God has chosen you for this message today, Don’t Ignore this message I God’s message today

God has chosen you for this message today, Don’t Ignore this message I God’s message today

Dear child, I will tell you something you have been eagerly awaiting in the next few minutes, Please pray to God for us throughout this time, If you have time today, you are welcome to accept my blessings, as I have come to help you.
The next few minutes are crucial, so pay close attention and don’t skip it.

“You have achieved success in your life. You are Me’s excellent and devoted servant. I am satisfied with your efforts and results. I gave you this life so that you could use it for My glory and the good of others. You now have to use it as I have intended.
Stay calm and realize that I am God. I do not watch your life from afar, disconnected. Working with you every day to help you become the person I want you to be, I am in the middle of it.
Be still and know that I am God. Like This Video If You Believe In God.
Your life is not something you have earned or deserve; it is a gift from me. It is a gift that represents all of my affection, tenderness, and care for you as my special kid.
Not only does your body or intellect require my help; but, your soul must recover health in order to properly serve me in this world.
You are completed; I have made you perfect. Because I made you in my likeness, I gave you a healthy mind, a smart body, and a loving heart.
I’ve given you these things so that you can stop being just animals and start being people. You have the ability to reason, think, and communicate.
Your ability to reason will be put to the test daily in the world I have created for you, where new ideas from people with opposing viewpoints will continuously challenge your intelligence.
Where openness of attitude and communication will make all the difference in how successful you are in every relationship. All of this is what it means to be a human, so I want it for every single one of my children and for everyone else.
But I also desire a life full of happiness and fulfillment for each of my children, more than just this.
Lord Says, You’ll win. You are going to succeed. The difficulties life presents you with will be overcome by you. You are a winner not as a result of your actions but as a result of who you are and what He has accomplished in you.
Everyone should recognize God as their heavenly Father and Saviour. He is there for us when we need him, and He hears and answers our requests. His love is unwavering! “I’m sorry for what went on in the past, for your errors, and for the suffering and hurt they caused.”
Loved Children, God wants to start new with you today and has forgiven you. He is aware that in order to make things right in your life, you will need to put in the necessary time, effort, and patience.
But He also understands that it’s worthwhile since He loves you so much and desires to always be at your side.
The Lord said “I shaped you in my likeness and made you in my image,” Be aware that your value is not based on your rank or outer look. Just like I am, you are priceless and deserving of respect.
God created all people in His own image and desires for us to see the beauty of our humanity and the truth that He loves all people, regardless of their race or nationality. All of us were created in His likeness.
He knows us better than anyone else and has given us His Spirit to lead us through life, thus His love for us is stronger than any other human emotion we can feel.
“I care for you. You have my eternal love. Given that you are my child, I wish only good things for you.
Declares God, It doesn’t matter what your parents did, What errors they committed is irrelevant. It makes no difference how much they hurt you or ignored your needs. It doesn’t matter how neglected or mistreated you were. God’s love and desire for your well-being are all that important.
Even those who don’t believe in God at all, God wants the best for everyone! They may not realize it now, but they will realize one day that God has loved them from the beginning and has fulfilled all of His promises throughout time. At that point, we will all be able to say, What a wonderful Father.
One day we will realize that God’s love isn’t simply an idealized idea; it’s a real thing that has the power to completely transform our lives! You have amazing potential and are a priceless and lovely person. I value and cherish your life just as much as the air you breathe.
You are my cherished child. You were made by me, and I cherish you. So that you can fully enjoy the freedom of my I grace, I want you to understand how much I love you. I am the Almighty. Through me, anything is possible.
I am the Almighty. Throughout your entire life, I have been by your side. I’ve helped you develop and become the person you are now. I may not have always been in your memories, but I was there.
You deserve to be content every day of your life since you are a nice person. However, some days are more challenging than others, and occasionally it could seem as though there is nothing to look forward to in the future.
I want you to know that you can turn to me for support and direction at that point. Whether it’s through a prayer or something else that brings us closer together, I will always be with you in spirit. All you have to do is ask.
I am the creator of all life, and I will never be defeated. Because they are aware of and love me, my children are powerful. They have a strong foundation in me, therefore they have no reason to be afraid of anything.
I will always be here for them and I will never leave them. I’ll be there for them if they need me. I will reassure them with my love and presence when they’re in pain. They can put their trust in me because I am always there for them in their time of need.
I want to be your pillar of support as you overcome your anxieties and other obstacles in life. When you feel overburdened or confused by what is going on in this world right now, I want to be your peace.
I want to instill confidence in you so that you can have faith in who you are as a person and realize the full potential that God gave you!
You are God’s child. He cares about you and wants the best for you. You have the freedom to determine your own course in life as His child. Beyond your greatest dreams, God desires to shower upon you blessings.
It is up to you whether He will achieve it by His grace alone, or through your own efforts.
You have the freedom to choose, but keep in mind that you also had a say in it. If you decide not to receive blessings, God will be forced to work through someone else who will be the receiver of those blessings rather than you.
It might get easier for you to embrace these blessings that God has for each of us as you get older and learn more about yourself and how God can support you through different challenge. The Lord, your God, will take great pleasure in you, will sooth you with his love and will sing for joy over you.
I want you to realize that God knows exactly how it feels when we’re doing those things, and I want you to know that God loves us even in our most trying circumstances. I don’t want you to believe that God is punishing you for what you have done or haven’t done.
And if there is anything we have learnt from this life it is that there will always be some who would want to bring us down because they themselves are incapable of feeling anything else. They make an effort to make us feel miserable because they don’t want us to realize how important we are to them.
But even at the darkest moments or when life seems the most challenging, there is always someone who cares about us and wants nothing more than for us to be happy.
“I need to be certain that you are the kind of person who can handle responsibility. Now that you have a lot of stuff, I want you to be able to manage it well.
Although I am still alive and this existence is just transient, I want you to know that whether or not you are successful in your aspirations will always be up to you.
God is saying, “I want to make sure that you will be able to handle responsibility by giving others the benefit of the doubt and trusting them.” I want to ensure that you can rely on me for support when circumstances are challenging for you.
When people let you down, I want to make sure that it doesn’t break your heart as much as if they had done it on purpose. You are not by yourself. With you here, I am. I am the only one who is familiar with your name and will never abandon you.
And remember that I will always be there for you, even when it seems like there is nothing left in this world for you to do.
“I am God, your loving heavenly Father, I sacrificed my life on the cross for you in order to atone for your sins. I want you to know how much I love you now that I’ve done that. Never will l’abandon or leave you.
Keep in mind that I am by your side at all times, even when things in your life are challenging and tough. There is nothing that can ever separate you from my love.
Type 11:11, If You Receive Your Blessings.

