God Says, A Very Serious Decision is Made for You In “Heaven” About… God’s message today

God Says, A Very Serious Decision is Made for You In “Heaven” About… I God’s message today | Jesus Voice For Today #god 

God is speaking to you right now.

In a single manner or another, someone is trying to get rid of this person from your life.
Your considerate heavenly dad here, and I have some serious business to address with you today about the people you value most in life.
I would want to speak with you today on some critically significant matters that affect the individuals you value most in your entire existence. What is about to happen in your home is an incredible novel path that your family is preparing for.
Very soon. Your concerns and feelings of dread and sadness have been brought on by these conditions. You’ll soon be able to enjoy cheerfulness and unanticipated economic benefits as your money issues will soon be taken care of.
The bottlenecks that have been putting you in monetary straits will lead to these advantages; by God’s favour, all of this has been made possible.
Continue watching this video to the very end if you want incredible feats.

You have had stumbles during the last several years, and I am aware of them. I’m sorry you’ve felt the weight of this. You may have confronted obstacles, had some kind of backlash, or maybe lost something important while travelling.
All the same, I want you to trust me when I tell you that this year will be among your best ever. I will work with you to take back control of your contacts, assets and health so that I can better assist you.
The time it takes for your aspirations to come true won’t be too lengthy. That being said, you must always have a mindset of gratitude and trust. It won’t be long until your fantasies come true.
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Remind yourself constantly that trust is the key that unlocks the door and the means by which you may get all of my welfare.

It may not seem like there is a solution to this problem, but if you have trust in me, I will discover one.

The Almighty is at work in your life right now to bring about modifications that will delight him. you welcome him into your life. You will go from a state of need to one of riches as he turns all of your sorrow into delight.
With the help of the the Spirit of Christ, He will do this for you. Thus, he will succeed in achieving this objective in order to get God’s support. Watching this video from beginning to finish is required of you. This includes skipping any unnecessary scenes.
You should brace yourself, my precious children, for a year that will be overflowing with plentiful wealth, gifts, and triumphs.
I am eager to hear about the miracle that will eliminate all of your concerns regarding money that you are going to encounter in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
Please give me your trust so I may perform my magic on your life. I’ll write about the fantastic events that result from it. Remember never to forget that I love you and will always be there for you if you need me.
It is imperative that you never overlook this. Rather than being an impersonal God situated far away, I want you to recognise that I am a God who is near you.
I want this to be understood by you. May I request that you do not mistake me for a personalities God. I am concerned about all of your requirements as well as the goals you have set for yourself.
Please be open and honest with me. I want you to speak to me as you would with a close friend. I also want you to listen to what I have to say in the same manner that a loving parent would.
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None other than God, your kind Creator. The sun, stars, Earth, seas, peaks, and everything else that exists in between are all products of God’s creation.
Because I am the one who created you in my own image, I am the one who gave birth to you and who appreciates you more than words can say.
The version of myself that I have created is the one who created you. It’s your mother speaking. The one that is always by your side to guide, comfort, and watch over you is me.
You have me as a pal. I love you more than anything, and you should never forget that. You are my favourite kid, and I will always be there for you.
I will fully eradicate all of your nerves, worry, fear, and misery and replace it with my limitless peace, love, regeneration, and rewards.
All of the stress, worry, anxiety, and pain you are now going through will be lifted by me. My cutest offspring. More than anybody else, you have endured this suffering for an extended length of time.
Instead of letting go of obligations and worries that belong to someone else, you have been holding onto them. You have also been bearing obligations that do not belong to you. This is because, in the first instance, you had no legal authority to maintain custody of them.
You’ve been convincing yourself for a long time to give up everything in regards to worries that aren’t even really yours to feel in the first place.
Put all of you’re confidence in me, even with these things. It’s time to release our grip on this. My dear kid, I am aware that you have been crossing your fingers for some kind of divine intervention to occur.
You’ve been asking for things to become better, for a gift to come your way, and for an initial success to occur. In addition, I want you to know that your prayers have been heard and answered by the Lord.
You will undoubtedly come out of this experience the richest, healthiest, and happiest person on the planet, and I want you to take it to heart.
Even in situations when it seems impossible to solve the issue, I’ll be the one to find a workable solution for you. I do possess the ability to heal you, rebuild you, and provide you with the strength you need.
I warrant you, my sweetheart, that you will overcome your fear. Don’t question my perseverance or my enthusiasm. I am a deity capable of inconceivable feats. God the Creator and God the Worker are one and the same.
No task is too difficult for me to do, no issue is too big or too little, and no obstacle is too difficult for me to overcome. I am the one who can achieve all of these things.
I am the initial and final stages, the beginning and the very end, the Alpha and the Omega. I am all of these things; I am not just one of these things. I am these things in their whole.
I am the celestial being who created you, the god who knows you, the god who loves you, the god who gave his life in order to save you, the god who died on the cross for you, and the god who rose from the grave.
The reason I’m dying for you is because I’m the god who loves you, the god who made you, the god who knows you, the lord who died for you, and I want you, my kid to be able to have complete trust in me.
In every aspect of your life, I want you to submit completely to me and value nothing more than helping me. Along with your goals, hopes, and desires, I want you to open up to me about your troubles, trepidation, uncertainties, and stiffness.
I would want to know everything Please bring me each and every one of them, then give them to me. hence that. From then on, I may take care of them.
It would be my desire that you believe the pledges I provide and acknowledge that I am the person I claim to be. It is my desire for you to know that I am always at your side in any capacity.
Even in cases when you are unable to see, sense, or hear me. I want you to know that you can always count on me. No matter what obstacles we encounter together, you can count on me to be by your side.
You must understand, my darling kid, that I really am. Have a plan for how you want your life to go forward. You should realise that my goal for you is a favourable outcome.
The best course of action is one that is not only attractive and flawless in every way, but also effective. It would be a plan that would give you something to hope for in addition to a future to joyfully anticipate.
And I constructed a closer bond with one another, You don’t have to worry so much about my small boy.
Plan, as there will be no harm to you whatsoever. Make sure you are not fooled into thinking that this is an extremely tough or taxing task. Resist the urge to tell yourself that you are not worthy of it or that you are not competent enough to get it.
Because, above all the members of my family, you have my utmost respect. I have given this specific task a lot of thought before choosing to assign it to you.
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Should you respect to my guidance and maintain your complete faith in me. I’ll lead you to the life I have planned for you. Just put your confidence in me; that’s all that is needed of you, please.
There is no lessening of the compassion of Jesus for you. in spite of the fact that you have transgressed both against him and others. Even now, Jesus can still provide for you and still has a place in his soul for you.
Remember, my dearest little one that I am right here by your side no matter what. I will always be the one to hold you in the fingers of my hand and I will never leave you or desert you, therefore I am not going away.
By putting one foot into the hollow of my hand and holding you there, I am the one who will never leave you. I am opening a door that once a man steps through it, he will never be able to shut it again.
That’s where the fun surprises are indicated. for you that I have planned. Nobody else will have access to you; you are only going to be used by yourself. Nothing, no matter how hard they try, will ever be able to take it away from you.
On a significant level, you will find yourself in a favourable situation.

