’s Plans, they are always superior than everything we could come up with on our own. Just sit down and listen to what god wants for your life if you are feeling lost or confused in any way.
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God's message today

You were made for a purpose by me. I created you and placed you on this planet for a purpose. You are here for a reason, and that reason is to fulfil your destiny-not to be comfortable or convenient.
I promise never to abandon you. regardless of the circumstances that arise in your life, I will always be by your side, even when everything seems hopeless and life seems unachievable.
You are worthy of fighting for your dream, so don’t give up on them or yourself! Discouragement and doubt will only hold you back from realising your full potential in my kingdom, so don’t give in to them!
God says
“I am here to assist and guide you during this life.” You were created by me, thus I am the one who knows what is in your heart the best. I promise to always be there for you, even if you don’t always understand my ways.”
I am aware that there are times when it seems like i’m not paying attention. I can hear everything you say, and more than that, i see everything you do, so please know that.”
“Keep in mind that what is going wrong in your life is just temporary.” everything has a prediction.
“You are not lost in this world; there are many people who care you deeply.” Now is the right time to get rid of what aren’t furniture. It’s time to let go of the pain and sorrow you have been carrying about for so long. You have lived long enough.
You’ve experienced a lot, and you’ve probably wondered why it was so difficult for you to find pleasure. however, God is telling you now that all those experiences were necessary since they contributed to the development of who you are now.
When you realise that everything in this world happens for a reason-even if it wasn’t what we wanted at the time-you will be able to reach a new heights of spiritual maturity.
Therefore, pray about it and ask god how he wants you to handle it if anything has been bothering or unhappy you lately. Because he loves us and just wants what’s best for us, he will show you how he wants this situation handled!
“I have something to give you, My Child. it’s a lovely and forgiven gift that will alter your life permanently.”
God desires for your heart to mend and for you to be able to forgive those who have wronged you. you cannot continue to live a life filled with bitterness and resentment. God want to guide you out of this dark valley and into the light of his forgiveness and love.
“I wel forgive at youe sing even the ones that hurt others; Will make them as they had never happened.”
“I will restore all that has been stolen from you; I will give you new faith and new energy.”
“I will give love in your heart and joy at home.” God’s word has the power to change your life in ways you never would have imagined since it is an eternal, living, and active force.
God loves you and wants you to be happy, beloved children. He wants to give you hope and peace in any situation and has a purpose for your life. In order to answer your prayers and perform miracles in your life, god is waiting for you to call out to him! But how will he know if we don’t ask?
It’s time to seriously look at making changes in your life if you are finding it hard to find peace in your life.
God desires for us to experience victory in christ by relying on his strength and power rather than our own! With the assistance of god’s holy spirit, who resides inside each and every one of us as believers, you may effect change! Every day, the holy spirit assists us in becoming more like christ!
I pray that god would provide you the blessings he has planned just for today! As he removes all of your concerns and anxieties, may his peace fill your soul and mind! I pray in jesus’ name!
“i know the strategies i have for you, plans to prosper you and not to hurt you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God tells you that your life has a purpose. When we stand before him one day, you may not be able to see it or understand it now, but we will see how everything turned out for the best in the end.
God’s strategy for us may seem unclear or even unachievable at times when we are going through challenging situations, yet he never abandons us in our hardships. He will never fail to give us what we need, when we need it.
Remember that god has a purpose for your life and that, if you believe him with your future, he will lead you through every hurdle that may arise today as you go about your day.
I’m calling on you to access your greatness today. you’re here for a reason, and i’ve made you this way so that you may fulfil the potential I gave you. However, there are a few things that need to be done beforehand before you can do that.
You have to be willing to forgive yourself for all of your past mistakes. People have to be forgiven for their mistakes committed against you.
Above all, you have to give me permission to forgive you for all of these transgressions and anything else that is keeping you from realising your full potential.
“I am your lord, dear! you have been selected by me and appropriated to serve me. you’ve been called by my light to come out of your darkness. i have placed an open door in front of you, which no one can close. in my presence, you are free to come and go as a child of the living god.
I am really happy for you since you are my beloved son or daughter! You do not need to be afraid, as i will always be with you till the end of time.”
