God speaks: “YOU WILL LOSE MY BLESSINGS IF YOU IGNORE THIS” I God’s message today I Jesus Voice For Today

God speaks: “YOU WILL LOSE MY BLESSINGS IF YOU IGNORE THIS” I God’s message today.

God’s word to you today is full of excitement for the bountiful future, that is soon to be yours, Because of your unflinching trust and determination, this has come to pass.
You persevered in the face of incredible adversity, displaying steadfast commitment, enormous fervour, and incredible patience. Your persistence is going to pay off in spectacular ways.
Things are about to click into place. The pieces of your life’s puzzles are about to fit together perfectly, and this is the moment you’ve been waiting for.
What at first may have looked incomprehensible is gradually becoming clear, like the intricate weaving of a tapestry. If you have faith in God, you will find great comfort in this heavenly promise. God’s perfect time must be trusted.
Have assurance that God is working everything out according to His overall strategy for your life. He was already preparing the way for you long before you ever experienced the difficulties and dangers.
Now is not the time to lose patience and attempt to force things to happen or hurry things along. Have faith that the solution will come to you at the correct time and that you won’t have to rush things.
Your patience and trust in God’s time will pay off, no matter how difficult it may seem now. It’s a strong statement of faith in God’s ultimate purpose.
Those who agree with this message and God’s timetable should reply with “Amen.”

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God's message today I Jesus Voice For Today

Your belief is the beacon that will take you to the realisation of God’s will for your life. God is getting ready to shower you with benefits so great that they will erase all the sorrow, distress, loss, and unfairness you’ve ever experienced in your life.
You’ve had double the difficulty, but you’re about to get twice as much reward. Your previous enemies will no longer be a problem. Your bad habits and addictions have enslaved you.
Are crumbling under the weight of God’s favour pouring into your life. This supernatural blessing will serve as your motivation, allowing you to accomplish things you never believed imaginable. What may have taken years.
In the blink of an eye, God will make it happen. The outcomes you’ve been waiting for are on the horizon. Prepare yourself for a very revolutionary development. You’ve shown unwavering resolve.
The good fortune that has been withheld from you until now is finally coming your way.
Show your preparation for this unexpected breakthrough by writing “Amen”

In addition, I ask that the Lord protects your mind, guiding you to put love rather than hatred, service rather than self-interest, purity rather than defilement, and trust rather than fear. Taking into account our propensity for wandering.
For perseverance, we look to God’s direction, God’s loving presence is your anchor, bringing strength and wisdom to overcome life’s problems.
If you’re ready for this supernatural support, acknowledge it with “Yes.”

God is speaking to you today, telling you that incredible good things are about to happen in your life. This heavenly favour is not a fluke, but rather the result of your firm belief and perseverance.
Your dedication, enthusiasm, and patience are going to pay off in spades, and you’ll finally be able to understand everything that’s happened up to this point. God, as the all-knowing Creator, is well aware of your need.
The ability to get it to you when you need it and at the right time. He cares not at all about the thing that is now bothering you. God is already at work, putting into action the circumstances necessary to make your dreams a reality.
Predestined blessings are actively seeking you out and everything you need is already on route. You don’t have to go after them because they will find you on their own.
The excellent work God has begun in our lives will be completed; this is something we must always keep in mind. It’s important to remember that God is always there, even if He seems to have momentarily hidden His face.
You may be convinced that He never stops working. His hand may be seen at work sometimes, and not at others. But one thing is for sure: if God starts anything, He will finish it.
In our need for a new beginning, we may turn to God with a barrage of inquiries. We want to know which way to go, when things will improve, and what opportunities will present themselves.
It’s puzzling when His response is just quiet. God’s silence might seem deafening, yet He usually has our best interests in mind. He may not answer right away so that we don’t make any hasty choices we’ll later come to regret.
When solutions seem elusive, it’s a good reminder to wait for God’s perfect time. Fear not, for I am with you; be not terrified, for I am your God; I will bolster you.
God is your continuous support and guide, working constantly to clear your path and build the way for your achievement. He says, “I will assist you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
In today’s world, it’s essential to keep trusting God despite what it may seem like or what others say. A stunning change is coming that will astound you and alter the course of your life forever.
Your spirit has been working hard to get you to this point, and now is the time to receive the rewards. A new and exciting chapter in your life is about to begin as a result of this shift.
Putting you in an unfamiliar situation. You’ve reached a turning point in your trip, and now the magnificent package of prosperity, joy, enjoyment, independence, and assurance may be yours.
Your entire essence has been strengthened by the trials you’ve endured, and you’ve progressed to the point where you can no longer revert to your former habits. Your future is being braided into a path of beauty, and you must walk it with steadfast trust.
One day, by God’s grace, you’ll be able to put the past behind you and go on with your life.

