God Says: I Am Begging Give Me Your 2 Minutes !! | God Message For You I Jesus Voice For Today

God Says: I Am Begging Give Me Your 2 Minutes !! | Jesus Voice For Today | God Message For You I

God is saying to you today, Oh Divine Creator, may Your soft hands reach out and caress the body of whoever reads these words, bringing out a recovery of health and an immense peace to their existence.
Revealing the keys to open new doors of opportunity and unlocking the possibilities of their financial future one touch at a time. Watch the entire video to reduce the chance of losing your special someone!
God wants you to say this 6 things loudly.

1. “I am constantly attracting wealth and success into my life.” 

2. “I’m grateful for the energy I feel because my body is solid and fit.”

3. “I exude positive energy and am at peace with myself and the world around me.”
4. “I am worthy of all the good that enters my life, and I welcome it with open arms.”
5. “I let go of all negative feelings and thoughts, and I embrace joy and happiness.” 
6. “I am open to receive the benefits of the universe, and I trust it to lead me in the direction of my highest good.
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When you fully accept God’s words in your heart and release them with your lips, faith is like a strong engine that accelerates.

It’s a force that drives you ahead and gives you the ability to overcome any obstacle in your way. Therefore, speak with conviction and have trust in your heart, for it is through faith that you may access the miracles that are waiting for you.
It’s as if everything in the universe came together just for you, and in an instant, your life underwent changes that will make you feel as though you’ve entered another dimension. It almost seems unreal, but embrace it since it’s a wonderful and uncommon thing.
The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived, so put on your game face and prepare yourself. This is not a practice, my buddy, it is actually taking place right now.
Everything can be overcome if you are completely prepared and expect to triumph, so be geared and get ready to confront it head-on. This week, be prepared for some help from above as the angels are hard at work to sway events in your favor.
You may anticipate to get a long-awaited blessing that will make your soul swell with appreciation and delight since the cosmos is working to answer your requests. So, be alert and prepared to experience that celestial intervention that you went longing for.
Pay close attention, my dear reader! Please hold your horses while I explain. You didn’t just happen to come into this post by accident. Oh no, my buddy; something more powerful than coincidence brought you here. And why, you could ask?
Because a significant and amazing benefit is about to materialize in your life, and this post is only a sign of it. Your life is going to be greatly enhanced, so sit tight and buckle up! Even when faced with apparently insurmountable obstacles, persevere and you will eventually succeed.
Your soulmate is already on the way into your life thanks to a cosmic energy that is fed by the power of the cosmos. As you receive these words, destiny is working in your way and lining up the stars. Get ready for the start of your much anticipated love story is approaching.
Hold on tight for, before this month ends, you will get a miraculous delivery of a really life-altering blessing from the hands of the Almighty!
Comment “Amer” to affirm.

Prepare yourselves, because an outpouring of benefits is on the way, prepared to flood and saturate every nook and cranny of your existence. As the cosmos works together to lavish you with its boundless riches, you will be overflowing with happiness, prosperity, and excellent health.
So prepare yourselves, my dear companion, and prepare to enjoy the countless benefits that are coming your way by opening the doors of your thoughts and feelings.
Imagine leaving a desolate wasteland and entering a verdant garden that is bursting with fruits and flowers. That’s what you may expect when you let go of scarcity and enter a plentiful season of riches.
Elevate the Almighty to the center of your existence and observe how divine favor covers every aspect of your being. Allow the divine wisdom to illumine your road and bring you to your intended triumph.
And if God has already bestowed you with untold gifts, don’t be afraid to proclaim it to the heavens and the world!
Comment “Amen” if you believe in God.