In this world, you are not alone. We can all have difficulties, but as a community of support and strength, we can also learn from them and overcome them.
We may benefit from one another’s experiences and exchange knowledge on the services available to people suffering addiction, depression, anxiety, or any other problem that could impair our mental health.
Knowing that there are others who truly care about us and want the best for us gives us strength.”You still have a lot of life’s work to do.” Successes and failures will come your way, but I’ll be here to support you through both. I’ll provide you peace over the long run.
“I want you to believe in me. I want you to understand that I am at work in your life and will be there as long as you let me. I will take care of you, so you don’t need to worry about the future. Simply let go and let my Spirit lead you.
My beloved child, I am so excited about what lies ahead for you in your life. I love you so much, and I’m overjoyed that you’ve decided to accept me as your Lord and Savior. I want to support you as you develop in every facet of your life. You are going to be amazing!
The God of your life is me. In order for you to recognize me as your Creator and Savior, I created you in my image. You are a child of my love for everyone since you were made in my likeness. Your very existence is a reflection of my great love for you.
I wish your happiness. Even when things in life don’t appear to be going your way, I want you to be happy. Even when things don’t appear to be going your way, I want you to feel loved and respected. God wants us to be happy, yet we frequently take joy for granted.
God says,
You’ve experienced a lot. I’m relieved that everything is finally behind you. You can relax knowing that I’m here for you. “I have forgiven those who have harmed you in the past as well as those who have harmed me. And I’ve forgiven them. It’s now time for us to advance together.
I am the source of light and the path. You want to find me, but you’re not sure where to look. I’ve come to express my love and grace to you. I’ve come to offer you life, immortality, and eternal life.
All of us are born into a world filled with sin and evil. We need to leave this world and enter a better one where God is king. We must keep in mind, though, that He is also our Creator, Judge, and Savior.
God doesn’t want us to give up on Him because we believe the enemy has control of our life. He desires for us to put our complete confidence in Him in order to live moral lives now and be ready for heaven-bound eternal existence.
You are my child. I want you to enjoy life because I love you. It is your destiny to love your neighbor as yourself, and this is your life’s work.
If you love your neighbor, then help them anytime they want help. If they are having difficulties, don’t just wait for them to sort things out on their own. Do something for them instead, even if it’s only purchasing them some food at the grocery; help them with a nice word or a smile.
And if someone hurts you, please forgive them right away since God has already done so. Don’t carry around unresolved hurts from the past. Move on with pleasure and serenity in your heart by letting go of the past instead.
Jesus is speaking these things to me right now out of his deep love for me and his desire for me to live as one of his children so that I may fully appreciate every second of my life on earth right now.
I am here because I was needed by you at one point. You could have been ill, in pain, lonely, or afraid. And I came to you as a friend, a companion on your journey into the dark corners of your soul where we all seek refuge.
You have been faithful and humble, but I haven’t forgotten the suffering you have experienced. I will give you a new life that is brimming with peace, joy, love, and pleasure as a reward for your perseverance and faithfulness.
Watch This Message Continue Then Your Miracle Will Happen.