I have all knowledge. I have everything seen. Omniscient is me. I am fully aware of every aspect of your life and your personal history, right down to the last detail. I am aware of your feelings before you express them, your thoughts before you consider them, and your future before it materialises.
I am aware of everything that has happened in the past and where it may lead to in the future. I am aware of everything about you, past, present, and future, since nothing is hidden from me!
Regardless of what is ahead for you or what may occur now, tomorrow, or even the next week, month, or year, don’t be afraid! nothing can touch you or harm you-not even death itself-so don’t be frightened of anything that could occur!
You are a magnificent, one-of-a-kind creation. You are amazingly and fearfully made by the one who created everything. “Because i am aren’t afraid of harming you, i know the plans i have for you,” The Lord Says. “Plans to give you hope and a future.”
If you receive your blessings, type “Amen”

A belief that god will bless your life with good things is necessary if you trust in his word. it matters not how bleak your future may appear, or what has in the past. what god says in his word is all that matters.
It is impossible for time or trials to shake the promises of god since they are unwavering and unchanging.
Despite the difficult times you are facing at the moment, god remains supreme, more than anyone could ever be, he adorees you, according to the bible, “god demonstrates his love for us by having christ die in our place while we were still sinners”
You alone have the ability to ensure your happiness. peace of mind is something that only you own. who else can give you what you need and want? you alone.
Time to accept responsibility for your life and quit blaming other people for your troubles. now is the time to assess that you, and not someone else, are totally tolerable for your bad mood if you are disturbed by it.
Right now, resolve to show yourself and others more kindness and love.
As I am the one who created you, I am aware of every thought that you have. I am aware of how you are feeling as well as the events in your life. I am aware of your past actions as well as your plans for the future. Nothing can escape my notice, my child!
Observing both people and animals, my eyes are all over the planet. I will be making my judgement on the day that was scheduled. Moreover, i will not spare those who have not repented of their misdeeds; When it does arrive, they will perish!
You should repent right away for this reason. After confessing your transgressions and pleading with me for forgiveness, live your life in a way.
That honours me by acting morally in all spheres of your existence, including your words, deeds, desires, and thoughts. You will have eternal life when jesus returns and you obey me by doing what is right in accordance with my word!
Because i love you and want the best for you, i am your father. To express my love for you, i came to earth. Hence, i sent my son jesus to die in place of your sins.
In order to give you life in him, he was crucified on the cross and rose again. We may be saved from our sins because he pardons all of our transgressions and grants us his righteousness.”
“You will be granted eternal life with me in heaven if you believe in jesus christ and accept him as your god and saviour.” This is a easy prayer to pray: Heavenly Father, i think jesus christ is your son, the only way to heaven, and that you raised him from the dead.
I ask that you pardon me of all my transgressions and create me again in jesus christ today.
“You have my love and i am your father.” I will be with you forever since you are a child of my heart. Because i am with you, do not be afraid. I am aware of the events that are now taking place in your life.
I see everything, even if you may not. I am aware of the suffering and agony you are going through. But keep in mind that nothing that happens to you is not something I have approved.”
Always keep in mind that god loves you! he wants to hear your prayers and concerns, and he cares about every aspect of your life. Now, feel free to discuss with him everything that is on your mind or in your heart right now.
I am now having my angels keep watch over you! Away from any evil that may come your way, they are protecting your mind, body, and spirit.
Even if you think there is no way out right now, i have provided a way out of every situation that has been put in front of you. I will show you the way out, but if you are unable to see it at this time, don’t worry! just keep believing in me!
“You have my unwavering loyalty. never will I quit you. you are someone I will always remember. Whatever happens, I’ll always be at your side.
“Duries, i am your resurrection, your power, and your ever-present assistance. When difficulties overwhelm you and troublesome waves sweep you away, flee to safety in my company.”
“The devil and his demons have tried their best to bring me down by their lies, accusations and accusations against me but they failed miserably because they have no power over me or anyone else who belongs to me!”
Act bravest and giant. remember that god will always be with you no matter where you go, so don’t be afraid or discouraged.
Isaiah declares, “I am with you and will save you.” I will not destroy you completely, even if I destroy every nation in which you are scattered. I will, however, punish you just enough and ensure that you get no further punishment at all.