There is a divine hand at work! The stars are in your favor, and a good thing is about to happen. There is a higher power handling the matter that has been keeping you up at night. So take a deep breath and trust that cosmic forces are working in your favor.
Say it with me: “I’m walking toward the most spectacular marvel I’ve ever seen in my life this coming weekend.” Letting those words sink in will allow you to shift and open up to a world of endless opportunity.
I’m excitedly expecting the big unveiling of an excellent strategy that the power of God that creates the cosmos is going to arrange in my life.
God is saying to you today,
So, set aside your concerns and have trust in me. I’ve got a genuinely outstanding result for you. You should feel the excitement again, though, since I’m about to provide a happy ending that will completely change your perspective. Praise be to the ever-present Father.
I only wanted to thank you for every blessing that you have allowed into my life. Although I am conscious that I don’t deserve your devotion, you have been patient with me. Please keep watch over all of my relatives and friends for me. Please give heed to my request.
Kindly aid them in removing all of their setbacks and headaches.
I hope that they would continually get nearer to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Love finds fulfillment in truth-finding, not in wrongdoing. It never fails to guard, never fails to believe, never gives up on trying, and never gives up enduring. Affection is eternal.
Even if you might not understand how, you should take solace in the fact that God has not been surprised by your situation. Everything can be meticulously planned by God. He is always nearby. He obviously had you in mind because he said that.
He’ll fight for you and keep you secure. Now, may the Almighty who gives hope overflow in you and surround you with all optimism, tranquility, and faith so that you may abound in hopeful through the power of the Spirit of God. When there is no proof to back up a belief, it is called having faith.
God the Eternal Father, be glorified. Simply said, I just wanted to say thank you for every good fortune you have given me. Even though you have been patient with me despite the fact that I am conscious I am not worthy of your devotion. Even when things are very stressful.
The signs of God are all around us; if we take the opportunity to look for them, we may even find them amid the splendor of what is undoubtedly a very lovely moment for us. The world is in a condition of rapid transition, and we think your objectives are excellent overall.
God claims he is dead, and now that your competitor has been eliminated, you may stop praying because your petitions are being heard.
It is going fantastic. Stop the anguish, sorrow, and stagnation. It is no longer there because the individual who was responsible for all of those events in your life is no longer able to do those wrongdoings. By the power of the name of Jesus, that foe has been destroyed.
You understand that we soothed, promoted, and urged each of you in the same way a father would urge his own kids. God welcomes you into his kingdom and splendor, and he expects you to conduct lives worthy of him.
With man, this is unattainable, but not with God, Jesus informed them, adding that with God, anything is attainable. Even though he trips and falls, the steps of the person who delights in the Lord are made strong, and he will not fall because the King upholds him with his grasp.
And let’s consider how we might motivate one another to act lovingly toward one another.
Instead, let’s support one another and do more of it as we see the day meeting closer. Let’s not stop getting together as some have developed a routine of doing. Considering how much he enjoys doing it, you keep your resolution.
Since the Lord, your Creator, is with you and is unlikely to abandon you, do not be terrified or discouraged by them. You prepared a table for me to dine haphazardly on my head in front of my enemies, and now my cup is overflowing.
My entire existence will be surrounded by your unconditional love and compassion, and I shall spend the rest of my days in the Lord’s house. God is our refuge and our shield, and he is always there for us when we need him.
Share this video to help get the message out. Because of this, we won’t be terrified even if the ground gives way and the mountains fall into the ocean’s depths or if the sea roars with foam and the land trembles from the surge of the seas.
You are invited to eternal life when you made your outstanding confession in front of several witnesses, so keep fighting the good battle of faith and catch hold of it.
God is the reason of my confidence and the place where I find serenity for my mind and soul. This life is yours to have, in fact. To be honest, he is my solid foundation, my shield, and my fortress; I will not be swayed.
God, who is my Fortress and my Great Rock, is ultimately responsible for both my rescue and my glory. Since God is our Safe Haven, you should constantly have confidence in him and pray to him with all your heart. Love requires sincerity. The best reaction to evil is aversion.
Put your attention on the good. Love one another deeply enough to commit to the union. Respect one another more than you respect yourself. You should always have zeal, and when serving the Lord, you should keep your spiritual fire burning.
Be joyful in your hope, compassionate in your pain, and obedient in your prayer.
Whenever you place your trust in God. May the god of trust fill you to the full with his own complete pleasure and stability, enabling you to be filled to the brim with hope through the strength of the Holy Spirit.
I understand the plans I have for you, claims the Lord, and they are not against you; rather, they are for the good of those who like me. My goals for you, He goes on, are for the good and not for the evil. As soon as you come to worship me and invoke my name, I will compensate you.
As you speak, pay close attention. It’ll be easy to find if you search for me with all your heart.
God advises not to lose hope if situations in your life start to get challenging; instead, he urges to bring any worries to him so he may address them. Any issue may be resolved by me. You can get unbroken peace from me.
3 3 3
While you sleep tonight in the tranquility and comfort of God’s presence, your prayers will be answered. Everything you are now worried about will be resolved, and it will be beautiful. Remember, I’m always watching out for what’s best for you.
If you persist in your struggle to the bitter end, I will bestow upon you today my gifts of tranquility healing, and victory over this terrible situation.
Type 3 3 3 if you believe.

I’m going to come up with something nice, so get ready to reap the rewards. God stated that the day was today in a statement. When this day has finally come, I will give you an amazing blessing that will let you know. Your physical, emotional, and spiritual health will all be restored by my marvels.
Today is your lucky day, so there’s no way that could have been a random occurrence. You’re going to experience a change for the better in your life and you’ll soon be showered with plenty of luck on your side.
God has prophesied that you would suddenly experience enormous success and massive blessings. If you keep on praying and believing, you will see improvements in your life. Therefore, keep performing all of those actions.
Due to the changes the universe is associated about in all of your situations, you are about to enter a new season of blessings. You must prepare yourself for it. The light of your life is becoming brighter, and nothing or no one can stop what is intended to happen to you.
Your grandeur is about to be realized.