You won’t wake up mourning the things you’ve lost since his mercies will be so plentiful and life-altering. Instead, you’ll greet each day with an attitude of thankfulness, and you’ll experience an abundance of joy and satisfaction.
There’s a new adventure waiting for you, and your heart will show you the way. You’ll have a strong want to do something from the centre of your existence. When you’re ready to take the next step, the correct road will present itself.
Keep in mind that you already have all you’ll ever need inside you, that you are a powerful, magical being. Believe in yourself, you possess heavenly qualities.
To express your confidence in your own growth and development, type “I am evolving.”

You are on the cusp of a spiritual enlightenment, and you will soon see things with new clarity. If you put your faith in the infinite knowledge you already possess, you’ll discover that you’re capable of personal development beyond your wildest expectations.
Your trip is going to show you who you really are at your core, and when it does, you will feel a feeling of deep purpose and insight that goes well beyond your current level of awareness. The sun is rising on a new day in your life.
The true you will show itself when you learn to listen to your inner voice. Your connection with the cosmos strengthens, and you start to realise your essential place in the fabric of the universe.
You’re on a path to recovery, and that’s something you really value. You are about to enter a new chapter in your life, one that will bring you knowledge, spiritual healing, and the cleansing of your soul. It’s a metamorphosis, a rebirth into your authentic self.
The place when you finally understand how strong your ability to create the life you want really is. The moment has come for you to act.
Those who agree should confirm their preparedness by entering “Amen.”

You have learned a lot, the greatest of which is the strength that is inside you. Following your passions and following your heart will lead you to your destiny. Your inner self serves as your map.
Enjoy the calm that comes with making peace with the past, even if it can’t be completely explained. The unexpectedness of life’s path is what makes it so fascinating. You have a good intuition that something very stunning is on your way.
You’ve been through a lot, and now the stars are finally aligned in your favour. Now is the moment to mend wounds, blossom into beauty, and spread good vibes. Pay attention to yourself, discover some mental calm, and guard it.
You have an uncommon and special spirit. The wonder of life is in the unknown, so keep that in mind as you set off on your adventure. Your emotions are a preview of the splendour to come.
Now is the moment to receive the many gifts, that are coming your way.

The way forward is paved with hope, and you stand ready to embark on the life-altering trip that lies ahead. Now is the moment to commit yourself totally to your life’s work. The power that comes from knowing who you are and what you were sent on this earth to do comes from inside.
You may ride the winds of change into uncharted territory. Get your head in the right place to believe in yourself, since that faith is what will drive you for achievement.
Greatness will appear in your life when you begin to recognise it and act upon it. Make a big change in your monetary path now if you want to attract a lot of money easily.
You feel the love and added support of Archangel Raphael’s presence. You’ve put in a lot of hard work and could be feeling exposed as a result. Recognise that pausing is an appropriate strategy.
Get some distance from your problems. You have certainly earned a break, as we all need one from time to time. Don’t lose hope; you’re on the correct track, and everything will turn out OK.
Clearing the way for a wave of unexpected good fortune. Your success is on the horizon; have faith in God’s timetable. Don’t lose hope, for good things are on the road. Have faith in God’s unending love.
Keep in mind that what He has started in you, He will finish. Don’t lose sight of what God has promised, remembering instead how near you are to your breakthrough.
If you give God the glory in whatever you do, He will lead the way.
Nevertheless, moving forward towards our hopes and aspirations calls both trust and resolve on our parts. God can’t lead you to a fantasy that doesn’t exist outside your head, but He can direct the course of your beliefs.
Remember that God’s promises include both hope and a bright future. Don’t let doubt stop you from following your heart and going for what you want. If you seek the Lord, He will give you anything your heart wants.
Nothing should stop you from going for what you really want. Fear may blind us to God’s presence, despite the fact that God’s divine designs for our lives are intimately woven within our desires. Fear tries to keep us confined to the boundaries we’ve set for ourselves.
But the Almighty God aims to demonstrate His unlimited strength, showing that He can do everything.
Today, don’t make snap decisions based on how you’re feeling. Too often, we put our trust on fleeting feelings rather than the unwavering truth of God’s Word. This tendency is counterproductive to our spiritual development.
Because the Word of God strengthens our soul. So, declare the Word over your life, and no matter what comes your way, keep your feet planted firmly on the Word. Even if your path leads you through the darkest valley, keep moving forward.
Have no apprehension; the Lord is with you. His counsel and shielding are always with you. Never forget that God is always keeping an eye on you and will never leave you alone, either physically or emotionally.
The Lord is your shepherd, guiding you through challenging moments as well as good ones. Even if you can’t see or feel Him, you may take comfort in His promise that for thou art with me.”
If you have faith in the Lord, type “Amen” to confirm it.