Walk in my statutes, my child, because they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. Do not be afraid.
I will strengthen you; yes, i will assist you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. Fear not, for i am with you. Be not discouraged, for i am the god.
Act as a creative, courageous, and compassionate soul today and appreciate your uniqueness. You may express who you are without worrying about criticism or disapproval when you’re in alignment with your soul.
“Since it is no longer serving your highest good, let go of the past.” Ignorance from yesterday can no longer hold you back. You have come too far.”
A new day is here today. You are no longer being served well by the outdated methods, which no longer work. It is god’s will for you to be happy and free from suffering, therefore today, open yourself up to all that is possible for you.
God is aware of the immense joy and freedom that await you, but it will only materialise if you release all that is preventing you from enjoying it right now.” He is asked to assist you, knowing that you are frustrated.
You are full of gifts, talents, and abilities again from him. God desires that these gifts be used to bless those in our immediate vicinity. However, we reject his call on our lives when we refuse to accept his love and grace. Question “Why am i here?” is an essential self ask.
God is unconditionally devoted to us, but he also loves us too much to abandon us in this place. He desires for us to be free from our vices, bad habits, and behaviours in order for us to fully enjoy all of his blessings throughout this life, for whatever long it lasts.
he want for us to become so familiar with him that fear will never control us.
I am aware of how wounded, broken, and hurt your heart is. even though it may seem hopeless, I am here to reassure you that there is still hope. A solution exists.
The world has forgotten what it meant and what I am. What i feel for them, what I want to see them salved. I remember them and what they needed from me, even when they forgot about me throughout their difficult times.
Though they are in desperate need of me right now, i understand that they their worldly distractions prevent them from seeing what’s really important in life-namely, their relationship with me-so much that they are unaware of how much they depend on me!
Believe in god for the outcome when everything around you seems to be falling apart. For everyone who loves and obeys him, he has promised to work everything for good.
Instead of worrying about tomorrow, the next week, or the next month, let’s concentrate on what we can do now. Instead of worrying about what could happen in the future, let’s concentrate on the here and now.
Why not worry about tomorrow and just enjoy every day as it comes? let’s trust god for our future.
If all of this messages are contamining you, type Amen.

I’m not going to let my kids be bullied. I’m not going to tolerate my kids being teased. I’m not going to let my kids feel unworthy, inadequate, foolish, or without significance. I’m determined not to let my kids feel like anything other than extraordinary.”
You are cherished. Jesus christ, god’s only son, was sent by god to die on the cross in order to atone for your sins and provide you eternal life because god loves you so much. You are innocent to god’s love, despite everything!
A purpose in this world is what god want for you. By loving service and submission to his will, he created you with the ability to positively impact the lives of others.
God has given you gifts that you may use for both his glory and the benefit of other people. You may serve him in a variety of ways; choose one that aligns with your interests and personality and begin giving it away right now!
I’m not going to let my kids be bullied. I’m not going to tolerate my kids being teased. I’m not going to let my kids feel unworthy, inadequate, foolish, or without significance. I’m determined not to let my kids feel like anything other than extraordinary.”
“I am your father, and I love you with an everlasting love that is unbreakable or torn apart by anywhere, anything, or anyone. Jesus is the truth, so when we stand on my promises, we stand on truth.
Amidst your difficulties, you are not alone. I am always nearby and with you. I am at your side through all of life’s good times and bad, dreams realised and dreams completely ignored.
I’m always at your side, no matter how easy or difficult life becomes, how good or bad things happen in your life.
I am here for you no matter what, even if it may not seem like it sometimes. And keep in mind this promise even if there are days when it doesn’t seem or seem real. “As i ascend above the nations and the earth, remember that I am god. Stay still and know this.”
“I want you to know that i am christ and that you are always in my love no matter what.” I want for you to have confidence me with your future, even though I possess the ability to heal your body and mind.
You might become dependent on me for healing if I cure your body right away and fail to learn self-care.
I will teach you how to be content and at peace in any situation, whether you are ill or disabled.
Enter “yes” if you’re prepared, then forward this video to five other believers.

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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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