Everything you require has been provided for you. You may rely on me to take care of you. You have been given the gift of faith, but it will only become real when you follow my guidance. “The more I direct your steps, the more confident and assured you will become.”
You are valued and cherished. You are desired and needed. You are a part of the story that started before time even existed and will go on after time has passed. Your death doesn’t matter; your life does. God cares about you and wants all of your days to be full of pleasure, prosperity, and plenty.
God has already provided for you through Jesus Christ, so you are able to fulfill whatever request He makes of you. You can count on me to always be close by. I also want you to know that I will still be there for you if you get lost. I’m still here for you if you feel lonely.
I’m still here for you when you’re down. I continue to be present even when everything seems to be going wrong.
I’m still here even if you believe your life is over or that everything has gone wrong. As long as I live in this world, nothing will separate the connection of love that we have. My love for you is unfathomable.
God is telling you that everything is in His hands. that He is capable of handling all of your issues, concerns, and fears. that God is still in charge of your life, even though circumstances at the moment appear out of control.
In addition, He wants you to know that it’s good to let go of control and put your faith in Him while He handles your circumstances to fulfill His ideal purpose.
God want to bless you with close friends and family who will love you, be there for you, and work with you to achieve your goals. Your life will be better if you have more friends and people who care about you.
Your life is not your own to control. Your life is controlled by the universe. If you continue to control your life, you will exist in a world filled with suffering, loss, and sadness.
God has already provided you with the tools to improve your life, so you no longer need to be depressed. To make them work for you rather than against you, you just need to know how to use them properly.
Be strong and courageous. Never forget how much I love you or how close I am to you at all times. You can do everything you set your mind to, so have faith in yourself.
Love me with all of your heart, soul, and mind because I won’t be leaving and life is too short to waste on someone who doesn’t love you back as much as they claim to.
I have already forgiven you of all your sins. Because of your love for Me, not because you deserve it, I am a loving Father and have chosen to forgive you. You don’t even need to try to alter yourself or seek for forgiveness. Simply know that you are loved and accepted precisely the way you are.
Type “Amen” if you believe in God.

Aman is a devoted writer and encourager for followers of Jesus Christ. They aim to inspire and uplift those who trust in Him. Their book, Jesus' Voice for Today, explores Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Through their writings, Aman invites readers to deepen their faith. They stress the importance of repentance and relying on Jesus as Lord and Savior. Aman believes repentance means turning away from sin. It's not about being perfect but about rejecting sin and accepting Jesus' kingship. They see believing in Jesus as relying on His sinless life, death, and resurrection. These events secure salvation and victory over sin and death. For those without God's gift of salvation, [Your Name] invites you to repent and believe. Through their writing, they guide and support believers on their spiritual journey. They offer hope and encouragement with Jesus' voice for today.

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