You are a masterpiece of God’s handiwork, and He will never lose sight of you. God has not forgotten about you. Don’t assume anything or question His motives.
A typical mistake many Christians make is to force God into their own schedule. When things don’t go as planned, questions arise.
However, God is aware of your plight and is taking steps to rectify it. Trust in His competence and stop from disputing His might rather than relying on speculation. Trust the course that life is taking you on.
The universe wants you to be happy with where you are now before it helps you achieve your goals. Let go of your expectations and remember to always be grateful.
Appreciate the favours and advantages that are already in your life. Your difficulties are significant, but they are not insurmountable. The goal of the cosmos is not your destruction, but your liberation.
God’s message to you is simple: He is with you always, no matter what season of life you’re in. In happy and sad times, high and low, on the mountaintops and in the lowlands, in laughter and sorrow.
God is with you whether you’re experiencing great success or intense difficulty. His unfailing love and steadfastness are with you every moment of every day. Put your faith in Him to see you through the ups and downs of life.
God is bringing about major change in your life because He knows what you really want and how desperately you want it. Even though you’ve had to deal with a lot of difficulties and put up with people’s criticism.
Seen others turn their backs on you? Only His opinion counts now. Keep going in the direction He’s showing you. God didn’t make you to be flawless, but to be obedient.
In a text message to the Lord, just type “I love You, Lord.”

Experiencing adversity does not prove that God wants us to be miserable. Instead, He use them to drive home how much we need Him. The ability to persevere through adversity is a key component of personal development.
They help you become who you were meant to be, cultivate godly qualities in you, and gain insight into yourself so you may be more transparent with God about your struggles. This development sets you on the path to enlightenment.
Lord methods are not always going to make sense to you, but His knowledge is much greater than anything you could even imagine. You could be prepared for Lord divine purpose for your life if you take this into consideration.
However, another part of His creative creation may not be ready quite yet. Your prayers will be answered in accordance with God’s perfect strtegy for your life if you trust in His time.
Putting your faith in God’s timetable will let you enjoy this moment more fully. It’s a trip of trust, with the knowledge that everything will fall into place at the right moment. Have faith in God’s plan and timetable.
For the timing of God’s responses to your prayers is impeccable. God’s favour and blessings be with you. He is intimately familiar with the history of your life and the circumstances that led to your suffering.
What you have to go through. He bestows onto you the qualities of tolerance, affection, and independence to face whatever challenges life throws at you. It is up to you to keep your faith strong and steady.
God’s hand is on your life, and everything that happens to you is for a reason. He doesn’t expect you to know how you’ll get through trouble in advance. Instead, He gives you the ability to focus your efforts where they will do the most good.
If the devil tries to get you down, remember that you have victory through Christ Jesus. If you ever find yourself tempted by hopelessness, may you instead choose to enter the door of hope that God has opened for you.
You have been blessed beyond measure by being His, therefore rejoice in His presence. I hope you discover inner fortitude and resolve when you face challenges you’d rather avoid.
If you’re feeling down and nervous about the future when you lie in bed, take heart: You can rest easy. The hand of God is active now. All the bad things that have happened to you will turn around for the better, and he will reward you and your loved ones and cure all your wounds.
If you answered “yes,” please forward this video to five other Christians.

Creating a world where your goals are met. How interested are you in seeing the impossible become possible? Prepare to be astounded when the lifeless skeletons in your closet rise to become a legion of miracles, triumphs and good fortune.
The very sky tremble with excitement, and the city of Los Angeles is getting ready to throw a party because its residents, like mine, recognise that you are on the verge of something really remarkable. To the best of your ability and with as much confidence as you possess.
A God who transcends all odds, the pinnacle source of love and redemption, you have my undying devotion. I need your heavenly warmth most desperately right now.
Dear Lord, I pray that you will reach down and cure every single cell, organ, and system in my body and the bodies of those I love. Send out your great river of life-giving water, the gushing torrent of your restorative might.
Taking with it any sicknesses, evil influences, or human frailties that may have been lingering around. The power of sickness is broken and perfect health is restored as I speak these words in the name of Jesus. On top of that, I beg of you.
Thank you, Lord, for success in every possible way. Grant me not simply monetary achievement, but a life-changing sense of fulfilment and contentment. Throw up the floodgates of possibility that no amount of human effort can close.
Now, O God, you who love infinitely, I bring my family to you. Every one of our sorrows, triumphs, and heart’s wishes are well known to you. I pray that your love and calmness may fill our souls.
A calm that can’t be pinned down to any one cause. A heavenly love such as yours ought to link us in ways that can never be broken. As we go through life, may an abundance of blessings pour down from the Lord. Please give us the insight to act in ways that are consistent with your will.
Give us a sense of why we’re here and a deep trust in your plan for our life. Safeguard us against any evil, bad vibes, and temptation. The blessing of your love, wisdom, and presence be with us always. I offer you my deepest hopes and prayers.
If you believe in God, type Amen.

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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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