Anything you have never experience before. You’ll also discover that you’re in a situation that you’ve never been in before. It is imperative that you ensure you are equipped to handle the knowledge that will be provided to you.
You must approach this situation with an open mind. together with a heart that is open.
In response, Jesus said, “I understand that some of you may feel overlooked or forgotten, as I also experience these feelings.” But he also lets them know that he hasn’t forgotten about them in any manner over this whole period.
While everything is ready to go, I have been working hard in the background. so that you may maximise your time and proceed. Having trust that it’s on its way to you is important, even if it’s conceivable you haven’t seen it yet.
Even if it’s not anything you’ve seen yet. Unending Joy is what I deliver. Come to me if you are feeling lost, angry with yourself, and weary from The Sensation that there is no hope. I’m ready to help you. I am going to bless your life in ways that right now you can’t even begin to imagine.
You have my word that it will be accomplished. In the name of God, I sincerely pledge that I will never desert you and that I will be there to help you in whatever way you see fit, whenever you need it.
In the middle of the tempest of pessimism, among the roaring darkness, I am the guiding star-the sparkle of hope. We are one. It won’t give you time to think about how alone you are. I’ll keep you amused while you’re in my company.
I understand the travails you are going through at the moment. in addition to your struggles and personal suffering.
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It’s critical that you realise, that I will always be at your back, and that I will never go away to you, Here to guide, help, and support you on your journey to recovery, that is my purpose for arriving.
I am acutely aware of the difficulties that life can throw up as well as those that still need to be overcome. Still, I want you to know that I’m working extremely hard to better your family’s condition.
I understand that life may be harsh at times and that there are still roadblocks in our route. All that is required of you is that you come to me to empower and accept that you want me to be a citizen of your life. I will cure every painful area of your body and honour you and your family.
I will begin this restorative process immediately.