You’ll take part in an extremely significant celebration in the not too distant future. You’ll feel so thrilled and joyous about the fantastic news that you won’t be able to restrain yourself when you tell others. When you reflect on how rapidly everything happened to you.
It will almost seem unbelievable that it happened in the wee hours of tomorrow morning. God will work a miracle in your behalf that will erase all the worry you have been going through.
The angels are encouraging you to have trust in the importance of synchronicity and the appropriateness of heavenly intervention. You have been given that person by the Supreme God to help you and protect you from any danger that may come your way.
Because you are God’s child, the Almighty does not want you to suffer or fail in any manner. God guarantees that even when you feel undeserving, he will keep an eye on you and protect you from the evil that exists in the world. The individual who receives God’s blessing after that is going to be you.
It won’t be long before the misery is over. The tears will stop, and new chances will come your way. A huge money Miracle is about to happen to you. As a result of the universe’s acts, your life is about to alter rapidly. It will be a massive blessing-one that is unbelievably bigger than any other.
The quantity of money in your bank account will increase beyond what you are able to spend, and fresh financial chances will pour in like waterfalls throughout the upcoming week, contrary to what you may have planned or imagined.
Type yes if you trust it.

God asserts that despite everything on Earth only existing for a brief period of time, He is Everlasting. You should make spending time with me a top priority. I pledge to only bring you happiness if you make me the most significant thing in your life.
Tomorrow you’ll learn a secret that will totally change your life. Your life and set you on the road to financial success, and limitless delight. When God communicates to a person, He tells them: “My child, you worry too much; remember that nothing is too hard for me to handle.”
I shouldn’t have much trouble changing your life significantly in just one day if it only took me six days to create the heavens and the Earth. Jesus then said, “I am the bread of life,” to the crowd. everyone who obeys me will never go hungry, and everyone who comes to me will never be thirsty.
I promise those who believe in me that they will never go through one of these situations. Do not only pray out of need. You should thank God for a variety of things, not only because you need them. The miracle will already have been worked for you when you awaken the next morning.
Do not let this chance pass by without first thanking God for the miracle. You may not always be able to get what you want until you develop into the sort of person who deserves to have it given to them. Nobody will be able to injure you if your actions and intentions are in harmony.
You may create a worldwide Symphony that will serve as the music to your successes once your personality and purpose are in harmony with one another. You won’t have to cry or worry about anything again after this evening.
You will be blessed with all of these things as I bring success, wellness, laughter, and enjoyment into your life. Your life will change for the better as a result of the universe’s wonderful energy, financial support, miracles, and blessings.
All the blessings God has given you will be multiplied this week. 

You will feel a degree of delight unmatched by anything else. You’ve had experience. An issue that has long been a source of aggravation for you will soon be resolved. Your riches, health, and relationships with the people you love will all reach new heights of success for you.
I’ll surround you with people who can help you on your trip. I have watched over you in earlier times, and I will do so in the future. I’m patient and I believe in your skills. In front of your very eyes, your ideal life is starting to take shape.
God tells us to constantly remember that every dawn brings with it fresh chances to receive his blessings. Instead of giving up simply because you had a bad day, take comfort in the knowledge that tomorrow will bring a brand-new day and a brand-new set of Rewards.
When the time is right, I, the Lord, will bring about what I have promised to my people, God said. Your ability to reply to your opponents in a way that astounds them signals that you are about to make a breakthrough.
By the conclusion of this month, you’ll be sleeping in your new home with your soul mate, receiving funds into your bank account, and living on the new house.
Your life is now undergoing significant improvements as the Lord, your God, works to fulfill your desires and build amazing memories with the people you cherish. The benefits that are in store for you in the years to come will make you smile, and whatever it was that caused you to cry in the past is nothing in comparison to them. According to God’s intentions, there is something more fulfilled and wonderful in store for you.
Type amen if you believe.

I will accomplish the seemingly insurmountable for you, the Lord has promised. Get ready for the miracle that is coming your way as well as for your blessing. Instead of working for the good of other people, work for the good of God. Your greatest strength should come from God, not from your job.
The records-keeping falls within his purview. Prepare yourselves because it’s almost time. You may be assured that God will take care of the next phase of your life; all you have to do is trust him and put up a sincere effort.
God tells you that you have been running exclusively on autopilot for a long time now. You’ve found it hard to enjoy the amazing things going on around you in the present moment and to be in the now. Just take a moment to relax and pay attention to your breathing.
Recognize the things in your local area that are there, then ask about them to find me some peace and tranquillity. I concur and am behind you. I adore you so much. In the not too distant future, there will be significant changes, and things are already beginning to heat up.
Modifications are coming, and you should be prepared since everything is happening for your ultimate good. Life is a journey, according to the Bible, and it may be both joyful and sad. You were reading something that did not happen by accident.
Type yes if you believe.

God states that as long as you have faith in me and put your best effort forward, you don’t need to worry about the next phase of your life. I’ll surround you with friends and allies who will help you along the way. I’ve been watching you and will keep watching you in the future.
Your good fortune continues today. There is no chance that this was a coincidence. Your life is going to improve, and you will soon receive an endless number of advantages.
Type “Amen” if you believe in God.

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Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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