It is vital to me to aid you because I treat you, and I have a desire to assist you because of this. You are all quite excited about the possibility of having a fresh start today, as you have been anticipating one for a while.
Be cognizant of the fact that this Fresh Start is at least an actual possibility rather than a pipe fantasy.
You will soon be free of the anxious feelings, hurried thinking, and difficulty falling asleep. You should be able to believe in me. Have belief in me and accept that I am putting together the finest plan of action for your well-being behind the scenes. It’s me who understands what’s best for you.
I would want to bring to your notice something that I think is very crucial: the concept of forgiveness. In the same way that your spiritual father would pardon you for your mistakes, you may also expect him to pardon those who have harmed you.
We won’t accept your repentance if you are incapable of forgiving. Pardoning others is a very important thing to do. Even if it’s not always a simple task to do.
This has caused the burden of fury, wrath, and bitterness you have been carrying around to become lighter. It enables you to live the rest of your life in peace, which is something that only someone like me can give.
Not only am I constantly here, but I also continue to shine like the sun, even while you are unable to see me.
I am like sunlight in that way; even if you aren’t able to physically perceive my presence, know that I am always there to assist you in some way, even when you can’t see me.
If you are unable to see me, I am like the air around you. I have and always will love you and do my best to nurture you in the same manner as a parent loves their child.
Little ones, you have to always remember that I am the god who does miracles. You have to always remember this. I am the deity who made the passageway across the sea of reeds, healed the ill, and raised the dead from the grave.
The only thing you need to do is have faith in me, believe in me, and have confidence in me because I am the god who can do the most incredible feats.
All I’m asking is for you to trust what I say. Have faith in my capabilities; have faith in myself. You are not alone in experiencing whatever it is that you are going through right now, I want to reassure you of that. as you are not the only one experiencing it.
Not only your father, but also your close buddy and me, Your God, are available for communication. I have come to offer you truly enjoyment, to encourage you, and to point you in the proper path. I will always be here for you.
My purpose for being here is to help you. All that is left for you to do now is reach out to me, trust me, and try to establish some kind of connection.
All that is expected of you is this. It is my promise to you that I will always listen carefully to what you have to say and make sure I am ready to satisfy the expectations you have set for me.
Children of mine, I want you to know that I have an arrangement for your whole life and that I want you to heed it. I guarantee that I will always honour my promises.
I want the best for you, which is why I want you to do this. If you adhere to this method, this is a useful strategy. You’ll have a future and a reason to be optimistic about it.
This is what will make you wealthy. I understand that it is often difficult to complete, but I also understand that it is necessary. To really experience the fullness of my affection, the depth of my tenderness, and the magnificence of my mission in this world, there is no other route.
Now is the event in your existence that you have been eagerly anticipating for a long time, and the time has now come for you to really have it.
Because of your unique consistency in praying, it is now time for you to begin receiving the positive effects I have in saved for you as a consequence of your prayers.
You are going to reap the fruits that I had intended for you as a consequence of your intercession. You have worked very hard, and it’s about time you began to reap the rewards of your efforts.
Despite the fact that I am entirely cognizant of the tough times that you have been through, I still want you to know this. My target is to provide you with all the monetary aid and assistance I can.
Considering that I would provide all of your needs in line with my majesty. It is not necessary for you to worry about how you are going to cover your costs. Everything you need is taken care of by me.
You should not be concerned about how you will pay for your expenses, even if there may not seem to be an answer at this time. Though you placed your confidence in me, I will find one for you.
It is also known to me that you have been going through barriers to all of the connections that make up your Identity. I understand how terrible this situation is. I know everything in your love life is about to go off like a rocket, but you’ll have to trust me when I say that it will.
Please go through the whole video if you believe in God.

For you, I know who’s best. And someone who will embrace you without any preconceived notions about who you are and motivate you to reach your greatest potential in life. As I am that person, I am familiar with this individual.
Patience and trust that I will bring this person into your life at the right time are key components of strength. At the exact moment when it is meant to happen in your life, I will introduce them to you and bring them into your life.
By following your genuine interests and goals, you have nothing to lose. Consequently, don’t be scared to pursue your heart’s true desires and to dream big. You were built by me with the intention of completing a certain task, and I anticipate that you will fulfil it as well.
Never forget that I took you this far because I think about you and want the better for you, not just because I could. I’ve got major schemes for you-plans to help you flourish and not do any harm-plans to give you hope for the days to come.
I’ve thought of these concepts because I want the best for you and I think about you.
These preparations have caught my interest even if it looks like you are doing everything alone. God promises to be by your side, grasping your hand and guiding you every step of the way.
Even if it appears like you’re doing everything on your own. I will fortify you, aid you, and stand by you with the right hand of my righteousness. I am constantly by your perspective.
I will work miraculously in your life and provide you with bonuses that you can’t even begin to imagine if you put your belief in me. I take tremendous delight in doing you favours as your Eternal Father. That gets me one step closer to doing my part.
I ask that God’s favour be upon you at all times. Maintain your faith in me, and know that I will honour every word I’ve ever promised you.
I understand full well that life may provide challenging periods from time to time, along with painful and depressing moments and events that will be hard to handle.
However, I also want you to fully understand that you are never isolated, no matter what. You don’t ever feel isolated no matter what the circumstances. I pledge that I will never abandon you, that I will always watch over you, and that I will give you direction as you go through the trying times.
If only you will accept me into your entire existence. I promise to remove all of the agony you are now experiencing from your soul and substitute it with eternal pleasure, contentment, and tranquilly.
It’s all that’s needed of you is to open your doors and allow me to into your daily routine. All that’s required of you is to open the door for me to enter, so that everyone who follows me and has faith in me will never go without water. will never experience hunger.
Those who seek me out will never go hungry. Whoever comes to me will never thirst or go hungry because I am the living bread.
You won’t ever be hungry or thirsty if you accept me and have faith in me. I will meet all of your needs if you come to me. I want to express with you a life that is abundantly prosperous, both materially and spiritually, both in terms of possessions.
Comment Amen if you believe in God.

I really can’t wait to give you a hug when you do, so I’m waiting for you to come to me by holding out my arms. I guarantee that in the future, will never turn down your request.
I understand there are moments when you find it difficult to trust me. especially in the face of stressful situations. Due to my own experience, I can attest to this.
Because I’ve been in your shoes before. It is within my power to inform you. Though you cannot see my work, please remember that I am always putting in a lot of effort behind the scenes. Just remember this, please.
Identify the purpose of your life and make sure it doesn’t include doing something that is deemed unpleasant. You’ll be able to look forward to something and feel hopeful about the future. I really want you to know about this plan because of the one I’m about to discuss with you now.
As I am about to show you how generous I am from the bottom of my heart, get ready, My Precious Child. In order to ensure that you get a promotion, have time to recover, and are let go from your present role, advance has already been made.
It is still there even if you aren’t able to see it right now because you have faith in me and made that decision. Though it doesn’t appear like there are any, I will open doors for you.
Even so you have faith in me and belief in me. Though it doesn’t appear like there are any, I will open doors for you. I’m ready to take on whatever task you throw at me since I am the god who can make this apparently unimaginable happen.
Remember always that you are the most important person in my life and that I love you more than you can possibly imagine. Since my desire for you is nothing less than the finest, you should come to me and let me look after you.
If you let me be the one to guide you through this life. You will come to the conclusion that it is a life full of wonder and Beauty. If you choose to live it in such a way that I am your guide, if you have confidence in me, you will find out that what I say is truthful in every way.
My favour is sufficient for you and the fact that you are weak. provides me with the opportunity to demonstrate my actual might. I promise that I will never abandon you and I also promise that I will never stop listening to the prayers that you say for me.
Get ready to receive both your blessing and your miracle and get ready to do so right now. When I created the cosmos, I did it.
Keeping each of you in your individual requirements in mind at every step of the process. I have fashioned Your Existence to have a purpose and a destiny that can only be achieved by you and no one else and I have given you the tools to fulfil those destinies.
I have bestowed upon you, exceptional capabilities as well as capabilities that are exclusive to you and I have furnished you with all you require to lead a life that is full and gratifying in every way.
On the other side, there are moments when you could feel disconnected from me and isolated from the world around you. it is conceivable that you may have the sense that you are fumbling around in the dark as you haunt for answers that continue to elude you.
This is because you are searching for solutions that continue to elude you. However, I want you to be aware that I’m always here for you and that I am patiently waiting for you to come to me and ask for my guidance and recommendations.
I want you to know that I am always here for you. I am the light that will guide your path The truth that will make you free and the life that will make you happy and give you enough. Allow me to Enlighten you on the way.
Your romantic relationships, your financial situation and your physical well-being are all going to experience considerable upticks during the following two weeks which will offer you a great amount of happiness.
God has spoken the job and told him the joy that is coming cannot be compared to the pain that you have been feeling at work is now experiencing a great deal of suffering.
This miracle will take place in the early hours of the morning. this miraculous event is going to take place in the wee hours of the morning, you have been given a word from God stating that you are about to enter a new season in which things will begin to go your way.
This message is very encouraging to you today, you should have received this mail you are going to be showered with blessings and the way that your life is going to unfold is going to change in a way that is for the best.
Provided that you allow me to be your life’s mentor. It is a life full of amazement and attractiveness, you will conclude. I promise you that all I say is accurate if you choose to live your life with me as your guide and if you have dependence on me.
You don’t need my favour, your weakness speaks volumes about it. Gives me the chance to show off my true strength. I swear never to leave you behind and to always pay attention to the prayers you offer up on my behalf.
God promises that all of your queries, apprehension conflicts and grief will go, and that my serenity will take their place. blessings, love, and recovery. Along with promising to take away all of your worries, fears, and difficulties, he also says that all of these things will happen in due course.
When you reach the gates of heaven, pray with such favour and regularity. And God will say, “Amen.” I was really busy with you, kid. Always remember that God will bring you through whatever you are going through.
Type amen if you believe in God

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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